
上传人:索马****尊 文档编号:155082098 上传时间:2020-12-09 格式:PDF 页数:6 大小:428.81KB
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1、人教 PEP版四年级下学期期末考试英语试题 (时间: 60 分钟 总分: 100分) 听力部分( 40 分) 得 分评卷人 一、听音,选出你所听到的单词或短语,将答案代号写在题前括 号里,每小题读两遍。 (每小题 1 分,共 10 分) ( ) 1. A. under B. number C. winter ( ) 2. A. bird B. first C. dirt ( ) 3. A. windy B. rainy C. cloudy ( ) 4. A. four B. floor C. door ( ) 5. A. shorts B. skirt C. shoes ( ) 6. A. s

2、heep B. she C. shopping ( ) 7. A. art room B. music room C. computer room ( ) 8. A. too small B. very expensive C. go outside ( ) 9. A. go to work B. go home C. get up ( ) 10. A. put on a hat B. try them on C. on the first floor 得 分评卷人 二、 听音, 判断下面图片是否与所听内容相符, 相符的在括号里打“ ” , 不相符打“”,每小题读两遍。(每小题 2分,共 10

3、分) 1. ( ) 2.( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. ( ) 得 分评卷人 三、听音,选择与你所听内容相符的图片,并将答案代号填在题 前括号里,每小题读两遍。 (每小题 2 分,共 10分) ( )1.A. B. C. ( )2.A. B. C. ( )3.A. B. C. ( )4.A. B. C. ( )5.A. B. C. 得 分评卷人 四、请按听音顺序,用阿拉伯数字给下列图片排序,每小题读两 遍。(每小题 1 分,共 5 分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 得 分评卷人 五、听音,根据你听到的问题,选择正确的答案,将答案代号填 在题前的括号内 ,每小题读两遍。 (

4、每小题 1 分,共 5 分) ( ) 1. A. No, it isnt. B. On the first floor. C. Yes, we do. ( ) 2. A. OK , Mum, thanks. B. Yes, it is. C. Yes. ( ) 3. A. It s sunny. B. It s green. C. Yes, it s good. ( ) 4. A. Thirteen. B. Yes, they are. C. They are good. ( ) 5. A. They are big. B. They are horses. C. No, they aren

5、t. 笔试部分( 60 分) ( ) 1. Lets go to the _ and play football. A. playground B. classroom C.TV room ( ) 2. - _ horses do you have? - Seventeen. A. How old B. How much C. How many ( ) 3. - Where _ my sunglasses? - Theyre _ the floor. A. are ; on B. is ; on C. are ; in 得 分评卷人 六、读句子,选择正确答案,将答案代号填在题目前的括号里。 (

6、每小题 1 分,共 10 分) ( ) 4. My classroom is on the _ floor. A. three B. second C. two ( ) 5. It s _in the morning. Its time _ go to school. A. 7:10; to B. 5:00; for C. 11:05; to ( ) 6. Its very cold. _ your coat. A. Take off B. Put on C. Put away ( ) 7. - Are those hens? - _ They are ducks. A. Yes, they

7、are. B. No, they aren t. C. No, they are. ( ) 8. - Whose sweater is this? - _ A. Its my. B. Its my sister. C. Its my brothers. ( ) 9. - _ - It s very pretty. A. What color is this scarf? B. How do you like this scarf? C. Do you like this scarf? ( ) 10. - The gloves are nice. _ - Sure. Here you are.

8、A. Can I help you? B. How much are they? C. Can I try them on? ( ) 1. computer tiger girl ( ) 2. bird shirt nurse ( ) 3. farm ball wall ( ) 4. horse fork work ( ) 5. uncle table little 得 分评卷人 八、从栏中选择正确的答语回答 栏的问题,把答案代号填在 题前的括号内。 (每小题 1 分,共 5 分) ( ) 1. What are those? A. Its next to the library. ( ) 2

9、. Are these carrots? B. Its five oclock. ( ) 3. Where is the teachers office? C. Its cold. ( ) 4. What time is it? D. They re horses. ( ) 5.What s the weather like in New York? E. Yes, they are. 得 分评卷人 七、仔细观察下列每组词划线部分的读音是否相同,相同的在题 目前的括号里写(),否则写( )。(每小题 1 分,共 5 分) 得 分评卷人九、找出下列每组中不同类的单词,并把答案代号填在题目前的 (

10、 )1. A. get up B. go home C. on the second floor ( )2. A. library B. music class C. teacher s office ( )3. A. weather B. snowy C. rainy ( )4. A. green beans B. duck C. carrots ( )5. A. pretty B. socks C. gloves 1. Its in London. 2. - Are these goats? - No, they arent. They are. 3. - That skirt is pr

11、etty. How much is it ? - It s 399 yuan. -Oh, its too 4. The are so big. 5. Its 12 o clock. Its time for. 1. the teachers office is nextto the library .(句子中有两处错误, 将改正后的正确句子规范书 写在四线格上。 ) 括号里。 (每小题 2 分,共 10分) 得 分评卷人 十、看图、读句子,选出与句子意义相符的单词并填写在题目的 四线格里。 (每小题 2 分,共 10 分) 得 分评卷人 十一、按题目要求答题。 (每小题 2 分,共 10分)

12、tomatoes sheep lunch cloudy expensive 399 元 2. that , is ,computer , the , room ( ? ) (连词成句 ) 3. weather , whats , like , the , Shanghai , in (?) (连词成句) 4. to , time , it , go , is , school , to ( . ) (连词成句 ) 5. 在右边方框里画出你喜欢的衣服,并在 四线格上写下与之相符的一句话。 得 分评卷人十二、根据短文内容选择正确的答案, 将序号填在题前的括号里。 (每小题 2 分,共 10 分)

13、Hi, Im Mary. Welcome to my farm. My farm is very big. There are many animals and vegetables at the farm. I have 20 cows, 15 sheep, 50 hens and 18 horses. Look at the tomatoes, potatoes and carrots. They are good. We have green beans, too. I like tomatoes best(最). They are yummy. I love my farm very

14、much. ( )1. Mary has a _ farm. A. big B. small C. clean ( )2. Mary has twenty _and fifteen _ . A. sheep ; hens B. cows ; horses C. cows ; sheep ( )3. We can t see _ at the farm. A. dogs B. cows C. carrots ( )4. There are many animals and _ at the farm. A. animals B. people C. vegetables ( )5. Mary l

15、ikes _ best. A. potatoes B. tomatoes C. green beans 听力材料及参考答案 听力部分:听力材料及答案 一、 1.winter 2.bird 3.cloudy 4.four 5.shoes 6.she 7. computer room 8.very expensive 9.go home 10. put on a hat 答案: CACAC BCBBA 二、 1. It s 12 o clock. 2. He likes playing football . 3. It s raining 4. It s a dress. 5. They are potatoes. 答案: 三、 1. playground 2.It s time to go home. 3.It s raining today. 4.I like carrots . 5.They are cows. 答案: BABAA 四、 1. I like potatoes. 2. It is time to go to bed 3. There is a big playground。 4. This is my sister. 5. This dress is cheap. 答


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