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1、4012009M1 vJOURNAL OF TAIYUAN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Vol.40 No.1Jan.2009cI|:1007-9432(2009)01-0063-04山西铝厂赤泥性质的研究于永波,王克勤,王皓,陈津(vS,030024)K1:为解决赤泥对环境污染及其综合利用等问题,利用ICP-MS,XRD,激光粒度分析和差热分析方法,对山西铝厂赤泥进行了检测,结果表明:有价金属在赤泥中有明显富集,是提取钛、钪、铌的良好原料;拜耳法赤泥中含有大量的含水化合物,可作为吸附剂用于环境污染治理;而烧结法赤泥的主要矿物是碳酸钙和硅酸二钙,作为道路基层材料的前景很好

2、;同时由于其特有的化学组成,用于PVC填料,能使其具有良好的抗老化性能及热稳定性能。1oM:赤泥;物相;X-射线衍射;综合利用ms|:TG146.21DSM:AC(Red mud)h810mF,s52%P。M1,Rvls(。E:d10mF,s62%P。sov。64v40V2BT-9300HsNkCTZE/m8(/m(D/m;q1V/(m2 kg-1)|q(L)9E10.09 8.51 1.75 19.83 1317.23 1.58E7.77 10.66 3.32 36.5 761.83 1.58VV2?C,9EC1V+F,C0?rV,VAUv:N、s0#_oT,y7VInT4P。1.4s|Cs

3、Yh,FhS1。Z?NCRY-1sN,!T:KF1000,F20/min。m59E(a)E(b)Csmm5-a9ECsm,Vvs:BVi200 ,6V;200 550 ,c;620 800 ,ZF?3s。CZF1M,1%,HW(VT,600 HV7Ss。m3-bECsm,9:i150,150500,600 850。VWQ,9ECc1ECc;7ECcvZF,600850 sV1vwLr,CXRDMsTM。21)hCcN,VInT4|、。Nb2O5Sc2O3Csv0.02%。T21W,y57,NL,9sK。hCc1T(0.0005% 0.000 6%)2),vlN;S,54D,XNb2O59V0.

4、008 3%0.043 7%3 。TiO2Cs(r7%P,Bc,l9j。2)9ECMcvc,#MFeO(OH)、MFe2O3 、BhFAl2O3 H2OZFCaCO3 ,B),dvV,VT4。3)EC1A=,AC3,y7VaFF、!C3;CaCO3+%,VV3T,iOBCa2(SiO4)bHWiVMC-S-H,|L,2004,40(1):28.4 W,C.ThCMs J .2v,1996,27(5):569-572.5 6.EC+y% J .,2005,57(3):115-119.6 f+,./C+s J .62v,2005,19(4):293-297.651o:hCStudyonProper

5、tiesof RedMud ofShanxiAluminiumPlantYUYong-bo,WANGKe-qin, WANGHao,CHENJin(Collegeof Materials Science and Engineering of TUT, Taiyuan030024, China)Abstract:In order to solvetheproblemofenvironmentalpollution and comprehensivewtiliza-tion of redmud, we carried out research on the red mud of ShanxiAlu

6、minum Plant by ICP-MS,XRD, laser granularity analysis and DTA method.The results show that noble metals are obvi-ouslyenrichedin the red mud,which ensures the use of the red mudas good raw materials toex-tract Ti, Sc,and Ni.The Bayer red mud contains alarge number of hydrated chemical composi-tions,

7、 which couldbeusedinenvironmentalprotection asadsorbent.Andthemainmineralof redmud from sintering process are CaCO3 and Ca2SiO4 , potentially applicable for roadbed material.Thespecialchemicalcomposition of red mud makesit agood PVC filler toobtain good perform-anceof again resistanceand thermal sta

8、bility .Keywords:red mud;phase;X-ray diffraction(I :V)(62:)MeshGeneration forNumericalSimulationofCastingonReverseThinkingYANGPing1 , ZHANGJin-shan1 , YANJie1 ,SHANGWei1 , LIZhi-qiang2(1.Collegeof Materials Science and Engineering , TaiyuanUniversity of Technology , Taiyuan 030024, China;2.Institute

9、of Applied Mechanics and Biomedical Engineering, TUT, Taiyuan030024, China)Abstract:Mesh generation is a very important function in numerical simulation software ofcasting.Traditionalmethod togenerate mesh needs layers of cutting on X , Y , and Z directionsto get mesh nodes finally, therefore,suffer

10、s inefficiency in mesh generation and difficulty in pro-gramming.The paper presents a method of mesh generation on reverse thinking by using OOPthought.Its possible to slice casting for only one timeand finish the generating work by usingthis method, which greatly simplifies themeshgenerationworkandcanbeused topartition com-plex castings.Themethod is not only applicable to casting field but also suitable for other ob-jects.Keywords:casting ;OOP;reverse thinking ;mesh generation(I :V)66



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