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1、1企业概况COMPANY OVERVIEWCreating ValuePursuing Excellence80O!qc3cLL.fvc3M8?pCL28-%LCnccF1 1F5L100031+kB0086-10-59568888V-U0086-10-595688905v SINOCHEM GROUPAdd: 11/F, Central Tower, Chemsunny World Trade Center, 28 Fuxingmennei Street, Beijing, ChinaP.C.: 100031Tel: 0086-10-59568888Fax: 0086-10-59568890

2、Web: Creating ValuePursuing Excellence创造价值 追求卓越企业概况.4COMPANY OVERVIEW业务概览.14BUSINESS OVERVIEW国际化经营.64GLOBALIZED OPERATION企业文化.70CORPORATE CULTURE社会责任.74CORPORATE CITIZENSHIP目录CONTENTS04 05企业概况COMPANY OVERVIEW企业概况COMPANYOVERVIEW中国中化集团公司(简称中化集团,英文简称SINOCHEM GROUP)成立于1950年,前身为中国化工进出口总公司,现为国务院国有资产监督管理委员

3、会监管的国有重要骨干企业,总部设在北京。中化集团主业分布在能源、农业、化工、地产、金融五大领域,是中国四大国家石油公司之一,最大的农业投入品(化肥、种子、农药)一体化经营企业,领先的化工产品综合服务商,并在高端地产酒店和非银行金融领域具有较强的影响力。作为一家立足市场竞争的综合性跨国企业,中化集团提供的优质产品和专业服务广泛应用于社会生产和人们衣食住行的方方面面,“中化”和“SINOCHEM”品牌在国内外享有良好声誉。中化集团现在境内外拥有300多家经营机构,控股“中化国际”(SH, 600500)、“中化化肥”(HK, 00297)、“方兴地产”(HK, 00817)等多家上市公司,是“远东

4、宏信”(HK, 03360)的第一大股东,并于2009年6月整体重组改制设立中国中化股份有限公司。中化集团也是最早入围财富全球500强的中国企业之一,迄今已24 次入围,2014年名列第107位;2013年、2014年连续两年被财富评为“全球最受赞赏公司”,位列贸易行业榜首位。多年来中化集团坚持不懈地推进战略转型和管理变革,实现了企业持续、健康、快速发展。在国务院国资委业绩考核中,中化集团连续十年均被评为A级企业。中化集团的愿景是建设成为一个具有全球地位、受人尊敬的伟大公司。全球近五万名中化员工将继续秉持“创造价值、追求卓越”的核心理念,努力恪守企业公民的社会责任,致力于科学发展、绿色发展、和

5、谐发展,矢志打造长青基业,持续为利益相关方及社会大众创造福祉。Sinochem Group was founded in 1950. Its predecessor was China National Chemicals Import and Export Corporation. Sinochem, headquartered in Beijing, is a key state-owned enterprise under the supervision of State Owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission (SA

6、SAC) under the State Council. Sinochems core businesses span over energy, agriculture, chemicals, real estate and financial service. It is one of Chinas four largest state-owned oil companies, Chinas biggest integrated agricultural input operator (including fertilizer, seeds and agrochemicals), and

7、Chinas leading comprehensive chemical service provider. It also exerts strong influence in real estate and non-banking financial service sectors. As a global conglomerate with market orientation, Sinochems quality product and service are relevant to many aspects of mass economy and peoples daily lif

8、e. Its brand enjoys high recognition around the world. Sinochem currently owns more than 300 subsidiaries inside and outside China. It controls several listed companies including Sinochem International (SH, 600500), Sinofert (HK, 00297) and Franshion Properties (HK, 00817), and is the largest shareh

9、older of Far East Horizon (HK, 03360). In June 2009, Sinochem Group established Sinochem Corporation as the vehicle for potential group IPO. Sinochem is Chinas earliest entrant in Fortune Global 500 and has entered the list for 24 times, ranking 107th in 2014. Sinochem has been listed in “Worlds Mos

10、t Admired Companies” by Fortune for 2 consecutive years, both ranking the first in Trading Industry List. Through years of strategic transformation and management overhaul, Sinochem has maintained a sustainable, healthy and rapid development. It has been rated as “Grade-A Corporate” in SASACs perfor

11、mance assessment for 10 years in a row. Sinochems vision is to become a respectable company with global status. Our 50,000 employees will follow the corporate doctrine of “Creating Value, Pursuing Excellence”, shoulder our social responsibility as corporate citizen, adopt scientific development appr

12、oach to realize sustainable business potency, and bring fortune to all stakeholders and improve the wellbeing of the general public.企业简介ABOUT SINOCHEM2014年财富全球500强107位06 07企业概况COMPANY OVERVIEW65年来,中化集团以为国家和社会创造价值为己任,不懈探索企业发展规律,努力做强、做优、做大,逐步由传统国有外贸企业转型发展为具有较强竞争力和行业影响力的市场化新国企,为国家繁荣富强作出了积极贡献。1950-1997年


14、要影响力的跨国企业集团。几年来,中化集团克服错综复杂的外部经营环境影响,加快战略转型,实现了持续稳健发展,综合实力进一步提升。For the past 65 years, Sinochem has been taking responsibilities to create value for the country as well as the society. It actively explores the rule of corporate development to make itself bigger, better and stronger. Sinochem has tran

15、sformed itself from an old-fashioned state-owned trading company into a brand-new SOE with strong competitive edge and influence in related industries, making contribution to the countrys prosperity. From 1950 to 1997, Sinochem was mainly focused on the trading of commodities including petroleum, fertilizer and chemical products. Sinochem has fully fulfilled the mandate given by the State, supporting Chinas economic construction. After Chinas opening and reform, Sinochem proactively explores its own reform and development route, strength


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