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1、物主代词,.,1,物主代词顾名思义指物的主人,表示所属关系。即:你的,我的,他的,她的,它的,你们的,我们的,他们的。例如: my dog, his pen, our pencil.,.,2,在汉语中,“我的书包”中的”我”的就是物主代词,表述书包的主人是 “我”。英语中的物主代词则有形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词之分。,.,3,形容词性物主代词有形容词的性质,可以修饰名词,而名词性物主代词具有名词的性质。不能再用来修饰名词。,.,4,名词性质的物主代词,等于形容词性的物主代词加上它所要修饰的名词。 例如: This is my bag. = This bag is mine.,.,5,名词

2、性物主代词=形容词性物主代词+名词 1.Lookatthetwopencils. Theredoneisyourpencil. = Theredoneisyours. Theblueoneismypencil. = The blueoneismine.看那两支铅笔,红的是你的,蓝的是我的。 2.Helikesmypen. Hedoesntlikehers.=Hedoesntlikeherpen. 他喜欢我的钢笔。不喜欢她的。 3. This schoolbag is not his. His bag is black. 这个书包不是他的。 他的书包是黑色的。,.,6,my book =mine

3、 his sweater = his your desks = yours our desks = ours our classroom = ours our English teacher= ours their English teacher = theirs her CDs =hers its milk =its,形容词性物主代词+名词=名词性物主代词,.,7,My comb is yellow.,Mine is small.,Your watch is big.,Yours is new.,His wallet is old.,His is over there.,Her teapot

4、 is here.,Hers is blue.,my,mine,your,yours,his,his,her,hers,.,8,our,ours,your,yours,their,theirs,Our books are green.,Ours are small.,Yours are nice,too.,Theirs are red.,Your desks are big.,Their presents are nice.,.,9,这是我的手表。 这块手表是我的。 This is my watch. This watch is mine.,这些是我的手表。 这些手表是我的。 These ar

5、e my watches. These watches are mine.,.,10,这是你的狗。 这只狗是你的。 This is your dog. This dog is yours.,这些是你的狗。 这些狗是你的。 These are your dogs. These dogs are yours.,.,11,这是他的猫。 这只猫是他的。 This is his cat. This cat is his.,这些是他的猫。 这些猫是他的。 These are his cats. These cats are his.,.,12,这是她的汉堡包。 这个汉堡包是她的。 This is her

6、hamburger. This hamburger is hers.,这些是她的汉堡包。 这些汉堡包是她的。 These are her hamburgers. These hamburgers are hers.,.,13,这是我们的香蕉。 这些香蕉是我们的。 These are our bananas. These bananas are ours.,.,14,这是他们的汽车。 这辆汽车是他们的。 This is their car. This car is theirs.,.,15,Michael: Whose shirt is this? Is this yours? Simon: N

7、o, it isnt. Mine is white. Ask Steven. His is blue. Michael: Hi! Steven. Is this your shirt? Steven: Let me have a look. Oh, yes, its mine. Michael: Here you are. Steven: Thank you, Michael.,.,16,1,3,4,5,2,This is watch. (A.my B.mine),my,.,17,1,3,4,5,2,yours,Is this comb ? (A.your B.yours),.,18,The

8、skateboards are . (A.their B.theirs),1,3,4,5,2,theirs,.,19,My hairdryer is red. is yellow. (A.Her B.Hers),1,3,4,5,2,Hers,.,20,1,3,4,5,2,They are books. Yours are over there. (A. our B. ours),our,.,21,exercises,用所给代词的正确形式填空。 1. These are _ ( he ) brothers. 2. That is _( she ) sister. 3. Lily is _ ( L

9、ucy ) sister. 4. Tom, this is _ ( me ) cousin, Mary. 5. Now _(her parents) are in America. 6. Those _ ( child ) are _ ( I ) fathers students.,my,her,Lucy s,my,they,children,his,.,22,exercises,7. Do you know _ ( it ) name? 8. Mike and Tom _ ( be ) friends. 9. Thanks for helping _( I ). 10. _(Ann安)mother is _(we) teacher.,Its,are,me,Anns,our,.,23,I,you,he,she,we,you,they,.,24,我发现了以下规律:,_物主代词后面不跟名词, _物主代词后面必须跟名词。,名词性,形容词性,.,25,



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