2020广东中考高分突破英语--第三节代 词

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1、第一部分 语法精讲精练,第三节 代词,01,02,03,目录导航,2.人称代词有主格和宾格之分。通常主格作主语,宾格作宾语。动词前面用主格,动词或介词之后用宾格。如: I like table tennis.( 作主语 )我喜欢打乒乓球。 Do you know him? ( 作宾语 )你认识他吗? 3.人称代词还可作表语,作表语时用宾格。如: Who is knocking at the door? 谁在敲门? Its me.是我。 4.一般情况下,多个人称代词同时出现的顺序是:单数是you, he and I, 复数是we, you and they。,( )( 2010广东 )My fa

2、ther is ill in bed.I have to look after at home. A.heB.hisC.himD.himself,C,2.形容词性物主代词的作用相当于形容词,可在句中作定语。一般情况下形容词性物主代词后面接名词。如: Our teacher is coming to see us.我们的老师要来看我们了。 3.名词性物主代词的作用相当于名词,在句中可用作主语、宾语和表语。一般情况下名词性物主代词后面不可接名词。如: Our school is here and theirs is there.( 作主语 )我们的学校在这里,他们的在那里。,( )1.( 2018

3、广东 )Boxing Day, the 26th of December, got name from a time when many rich families gave boxes of gifts to poor people who had to work at Christmas. A.itsB.itsC.onesD.one ( )2.( 2017广东 )Jessica used to be a manager in a company,but she gave up job when she became a mother. A.sheB.hersC.herD.herself,B

4、,C,( )3.( 2011广东 )Oh! I came in a hurry and forgot to bring food. It doesnt matter.You can have . A.weB.usC.ourD.ours,D,反身代词(),英语中用来表示“我自己”,“你自己”,“他自己”, “我们自己”,“你们自己”,“他们自己”等意义的代词称为反身代词,也有人称之为自身代名词,其形式如下表所示:,1.反身代词可以在句中作宾语、表语和同位语。(2013年考) (1)作宾语,表示动作的承受者就是动作的发出者,主语和宾语指同一个人或一些人。如: He called himself a

5、 writer.他称自己为作家。 (2)作表语。如:The girl in the story is actually herself.故事里的那个女孩其实就是她自己。 (3)作主语或宾语的同位语,表示亲自或本人。如: You should ask the teacher himself.(作宾语同位语)你应该问老师他自己。,2.反身代词必须要与被指代人在人称和数上保持一致,意为“某人自己”。(2019年考)如: You can do all the homework by yourself.你可以自己做所有的家庭作业。 3.反身代词在实际运用中,可构成很多固定词组。如: teach ones

6、elf=learn by oneself自学 enjoy oneself玩得高兴help oneself to随便吃 come to oneself苏醒过来 lose oneself迷路 dress oneself自己穿衣服,巧学妙记 反身代词莫乱用,能作句中宾(宾语)、表(表语)、同(同位语),主语、定语不能用,固定搭配要记清。,( )1.(2019广东)Nobody taught the old lady how to use WeChat.She learned it all by . A.she B.her C.herselfD.hers ( )2.(2015广东)Look at th

7、is model ship.I made it all by last week. Wow, you are so smart! A.meB.myC.mineD.myself,C,D,( )3.(2013广东)Boys,dont lose in playing Angry Birds.It is bad for your eyes to play computer games for a long time. A.himself B.yourself C.themselvesD.yourselves,D,( 2 )有时that和those指前面讲到过的事物,this和these则是指下面将要讲

8、到的事物。如: I had a cold.Thats why I didnt come.我感冒了,这就是我没有来的原因。 What I want to say is this: pronunciation is very important in learning English. 我想说的是:学英语时发音非常重要。,( 3 )有时为了避免重复提到的名词,常可用that或those代替。如: TV sets made in Beijing are just as good as those made in Shanghai. 在北京生产的电视机和那些在上海生产的一样好。,( 4 )this在电

9、话用语中代表自己,that则代表对方。如: Hello! This is Mary.Is that Jack speaking? 你好!我是玛丽,你是杰克吗?,2.it, one, that作代词的区别( 2016年考 ) ( 1 )it指上文提到过的事物。如: The book is mine.It is very interesting. 这本书是我的。它非常有趣。 ( 2 )one泛指上下文提及的同类事物中的一个。如: Your bike is very beautiful.I also want to buy one.你的自行车很漂亮。我也想买一辆。,( 3 )that常用于比较结构中

10、,代替前面提到的不可数名词或可数名词单数,如指代可数名词复数要用those,为了避免重复。如: The weather in Beijing is much colder than that in Zhanjiang.北京的天气比湛江冷多了。 The flowers on the left are more beautiful than those on the right.左边的花比右侧的更美丽。,( )1.( 2016广东 )Im a little hungry, Daddy. See the cupcakes on the plate, but you can only take .Di

11、nner is ready soon. A.itB.oneC.thisD.that ( )2.( 2014广东 )Hello, Linda speaking.Whos ? Hello, this is Martin. A.heB.oneC.thatD.this,B,C,3.易混不定代词辨析。 ( 1 )some, any some, any都意为“一些”,既可以修饰或代替可数名词复数,也可以修饰或代替不可数名词。some常用在肯定句中;any多用于否定句、疑问句及条件句中。 练习:I have tea here. I cant see tea.,some,any,( 2 )many, much

12、 many, much都表示“许多”的意思,主要用于否定句和疑问句中,在肯定句中多用a lot of, lots of等。many修饰或代替可数名词的复数,其反义词是few;而much修饰或代替不可数名词,其反义词是little。 练习:I didnt know English people who could speak Chinese. Is there water in the bottle?,many,much,( 3 )few, a few,little, a little few, a few用来修饰或代替复数可数名词;little, a little用来修饰或代替不可数名词;fe

13、w, little表示否定,意为“很少、几乎没有”;a few, a little表示肯定,意为“一些、少许”。 练习:He is now out of work and can earn money. Im from England, but I can speak French. students in this school can speak Japanese.They speak Korean. There are still students in the classroom.,little,a little,Few,a few,( 4 )another, other, other

14、s, the other, the others another泛指三者或三者以上中的任何一个,表示“又一( 个 ),又一些;另外的( 人、物 ),别的( 人、物 )”,既可用作形容词又可用作代词。 other表示“另外的”,常与复数名词或不可数名词连用;前面有the, this, that, some, any, each, every, no, one, my, your, his等,则可与单数名词连用。 others泛指别的人或物( 但不是全部 ),是other的复数形式,不能作定语, someothers表示“一些另一些”。,the other表示“两者中的另一个”, onethe o

15、ther意为“( 两者中的 )一个另一个”。the other修饰单数名词时意为“( 两者中 )另一个”, 修饰复数名词时意为“( 两部分中 )剩下的,其余的”。 the others=the other+名词复数,指“剩下的人( 或物 ),其余的人( 或物 )”。,练习:We need four people. people may think like that. Some of the questions are hard; are easy. He has two sons.One is thin and is fat. There are 50 students in my clas

16、s.30 are boys, and are girls.,another,Other,others,the other,the others,( 5 )none, no one( 2012年考 ) none表示三者或三者以上全部否定,意为“全都不”。none既可指人又可指物,通常后接of短语。none用作主语时,谓语动词用单复数均可。none常用来回答how many/much的提问。 no one表示三者或三者以上全部否定,与nobody同义,只用来指人,其后一般不跟of短语。no one常用来回答who的提问。 练习: of us want( s ) to go, but we have to. Everyone is here; is away.,None,no one,( 6 )every, each every用来指三者或三者以上,侧重整体而不指个别,它不能单独作主语或宾语,只有与名词连用或构成复合词时,才能作主语和宾语。every常可用于某些固定搭配中。 each则用来指两者或两者以上,侧重于个别情况,可作主语、宾语、定语或同位语。作


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