2020最新 有关秦始皇兵马俑的英语演讲稿及翻译

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1、文档来源于网络,请根据需要自行下载有关秦始皇兵马俑的英语演讲稿及翻译Hello,boys and girls,Im honored to give a speach here today.I want to say something about the great statues,The Terracotta Warriors.The Terracotta Warriors(兵马俑)lies in the Mt.Li(骊山,读作mount Li)Xian City,Shannxi(陕西) Province.Its one of the "Seven Great Wonders of

2、 the World".Every year,millions of visitors come to visit it,from China and other contries.Who dig these big holes and who put so many statues into the holes?Let me tell you.The first emporor of China,Zheng Ying(嬴政)want to build a special tomb to show he is the greatest emporor in Chinese histo

3、ry.So he made o dot two million(20万) workers to dig four holes and put many statues of soidiers,horses and war-coaches(战车) into the holes.Then in the middle,they put the corpse of Zheng Ying into the casket.The anciant Chinese people thought the "Army" can protect the Qin emporor.They fill

4、 the holes with worth.At last they build a big tomb like a pyramid over the holes.And this is the tomb of the first Qin emporor(秦始皇陵).In 1974,a farmer found the head of a statue sodier.Then Chinese goverment explored and found the whole tomb.In 1987,The Terracotta Warriors was included to the World

5、Heritage List(世界遗产名录) by UN(联合国) according to level C.Today The Terracotta Warriors is a torist scenery of history.Thats all I want to tell you.Thank you for listening.Good-bye!翻译:同学们好!我很荣幸在这里做演讲,我今天想讲一些关于伟大的雕塑群秦始皇兵马俑的事情。秦始皇陵兵马俑位于陕西省西安市骊山脚下,是世界七大奇迹之一。每年,数百万的游客从世界各国前来参观它。谁挖了这些大坑?又是谁把这么多的雕塑放进坑里?让我来告诉你吧。中国历史上第一个皇帝嬴政想要修建一座陵墓以彰显自己是中国历史上最伟大的君主,于是他命令20万名壮丁挖了4个大坑,放进士兵、战马和战车的陶塑,在这个大工程的中心,他们把秦始皇的一体放进棺材。古代中国人认为这些“军队”可以保护秦始皇。他们用土把坑填实,在坑的上方修建了一座很大的坟,就像一座金字塔。这就是秦始皇陵。1974年,一位农民在地里发现了一个陶俑的头,紧接着,发掘并开发了整个陵墓。1987年,秦始皇陵兵马俑根据世界文化遗产遴选标准C被联合国列入世界遗产名录。今天,秦始皇陵兵马俑是一处历史人文旅游景点。我的演讲完毕。谢谢大家!再见!


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