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1、听力专项复习卷(二)题号一二三四五六总分得分一、听录音,判断下列图片是否与所听内容相符,相符写T,不相符写F。(12分)() 1. () 2. () 3. () 4. () 5. () 6. 二、听录音,为听到的句子选出恰当的问句。(10分)() 1. A. Where is the toy shop?B. How can I get there?C. How do you go to the toy shop?() 2. A. How do you come to school? B. How does your father go to work?C. How does your aunt

2、 go to work?() 3. A. What are you going to do tomorrow? B. Where are you going?C. When are you going to the library?() 4. A. What are Toms hobbies? B. Does he like reading books?C. What are Amys hobbies?() 5. A. What does your uncle do? B. Where does your father work?C. How does your mother go to wo

3、rk?三、听对话,判断以下句子是否与对话内容相符,相符写T,不相符写F。(18分)() 1. The pet hospital is next to the park. () 2. Sometimes I come to school by bike. () 3. You must pay attention to the traffic lights. () 4. We are going to visit my grandparents this afternoon. () 5. Peter likes flying kites and singing songs. () 6. His f

4、ather wants to be a businessman. 四、听对话,根据对话内容选出与问题相符的一项。(20分)() 1. How does Tom feel?A. B. C. () 2. What should he do?A. B. C. () 3. Whats the film about?A. B. C. () 4. What does she want to be?A. B. C. () 5. What is the holiday?A. B. C. 五、听录音,根据所听内容选择正确的一项。(20分)() 1. Where are they at first?A. In t

5、he shop. B. In the museum. C. In the park. () 2. What does Sam want to do?A. He wants to buy a postcard. B. He wants to buy some books. C. He wants to have lunch. () 3. Where is the new restaurant?A. Its near the shop. B. Its near the cinema. C. Its near the park. () 4. How can they get there?A. By

6、bus. B. On foot. C. By bike. () 5. Do they like the food?A. Yes, they do. B. No, they dont. C. We dont know. 六、听录音,写出缺失的单词,补全短文。(20分)This 1. _, Dick and Tony go to the 2. _ to see a film. Its far from their house. They go there 3. _ 4. _. The 5. _ is about a great 6. _. They like it very much. They

7、are very 7. _. 8. _ they are going to the sea. The sea is very 9. _. Their uncle is a 10. _. They are going to learn to fish with him.答案听力材料:一、1. Go straight and turn right, and you can see the park. 2. On Christmas, we give our family and friends gifts.3. There is a new bookstore on that street.4.

8、They like drawing cartoons together.5. His uncle is a driver. He can teach you to drive a car.6. What happens? She is so happy.二、1. The toy shop is next to Happy Restaurant.2. She drives her car to work.3. Im going to read a book.4. Yes, he likes reading books.5. He works at a big factory.三、1. Where

9、 is the pet hospital?Its near. Its next to the park. 2. How do you come to school?Usually I come to school by bike. Sometimes I come by bus.3. Stop, please. Thats the red light. You must pay attention to the traffic lights. OK. Thanks.4. What are you going to do this afternoon?We are going to my gra

10、ndparents house. 5. What are Peters hobbies?He likes flying kites and dancing.6. What does his father do?He is a businessman.四、1. W: Whats wrong with Tom? He is so sad.M: His father was ill.2. M: Today is snowy. Its so cold.W: You should wear warm clothes, Jack.3. W: What are you going to do this ev

11、ening?M: We are going to see a film about an interesting restaurant.4. M: Lily, what do you want to be?W: I want to be a pilot.5. M: What will you do at MidAutumn Festival?W: We will watch the moon and eat mooncakes.五、M:What a great museum! But Im so hungry. Lets go to a restaurant to have lunch. W:

12、 Yes, Sam. The museum is great! I know a new restaurant. Lets go. M: Where is it?W: Its on the Fourth Street, next to the big shop. M: How can we get there?W: Its not far. We can walk there. M: OK! Lets go!W: Wow! The food is delicious. I like it!M: Yes! It tastes great!六、This evening, Dick and Tony

13、 go to the cinema to see a film. Its far from their house. They go there by bus. The film is about a great scientist. They like it very much. They are very happy. Tomorrow they are going to the sea. The sea is very deep. Their uncle is a fisherman. They are going to learn to fish with him.答案:一、1. F2.F3. T4. F5. T6. T二、1. A2. C3. A4. B5. B三、1. T2. F3. T4. T5. F6. F四、1. A2. B3. C4. B5. A 五、1. B2. C3. A4. B5. A 六、1.evening2.cinema3.by4.bus5.film6. scientist7.happy8.Tomorrow9.deep10.fisherman 5 / 5


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