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1、某知名酒店财务部 PP某知名酒店财务部 PP 某知名酒店财务部某知名酒店财务部 POLICIES for special situation which is not in the budget, get approval from general manager and directorate first. 5、 按时完成每月会计报表的结算工作。参加酒店及各部门的经济活动分析会议,提供上月预算的执行情况,检讨 利润结果,总结经验,吸取教训,推动下一阶段的经济工作。Finish the monthly accounting report on time. Attend business ana

2、lyst meeting of the hotel and each dept, bring up the budget executing instance, review the profit, summarize the experience and improve the next step. 酒店下属各机构,必须在月会计报表结算后,每月足额向酒店上缴利润。 Each organization of the hotel should 4hand in certain amount of profit after the monthly accounting report. POLICI

3、ES ask for copy of operating license. POLICIES b)选定供应商集团采购部进行三家价格比较后,选定合适供应商。Pick supplierThe purchasing dept of the group compare the prices then pick the right one. c)财务总监审批酒店财务经办核对,财务副总监、财务总监审批。Approve from director of accountingCheck by accounting dept of the hotel, approve by director and assis

4、tant director of accounting. d)酒店总经理审批每笔单据金额为人民币贰万元以下,授权酒店总经理审批后执行。Approve from general managerAny item lower then 20000, perform after getting approval from authorized general manager of the hotel. e)集团商业酒店运营副总裁审批每笔单据金额为人民币贰万元或以上, 伍万元以下, 副总裁审批后执行。 Approve from vice operation president of the groupA

5、ny item cost 20000 or more but less than 50000, perform after getting approval from vice chairman. f)董事长/副董事长审批每笔单据金额为人民币伍万元或以上,报董事长/副董事长审批。Approve from POLICIES Dry seafood and cans; western wine, domestic wine, beverage and tobacco; import flavoring; sugar, rice, oil, noodle and others; animal, eg

6、g, meet(including wild animal and others); fruit and vegetable; special food for festivals. POLICIES chemical product(including all kinds of chemical cleanser using by housekeeping and F flesh flower; restaurant article as glass, ceramic and silverware; miniature equipment using in kitchen; laundry(

7、including bed sheet, table cloth, towel, staff uniform, etc); official articles(furniture, stationery, computer, paper, etc); presswork(all kinds of menu, brochure, daily operating form, all kinds of index, etc), festival decoration. b 工程物料采购包括酒店各类五金、机电设备、水电配件、机械设备(包括制冷、空调、锅炉、消防保安等)的采 购及维修保养等;各种装饰材料

8、及建筑材料(包括本地和进口品)的采购;酒店各项装饰工程及维修工作;酒店各 种能源(包括重油、液化气、小瓶气等) 。 Engineering material purchasing and repairing including all kinds of ironware, electronic equipment, water and power fittings, mechanic equipment (including refrigeration, air-conditioning, boiler, fire control and security, etc); purchasing

9、of all kinds of decoration material and construction material; all decoration and repairing projects; all kinds of energy (including heavy oil, gas, etc). 3、 采购原则 Purchasing principle3、 采购原则 Purchasing principle 原则上酒店集中采购,对一些金额在 300 元以下价格的急需物品可在部门总监批准下,由部门自行采购,然后凭发 POLICIES the apply dept also need

10、to fill in suggestion and sign by dept manager. 原有需报废的固定资产在固定资产报废申请未获批准前必须妥善保管。 The fixed assets need to be well keep before the application approve. c) 采购员根据采购申请书的要求尽快寻找产品说明书及货商报价等,并将收集的采购材料、报价等交使用部 门选择并签认。 The buyer search introduction and quoted prices according to the requirement on the applicat

11、ion and hand in all information to apply dept to choose and confirm. POLICIES or items needed POLICIES no inquiring about any related business secrets. once found any violation of these provisions above by First party, , supplier agreed to take a fine of 10% of the total contract subject which could

12、 be deducted by First Party in the current period. Any abnormal means (bribery, etc.) business activities in company, once get verified, one months payment from supplier will be deducted as a penalty and never be considerate as a partner . serious one shall be investigated for legal liability b) 建立采

13、购举报奖励机制:供货商发现酒店财务部所有员工有索贿、受贿等行为,可以循以下两钟途径举报, 举报内容一经查实,公司将酌情给予举报人奖励: Build up purchasing supervise system: once supplier found any wrong behavior of hotel staff, he can report in 2 ways i.口头或书面向酒店总经理举报。Report to general manager of the hotel. ii.口头或书面向行政办公室举报。Report to executive office. c) 建立酒店内部奖惩机制:

14、对举报人提供的事实一经证实,有关被举报人将被马上开除,并追究其经济责任; 情节严重的并将追究法律责任。 Once the report is true after confirm, the person will be handled according to relevant rules and regulations. 严格控制供应商选择机制。除对供应商的资历(有无合法工商登记、卫生登记、正规稳定充足的进货渠道、大型酒 店长期供货的实力)有所把握外,主要供应商经程序审定后还需经过酒店行政办公室、财务副总监 POLICIES more than the amount of authority

15、, reported chairman for approval. POLICIES b) 单价在固定资产核算点以上,耐用时间在一年以下的物品。Unit price over 2000 and under 1 year valid period. 家具用具的管理由使用部门负责,财务部进行监督,实行管物与管账、管供与管用相结合的管理办法,建立并 推行经济责任制。 The using dept is responsible to manage the furniture, supervise by accounting dept, and build up a helpful system. 【购

16、置】Purchase 购置家具、用具必须以酒店财政预算为依据,按照正常的采购程序办理有关申请手续,遵循先审批、后订货的 原则,不得擅自盲目采购。 Purchase furniture according to the budget, apply by the purchasing procedure. 【领用】Receive POLICIES Apply dept should build up furniture account and the accounting dept should set up a main account. 【使用与维修保养】Use and maintenance 使用部门应设专人管理,属于正常消耗的用具应按规定办理以旧换新手续;未达到使用寿命期但因工作原因而 导致损坏者,必须由部门负责人审批签署后方能提前更新;无故丢失或损毁者,应按价赔偿,达到使用年期后仍可 使用的家具用具,应继续使用,直至失去效能时才以旧换新;仍有一定使用价值的物件要及时回收、修理、重新加 以利用,确保物尽其用。 T


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