(江苏专用)2021高考英语二轮复习 专题限时检测(四)情景交际

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《(江苏专用)2021高考英语二轮复习 专题限时检测(四)情景交际》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(江苏专用)2021高考英语二轮复习 专题限时检测(四)情景交际(10页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 整理于网络 可修改专题限时检测(四)情景交际(共3组,限时20分钟)1(2020-2021南京、盐城一模)Ive heard a lot about you.You got promoted, right? _.Many thanks.AGood for youBYou asked for itCThere you are DYouve gone too far解析:选A句意:“我听说过很多关于你的事,你升职了,对吗?真为你高兴。”“非常感谢!”Good for you“真为你高兴,祝贺你”;You asked for it“你自找的”;There you are“给你,就是这样”;Youv

2、e gone too far “你太过分了”。根据句意,选A。2(2020-2021扬州一模)Are you going to Toms birthday party?_ Ive got a present for him.AIt depends. BDont bother!CAre you kidding? DDefinitely!解析:选D句意:“你会去Tom的生日宴?”“当然了,我已经给他买了礼物。”Definitely!“肯定地!”,符合语境。It depends.“视情况而定。”;Dont bother!“不必了!”;Are you kidding?“是你在开玩笑嘛?”。3(2020

3、-2021镇江一模)Excuse me, but why am I not allowed to use the gym?_, but your room price doesnt cover it.ANo hurry BNo wonderCNo offence DNo problem解析:选C句意:“为什么不能用健身房?”“不是有意冒犯你,但是你的房价不包含这个。”No offence“没有冒犯”,符合语境。No hurry“不急”;No wonder“难怪”;No problem“没问题”。4(2020-2021苏州一模)The steak sounds good, but its har

4、d to resist the fried chicken._.Ill have the sea food.ACant agree more BEasy does itCYou dont say DSuit yourself解析:选D句意:“牛排听起来不错,但很难抵挡炸鸡。”“随你便!我吃海鲜。”Suit yourself“随便你”,符合语境。Cant agree more“非常赞同”; Easy does it“小心行事;慢慢来”;You dont say“别说(废话)”。5(2020-2021无锡一模)Im going to Syria.Would you please tell me y

5、our experiences there?_.Lets discuss it over dinner.ANever mind BGo aheadCBy all means DIt just depends解析:选C句意:“我要去叙利亚。你能告诉我你在那里的经历吗?”“当然,我们吃饭的时候探讨这件事。”By all means“当然可以”。6(2020-2021徐州、淮安、连云港一模)Hi, Bob! Thanks a lot for lending me the money!_! Oh, by the way the interest rate is 10%.AWith regards BW

6、ith pleasureCNo sweat DNo way解析:选C句意:“谢谢你借我钱!”“没关系,顺便提醒一下利率是10%。”No sweat “别担心,没关系”,符合语境。7(2020-2021南京、盐城二模)There are probably aliens living here on earth._! I cant believe you said that.ACome on BForget itCGo ahead DAllow me解析:选A句意:“可能有外星人生活在地球上。”“得了吧!我根本不相信你说的话!”Come on“得了吧,加油”。8(2020-2021南京、盐城一模)

7、I was telling a joke and Sam just interrupted me to tell a different one.He always _!Abites his tongue Bsaves his skinCsteals my thunder Dpulls my leg解析:选C句意:我正在讲一个笑话,山姆却打断了我,他自己讲了另一个。他总是抢走我的风头!bite ones tongue“强忍着不说出自己的想法或感觉”;save ones skin“免受伤害、损失、惩罚等”;steal ones thunder “抢在某人之前或贬低某人的言行使之不受他人注意”;p

8、ull ones leg“开某人玩笑”。根据句意,选C。 9(2020-2021苏州一模)I was _ when I got what I badly wanted for my birthday.Atickled pink Bgreen with envy Ccaught redhanded Dwhiter than white解析:选A句意:当我拿到梦寐以求的生日礼物时,我超级开心。 tickled pink “超级开心”,符合语境。green with envy“心中充满妒忌”;caught redhanded“被当场抓获” ;whiter than white“清白的”。10(202

9、0-2021常州一模)If the boss is angry when he comes in, dont tell him about the customers complaints.Youll just be _.Akilling the fatted calfBseeing the handwriting on the wall Chitting your own feet of clayDadding fuel to the fire解析:选D句意:如果老板进来很生气就不要跟他讲顾客的抱怨。你这是火上浇油。add fuel to the fire“火上浇油”,符合语境。kill t

10、he fatted calf“宰杀宴请”;see the handwriting on the wall“预示不好的事”;hit your own feet of clay“脚踏实地”。11(2020-2021徐州、淮安、连云港一模)Wow! You look funny in that sweater.My grandmother gave it to me for Christmas.You know,_.Aeach bird loves to hear himself singBbeauty is in the eye of the beholderCit is the thought

11、that countsDthe outsider sees the most of the game解析:选C句意:“哇哦,你穿那件毛衣看起来很滑稽。”“我奶奶给的圣诞礼物。你知道的,最重要的是心意。”it is the thought that counts“更重要的是心意”,符合语境。A项“孤芳自赏”;B项“情人眼里出西施”;D项“旁观者清”。12(2020-2021泰州一模)Kelly, what do you think of the guy who has a sweet voice?To be frank, he is_.Anot the salt of the earthBnot

12、 my cup of teaCa person of interestDa man in the street解析:选B句意:“凯莉,你觉得那个声音甜美的人怎么样?”“坦率地说,他不是我的菜。”not my cup of tea符合语境。the salt of the earth“诚实的人”;a person of interest“相关人员,有嫌疑的人”;a man in the street“普通人”。13(2020-2021扬州一模)Raising a child can be _, but it is well worth it.Aover the moon Ba piece of c

13、akeCon its last legs Da Herculean task解析:选D句意:抚养一个孩子可能是一项艰巨的任务,但很值得。a Herculean task“艰难的任务”,符合语境。over the moon“超开心”;a piece of cake“小菜一碟”;on its last legs“奄奄一息”。14(2020-2021南通一模)What a mess! Youre always throwing things about.Dont be _, Mum.I will tidy it up now.Ahot under the collarBon cloud nineCo

14、ff the top of your headDdown in the dumps解析:选A句意:“真乱啊!你总是乱扔东西。”“不要太生气。妈妈。我现在就把它整理一下。”hot under the collar“怒气冲天”,符合语境。on cloud nine“非常高兴”;off the top of your head“脱口而出,不假思索”;down in the dumps“垂头丧气,情绪低落”。15(2020-2021镇江一模)Who do you think is able to finish the job in two days?Its hard to say.This would

15、 appear to be _ for the relatively efficient.Aa sacred cow Ba Herculean taskCa Pandoras box Da childs play解析:选B句意:“你觉得谁可以在两天内完成这项工作?”“难说,这似乎是个相对高效能的艰巨的任务。”a Herculean task“艰巨的任务”,符合句意。a sacred cow“圣牛,神圣之物”;a Pandoras box“潘多拉魔盒(未知的)”;a childs play“儿戏”。1(2020-2021苏、锡、常、镇三模)I wonder what chance there is of me passing by the old pla


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