人教版新目标九年级Unit 7 写作family rules课件

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1、Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. Section B 3a-3b,记忆PK赛,Remember more sentences, and youll be the winner.,You have to .,You are not allowed to,You must .,Obamas Rules,I must. I cant. I have to. I am not allowed to.,My Family Rules,housework,homework.,eating,记忆PK赛,Do you

2、 agree with the rule? Why ?,Discussion,How do you think the rule should be changed?,Dear dad and mom, There are many family rules at our home, for example,I cant go out with friends,I cant watch TV,Im not allowed to use a mobile phone,but I disagree with the last one. First, the mobile phones make i

3、t easy for us to communicate with our parents and the outside world. Second, I can use the mobile phone to listen to music, play games or watch movies. I need to relax sometimes. For these reasons, I think I should be allowed to use a mobile phone on weekends. I can do even better in my study if Im

4、allowed to use a mobile phone. I hope you can understand me. Yours, Jenny,Rules,Reasons,Read the letter , and make an outline.,Change,Pre-writing,Write a letter to your parents.,Writing task,家规3,哪条不同意,不同意的原因,如何改进,文体: 时态: 人称:,写作策略,2,While-writing,书信,一般现在时,第一人称,Mind Map,家规1,家规2,Peer-editing (同伴互评) and mark(打分),1,Post-writing,找找得分点,Post-writing,Show Time,Discuss the family rules. How to express your opinions. Write a letter to your parents.,Summary,1,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,1,2,Homework,Write a diary about school rules .,Thanks for listening !,


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