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1、Welcome,一、根据需要填上适当的词。( a the some) Yesterday I bought _ book. When I open it ,I found out _pages of _ book were missing. I went back and asked for change. _ man was walking towards me._ man smiled and said sorry to me. I was happy. If I want to buy_ book next time I will go to _ Xin Hua bookstore. B

2、ecause of their good service.,Review,a,some,the,A,The,a,/,二、用单词正确形式填空。 1) Are you feeling ? (good)Yes, Im fine now. 2)The experiment was (much)easier than we had expected. 3) The (much)you practice, the (easy)it becomes. 4) The Great Wall of China is one of (great) wonders in the world. 5) Everyone

3、(like) ice-cream.6) As I _ (get) on the bus, I slipped and hurt my foot. 7) While I _ (drive) to work, I saw an accident.,well,much,more,easier,the greatest,likes,was getting,was driving,三、写出下列句子的同义句。 . He gave away all his books. _ . Take off your shoes and put on your slippers. _ . The parcel was

4、valuable.(同义词) It was _ . There isnt any milk in the bottle. _ . There isnt anything in the box. _ . He hasnt any hobbies. _ . He doesnt go anywhere. _ . He is one of my friends. _,He gave all his books away.,Take your shoes off and put your slippers on.,a valuable parcel.,There is no milk in the bo

5、ttle.,There is nothing in the box.,He has no hobbies.,He goes nowhere.,He is a friend of mine.,四、按要求写出下列句子。 1 He bought his son a present.(同义句 ) _2 Her mother made her a dress. (同义句 ) _3 I lent him a storybook. (同义句 ) _ 4 In this way ,we can work easily. (用中文解释画痕线词组) _ 5 This car needs a spare part.

6、(用画线部分组词,3个以上) _,He bought a present for his son.,Her mother made a dress for her.,I lent a storybook to him.,以这种方式,Do you know him?,What does he do?,Hes a beggar.,What is he doing?,He is standing on his head and singing.,Have you ever seen a beggar singing while he is standing on his head?,Lesson 6

7、 Percy Buttons,New words beggar n. knock v. return n. meal n. food n. cheese n. pocket n. neighbour n. call v.,be nk rit:n mi:l fu:d ti:z pkit neib k:l,乞丐;穷人 敲;打 返回;归还 一餐,一顿饭 食物 奶酪;干酪 衣服口袋 邻居 拜访,光顾,beggar 乞丐,ask sb. for sth. 向某人索要某物,Beggars cant be choosers. 饥不择食。 a begging letter 求援信,I beg your par

8、don. 请再说一遍。,knock 敲,knock at /on 敲(门窗),call at=visit 参观,访问,call on=visit 访问 拜访,return 归还,return tickets 往返票,in return for 作为报答,1)u食物,通常为不可数名词 没有食物和水我们活不了。 We cant live without food and water. 2)c 食品 婴儿食品 baby foods 健康食品 health foods,meal一顿饭,food食物,We eat/have a meal at anytime.,pocket口袋,袖珍字典 pocket

9、dictionary 袖珍小刀 pocket-knife 零花钱,一般指 孩子的零花钱 pocket money,A beggar.,He stood on his head and sang songs.,She gave him a meal.,Yes, she has.,Watch a movie and try to answer these questions. 1.Has the writer just moved to Bridge Street? 2.Who knocked at her door yesterday? 3.What did he do for a meal a

10、nd a glass of beer? 4.What did the writer give him?,Read the text loudly and try to decide if these sentences are true or false .读课文,判断正误。 1.The beggar asked the writer for a meal and a glass of beer. ( ) 2.He put a piece of cheese in his bag and went away. ( ) 3.The beggar calls at every house in t

11、he street once a week. ( ) 4.He always asks for a meal and a glass of beer. ( ),I have just moved to a house in Bridge Street. Yesterday a beggar knocked at my door. He asked me for a meal and a glass of beer. In return for this, the beggar stood on his head and sang songs. I gave him a meal. He ate

12、 the food and drank the beer. Then he put a piece of cheese in his pocket and went away. Later a neighbour told me about him. Everybody knows him. His name is Percy Buttons. He calls at every house in the street once a month and always asks for a meal and a glass of beer.,Read the text loudly and tr

13、y to decide if these sentences are true or false .读课文,判断正误。 1.The beggar asked the writer for a meal and a glass of beer. ( ) 2.He put a piece of cheese in his bag and went away. ( ) 3.The beggar calls at every house in the street once a week. ( ) 4.He always asks for a meal and a glass of beer. ( )

14、,T,F,F,T,I have just moved to a house in Bridge Street. 1.move v./n 1)移动,改变位置 2)搬家,迁居 3)使人动心而(流泪,微笑等) 她的故事令人感动得流泪。 Her story moved us to tears. Move about / Move around四处走动 他在房间里走来走去,把他的东西放在一起。 He moved around the room, putting his things together.,Yesterday a beggar knocked at my door. 2.knock v. 敲门 vi. 敲门 我敲了门,但是没有人应声。 I knocked, but no one answered. knock at 敲(门、窗等) vi. knock over 碰撞 今天上午吉姆被一辆自行车撞倒了。 Jim was knocked over by a bike this morning. vt. knock sb. down把(某人)打成状态 他昨天把汤姆打倒过去了。 H



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