汉 译 英 句、段落翻译基本策略

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1、.,汉 译 英 句、段落翻译基 本策略,.,句的翻译,1. 确定主干 2. 语序调整 3. 正反转换 4. 语态对译 5. 长句翻译 6. 无主句,.,1.确定主干,汉译英时,不管句子多么复杂,首先要考虑英语的基本框架。组织句子时,始终不脱离“主-谓”主干这一总的框架,然后再进行相应的时态变化、语态变化、句式转换(肯定式、否定式、疑问式、强调句式及倒装句式等),增加定语、状语修饰成分、插入语等。 (1)确定主语 原文:这个地区雨水较多。 译文1:It rains a lot in this area. 译文2:This area sees much rain. 译文3:There is muc

2、h rain in this area. 分析:汉语主语的角度变化很少,而英语则变化较多。例题原文的主语只能由“这个地区”担当,但在译成英语时就有了多种选择。同时还可以使用There be 结构和It 作主语。,.,(2)确定谓语 原文:在人际关系上我们不要太浪漫主义。 译文: We shouldnt be too romantic about human relationships. 分析:汉语中名词可充当谓语,英译文中转为系表结构。 原文:当他活着一天,总要尽量多工作、多学习,不肯虚度年华,不让时间白白地浪费掉。 译文:As long as they are alive, they alw

3、ays work and study as hard as possible, unwilling to dream their life away, let alone waste even a single moment of their lives. 分析:汉语谓语动词时态、情态及语态是隐性的,英译文中应变为显形,译文补充出汉语中隐藏的时态。,.,(1)定语的位置 汉语的定语通常在修饰词之前;英语的定语位置分两种:前置和后置。单词 充当定语通常放在被修饰的中心词前;而短语和从句作定语则多置于所修饰的中心语之后。 原文:它所展示的是工业文明带来的各种阶段性结果。 译文:which pres

4、ent the fruits achieved by industrial civilization at various stages. 原文:钓鱼是一项能够陶冶性情的运动,有益于身心健康。 译文:Fishing is an outdoor sport that can help cultivate your mind and it is good for our mental and physical health.,2. 语序调整,.,(2)状语的位置 原文:我在山坡的小屋里,悄悄掀起窗帘,窥见园中大千世 界,一片喧闹。 译文:Without being noticed, I lifte

5、d the curtain in my small room, only to spy the bustle of a kaleidoscopic world down in the garden. (状语前置) 原文:中华民族自古以来从不把人看作高于一切。 译文:Chinese people has never regarded human being as the highest creature among everything else since ancient times. (状语后置) 原文:我吃了晚饭后出去散步。 译文:I went out for a walk after I

6、 had my dinner. / After I had my dinner, I went out for a walk. 分析: 汉语按事情发生先后叙述,而英语中时间状语从句可 在主句前,也可在主句后。,.,原文:他本来在天津开会,会议一结束,他就上北京去度假了,昨天才坐飞机回来。 译文:He had flown yesterday from Beijing where he spent his vacation after finishing the meeting he had taken part in Tianjin. 分析:多个时间状语出现时,汉语按时间先后顺序排列,而英语中状

7、语的顺 序则比较灵活。 原文:他是1970 年5 月20 日在北京朝阳区出生的。 译文:He was born in Chaoyang District of Beijing on May 20, 1970. 分析:汉语中时间状语在地点状语之前,时间状语与地点状语按从大到小的 顺序排列,而英语中地点状语在时间状语之前,时间状语与地点状语按从小到大的顺序排列。,.,(3)汉英语言叙事重心不同 汉语先叙事,而后表态或评论,以突出话题,这种句子被称为主题句。汉译 英时有时会译为掉尾句,即先表态或进行评论,后叙事,以突出主句。 原文:下次会议要讨论什么,你给我们透透风吧。 译文:Will you gi

8、ve us some idea of what will be taken up at the next meeting? 原文:万一有什么困难,请给我们一个信。 译文:Send us a message in case you have any difficulty.,.,(4)强弱词语的顺序不同 表示感情色彩的轻重、强弱时,汉语将重的内容、强的词语放在前面;英语将语义轻的内容、弱的词语放在前面,基本原则是前轻后重,前简后繁。 原文:一霎时,一阵被人摒弃,为世所遗忘的悲愤兜上心头,禁不住痛哭起 来。 译文:In no time, I was thrown into a feeling of

9、sorrowful anger at being forgotten and abandoned by the rest of the world and could not help crying my heart out. 分析:原文中,感情色彩较重的词“摒弃”在前,相对较弱的词“遗忘”在后,但在英译文中却应调整。,.,(5)否定的转移 原文:他要等你答应帮助他后才肯走。 译文:He wont go away until you promise to help her. (6)习惯用法 原文:衣食住行是老百姓关心的大问题。 译文:Food, clothing, shelter and tr

10、ansportation are the biggest concern of the common people. 原文:他饥寒交迫,吃了不少苦。 译文:He suffered a great deal from cold and hunger.,.,3. 正反转换,人们在叙述同一事物或表达同一思想时,可以正说,也可以反说,汉语如此,英语也如此。例如:他是外乡人。他不是本地人。通常情况下,汉译英采用对应译法,即正说正译,反说反译。 原文:花在许多人家里开放着。 译文:In many little gardens flowers were in bloom。 原文:黄鼠狼给鸡拜年,不怀好心。

11、译文:The weasel goes to pay respects to the hen without the best of intentions. The weasel pays a courtesy visit to the hen with evil intent.,.,但是由于汉英两种语言表达习惯不同,在很多情 况下会出现正说反译,反说正译的情况。 (1)正说反译 原文:我完全同意。 译文:I cant agree with you more. 原文:你们大错特错了。 译文:You couldnt be more mistaken. 原文:他为这件事竭尽全力。 译文: He sp

12、ared no pains/efforts in doing this.,.,(2)反说正译 在汉译英中,反说正译的情况非常普遍,这是由于英语中有大量表达否定意义的词汇可以替代汉语的否定表达。 名词: absence, failure, refusal, ignorance, neglect, exclusion 等等。 他开车时心不在焉,几乎闯祸。 His absence of mind during the driving nearly caused an accident. 我们完全不知道他的计划。 We are in complete ignorance of his plan. 他未

13、能履行诺言,我们大家都很失望。 His failure to carry out his promise has disappointed everyone of us.,.,动词:fail, miss, lack, ignore, refuse, neglect, deny, overlook, exclude等等。 使我们失望的是他不顾大局。 To our disappointment, he failed to take the overall situation into account. 他上火车站去接他的朋友,可是未能在人群中见到他。 He went to the station

14、to meet his friend, but he missed him in the crowd.,.,形容词和形容词短语:free from, far from, safe from, few, little, short 这次演出根本没有失败,而是十分成功。 The show was far from being a failure; it was a great success. 他的作文几乎没有语法错误。 There are few grammatical mistakes in his composition. 据悉敌军给养不足。 It is reported that the

15、enemy troops are short of supplies.144015293,.,副词和副词短语:otherwise, little, tooto等等。 他显然有不同的想法。 He evidently thinks otherwise. 我根本不知道他会遇到什么麻烦。 I little knew what trouble he was going to have. 他兴奋得说不出话来了。 He was too excited to speak.,.,连词:unless, before, until, rather than, or 等等。 不了解这一点,就不能得到起码的知识。 Un

16、less we grasp this point we shall never be able to acquire even elementary knowledge. 部队宁可绕道走,也不踩庄稼。 The troops would rather take a roundabout way than tread on the crops. 他宁愿饿死,不愿行窃。 He will die of hunger before he steals.,.,介词和介词短语: above, except, beyond, instead of, in place of, out of等等。 我要铅笔,不要钢笔。 I want a pencil instead of a pen. 你早晨来看我的时候,我还没有起床。 When you called on me this morning, I was still in bed. 他只顾自己,不顾别人,使得大家都很生气。 His lack of consideration for the feelings o



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