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1、Monash University Sichuan University 2009-10 Strategic Funding Initiative for Joint Research and Education Programs - Guidelines蒙纳士大学-四川大学科研与教育合作战略启动基金 2009-2010 年申请细节 1.Objectives目标Under the Co-operative Understanding on Research, Education and Administration between Monash and Sichuan University,

2、the Monash-Sichuan Strategic Funding Initiative (MSSFI) was established to support the development of joint research and educational collaboration between the two universities. The initiative is intended to support activities that lead to mutually beneficial growth in research and education excellen

3、ce of both institutions. 在蒙纳士大学与四川大学签署的“科研、教育和行政全方位合作谅解备忘录”的框架下, 两所大学共同建立了蒙纳士大学四川大学科研与教育合作战略启动基金(以下简称“基金”), 旨在支持两校科研与教学合作的发展。2.Overview of the program 基金概要The MSSFI funding is provided to support the development of joint programs in research and education. Activities proposed must have clear objecti

4、ves that could potentially, in the future, lead to external funding support, increase in higher degree research students under joint supervision, joint education initiatives, acceleration of research via access to special equipment or expertise, professional development of researchers and/or the est

5、ablishment of cross-institutional research teams. 基金意在为双方联合科研及教育发展活动提供支持。预申请的项目需有清晰的目标,如能在未来具有申请到外部资金的支持,增加高学历研究人员的联合培养,联合教学,通过特殊仪器或专业技能加速研究,研究人员的专业拓展,和建设跨学院研究团队的潜能等等。In the 2009-10 round, a maximum of AUD200,000 will be available in total under the MSSFI program with each university contributing AU

6、D100,000. The funds will be allocated through a competitive application and selection process. Funding will normally be available to approved activity occurred within the program year only. It is intended to cover reasonable direct expenses of the activity proposed and a budget that details these ex

7、penses is required with the application. Applicants who have successfully obtained funding from the 2008-09 program will not be excluded from the new funding round. However, their applications need to explain how the new applications differ from the previous applications (i.e. new projects, new area

8、s of focus etc) and outline outcomes from the previous rounds funding support. 2009-10 年度,基金总额为澳币20万元,由两所大学各提供澳币10万元。基金将通过申请和筛选的方式分配,支持在一年之中批准的活动。此基金对其支持的项目中合理的花费提供赞助,但申请人须在申请时提供具体的支出预算细节。2008-09年度的已获得基金的两校人员仍可申请,但要提供新申请与上年度的不同之处(如新项目,新领域和研究方向等),并总结上年度的成果。3.Program components 基金组成部分The grant is inte

9、nded to help Monash-SCU researchers and academics to establish joint research and education programs, specifically, through: exploring or identifying areas of multi-disciplinary and/or complementary activities that could form the basis for joint projects; and facilitating the coordination and develo

10、pment of joint research and education projects identified by both institutions. 此基金旨在协助蒙纳士大学和四川大学的科研及学术人员建立联合科研和教学项目,具体通过: 探讨或确定跨学科及能够互补的联合项目的建立;和 促进双方确定的联合科研或教学项目的协调与发展。The grant is primarily intended as contributions to travel, living and hosting expenses associated with participants attending pla

11、nning meetings/workshops and some limited follow-up activities. It may be provided in the following forms, unless separately specified: 启动基金主要用于支持研讨会的主办费用和项目成员出席策划会议或研讨会的差旅费及有限的跟进活动。除另行说明,具体细节如下:(i) For early stage collaborations, travel and hosting costs to support a planning meeting (generally cov

12、ering activities for up to five days). This meeting must produce a collaboration plan that addresses the focus and mode of intended collaboration, and a plan for gaining external funding to support this. The actual grant funding level for this purpose will depend on the duration of stay, number of p

13、articipants and the proposed activities. The maximum grant for a single visit application will be AUD6,000 for up to two approved persons or AUD3,000 per approved person. 合作关系的初步阶段: 旅行和组织策划会的费用(一般1-5天)。策划会须确定并会后提交双方合作的重点和模式及获取外部基金支持的计划。 基金的实际发放金额将根据停留时间,参与人数和所提议的活动决定。用于单次旅行的申请最多可获澳币6000元用于2人旅行, 或澳币3

14、000元用于1人旅行。 (ii) For collaborations at a more advanced stage, funding may be provided to support a workshop participated by multiple, complementary and/or multi-disciplinary groups or individuals (*participation by industry partners is encouraged), aimed at advancing discussions, producing a joint p

15、ublication, a joint grant application or another specific deliverables. Workshops should typically involve investigators from each university (along with other academic and industry participants) and have a structured agenda for presentation and discussions in the chosen thematic area. Funding alloc

16、ated for this purpose will be judged on a case-by-case basis but capped at AUD20,000 for each application. 合作关系有了一定基础之后,基金可用于召开有多家,有互补性或跨学科的团体或相关人员参加的研讨会(*鼓励工商界的合作伙伴参与),以达到推进讨论,合作发表,联合申请其它基金或达到其他特定成果的目的。研讨会应由两所大学的研究员(和其他相关的学术与工商界人士)参与,并有具体的讨论课题与会议日程。此项津费将个案个批, 但最高限额为澳币2万元。In addition to (i) or (ii) described above: 此外:(iii) Funding may



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