广东版开心学英语三年级下册Unit 2试卷

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1、2017-2018学年度第二学期Unit 2模拟试卷三年级英语试题(全卷满分:100分,时间:50分)听力部分(53分)1、 听音,选择。选出你听到的一项,把编号写在括号里。每小题听两遍。(每小题1分,共10分)( )1. A. B. ( )2. A. B.( )3. A. B. ( )4. A. B. ( )5. A. B. ( )6. A. purple B. pink( )7. A. color B. cook ( )8. A. my B. many( )9. A. red B. read ( )10. A. Is it blue? B. Is it brown?2、 听音,标号。根据听

2、到的内容给下列图画标号。每小题听两遍。(每小题2分,共12分)紫色橙汁 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )3、 听音,判断。根据听到的对话与图意是否相符,相符的请在括号里打“”,不相符的打“”。每小题听两遍。(每小题2分,共10分)绿色1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 4、 听音连线。根据听到的内容,判断小朋友们喜欢或不喜欢哪种颜色。喜欢的在表格里打“”,否则打“X”。每小题听两遍。(每小题2分,共8分) ColorNameyellowbluepinkgreenredBenLisaTomJenny5、 听音,填空。根据听到的单词,在横线上填所缺字

3、母,把单词补充完整,再找出相应的图,将其编号写在横线上。每小题听两遍。(每小题2分,共8分)1. ou ( ) 2. wh te ( ) 3. nimal ( ) 4. encil ( ) A B C D6、 听音,画画。(注意数量)每小题听两遍。(每小题1分,共5分)1. 2. 3. 4. 5.笔试部分(47分)7、 字母。(1) 写出所给字母相应的大写或小写形式。(2.5分)1. i 2. P 3. J 4. b 5. m (2) 按字母表的顺序重新排列下列字母,并用书写体正确抄写在四线格上。(4.5分) S e o R K y L u A(三)用正确的书写体形式在四线格上仿写单词。(6分

4、)1. read 2. many 3. color 4. purple 5. orange 6. look(四)用正确的书写体形式抄写下列句子。(4分)1. What color is this? 2. Is it a fish?3. Its brown. 4. Thats right. 8、 认读单词,找出相应的图画,把编号写在括号里。(每小题1分,共10分)A. tall B. good C. colors D. cold E. brown F. big G. home H. black I. read J. right棕色 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 黑色 ( ) ( ) (

5、 ) ( ) ( ) 9、 读句子,找出相应的图画,把编号写在括号里。(每小题1分,共5分)A.Oh, look. Many colors. B. Red and white is pink. C. Theyre very happy .D. What color are they? Theyre orange. E. The flag of China is red and yellow. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )十、选择合适的单词,使句子意思合理通顺。把编号写在横线上。(每小题1分,共5分) A. yellow B. panda C. red D. oranges E. Bl

6、ue1. The is black and white. 2. We like apples.3. and is green. 4. Look! The are orange.十一、选择填空,完成对话。(共10分)(1) 读句子,选出相应的的答句,把字母编号写在括号里。每个句子只选一次。(每小题1分,共6分)( )1. Are you cold? A. Im fine, thanks. ( )2. How are you? B. Its an orange.( )3. What color is it? C. Yes, they are.( )4. Whats this? D. No, it

7、isnt.( )5. Is it blue? E. Yes, I am.( )6. Are they happy? F. Its orange. (2) 读对话,选出相应的句子,把编号写在横线上,使对话完整。(每小题1分,共4分)A. What color is it? B. Whats this? C. Good morning! D. Can you draw the blue fish? At Lisas home.Ben: 1 Lisa: Good morning!Ben: 2 Lisa: Its a fish. Ben: 3 Lisa: Its blue.Ben: 4 Lisa: Yes. I can draw. Ben: OK. Lets draw.


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