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1、肺炎与医生英语作文3篇 肺炎与医生英语作文3篇 引导语:在学习、工作、生活中,大家都写过吧,作文可分为小学作文、中学作文、大学作文(论文)。相信写作文是一个让许多人都头痛的问题,以下是精心的肺炎与医生英语作文,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。 亲爱的医生叔叔阿姨们: Dear doctors, uncles and aunts 首先祝你们新年好!身体健康,全家幸福快乐! First of all, I wish you a happy New Year! Good health, happy family! 我是一名普通的三年级小学生,虽然你们也许看不到我的这封信,但是我还是想谢谢你们!谢谢你们在

2、这寒冬腊月带给我们浓浓的幸福感。 I am an ordinary third grade primary school student, although you may not see my letter, but I still want to thank you! Thank you for bringing us a strong sense of happiness in this cold winter. 今年春节大家都知道发生了一件大事,虽然我对“死亡”这个词还一知半解,但是从爸爸妈妈凝重的神情上我好像有点明白这个事情的严重性了,也知道了它是一种由新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎,因为这

3、个病毒传染的方式主要是通过我们人与人之间的飞沫传播的,所以我们家连过年都不串门了,每天宅在家里,保护好自己不给你们添麻烦。幸福就是众志成城,每个人都要担起属于自己的社会责任。 Novel coronavirus is a little bit unknown to me. Although I know little about the word death, I seem to have a little understanding of the seriousness of this matter from the look of father and mother. I also kno

4、w that it is a pneumonia caused by a new coronavirus, because the way of virus infection is mainly through the droplets between people. So our family doesnt even visit during the Spring Festival. We stay at home every day to protect ourselves from causing you trouble. Happiness is the unity of one m

5、ind. Everyone has to bear their own social responsibility. 而这个危难时刻,谢谢你们为了守护我们的健康、平安,第一个奔向“战场”,在病毒肆虐最厉害的地方,发挥着你们的超级医术,面对着我们普通人逃都来不及的病毒,和死神抢夺着病人的生命。希望你们像奥特曼打败小怪兽、葫芦娃消灭蝎子蛇精、黑猫警长抓住“一只耳”一样,早日消灭病毒大部队。谢谢你们为了我们的身体健康,夜以继日地研制新型冠状病毒的疫苗,和时间赛跑,可以让我们尽快恢复以前的生活。幸福就是你们的“逆行”和坚强守护。 At this critical moment, thank you f

6、or running to the battlefield first in order to protect our health and safety, playing your super medical skills in the place where the virus is most rampant, facing the virus that ordinary people cant escape, and the God of death snatching the life of patients. I hope you can eliminate the virus fo

7、rce as soon as possible, just as Altman defeats the little monster, huluwa destroys the scorpion and snake spirit, and police chief black cat catches one ear. Novel coronavirus vaine, which is running round the clock, is a great help for our health. It will help us recover our life as soon as possib

8、le. Happiness is your retrograde and strong guard. 你们在前方为我们的生命健康攻克病毒堡垒,保障我们安然度过春节;我们在你们身后谨遵医嘱过新年,配合你们早日打赢这场没有硝烟的战争。幸福就是全国人民上下一心,众志成城,共抗病毒。 You have conquered the virus fortress for our life and health in front of us to ensure that we can spend the Spring Festival safely; we have followed the doctors

9、 advice to celebrate the new year behind you and cooperate with you to win the war without smoke of gunpowder as soon as possible. Happiness is that all the people of the country are united in their hearts and minds and work together to fight against the virus. 在幸福的.道路上,有你们这样不畏牺牲的勇士,有我们普通老百姓的支持,更有我们

10、祖国妈妈的坚强后盾。面对疫情这场战役,面对未来的一切挑战,我相信只要我们众志成城,就一定能跨过这道阻拦我们幸福生活的大坎,共筑幸福。 On the road of happiness, there are brave warriors like you, the support of our ordinary people, and the strong support of our mother country. In the face of the epidemic campaign and all the challenges in the future, I believe that

11、as long as we are united, we will surely be able to cross the barrier that blocks our happy life and build happiness together. 最后希望亲爱的医生叔叔阿姨,你们在治疗病人和研究病毒的时候,一定要做好防护,注意休息,一日三餐要按时吃,像我一样多喝牛奶,多吃水果,让自己的身体也要一直健康的才好!此致 Finally, I hope my dear doctors, uncles and aunts, when you treat patients and study vir

12、uses, you must do a good job of protection, pay attention to rest, eat three meals a day on time, drink more milk and fruit like me, and keep your body healthy! This brings 敬礼! Salute! 你们FANS You FANS 2020年1月29日 January 29, 2020 Dear angel in white: How do you do! I am a primary school student in Zh

13、engzhou City, Henan Province. First of all, in the name of young pioneers, let me pay you the highest tribute! Youve been working hard! The Spring Festival in 2020 is a memorable one. Novel coronavirus emerged during the Spring Festival. We stopped our friends and relatives, keep close at home and w

14、ait for the victory of the epidemic prevention war. And you, respectable and lovely angels in white, in this battle full of crisis, charge in front and never look back! Your figure is so beautiful! This epidemic prevention station affects the hearts of millions of people. Mom shows me videos every d

15、ay. The female angel in the most impressive video, when she took off the mask, I saw a face that made people feel hurt. Her cheeks were greatly blistered by the mask, the skin was dry, and there were deep and shallow marks on the bridge of nose. My heart couldnt be calm for a long time. See the vide

16、o of the angel wearing thick protective clothing, white hat said I have something to look for. At the back of the protective clothing, it says e on! I knew that this is a love, this is a responsibility! At this time, I dont know what words can express my gratitude to you. I will pray for you in Zhengzhou, cheer for you, defeat the virus as soon as possible, and go home safely



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