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1、【百强校2019学年福建省高一上期中考试英语卷【含答案及解析】姓名_ 班级_ 分数_题号一二三四五六七八总分得分一、阅读理解1. You have probably heard of the Mozart effect. It s the idea that if children or even babies listen to music composed by Mozart, they will become more intelligent. A quick Internet search suggests plenty of products to assist you in the

2、 task. Whatever your age there are CDs and books to help you taste the power of Mozart s music, but when it comes to scientific evidence that it can make you more clever, the picture is more mixed. The phrase “ the Mozart effect ” was made up in 1991, but it was a study described two years later in

3、the journal Nature that sparked real media and public interest about the idea that listening to classical music somehow improves the brain. It is one of those ideas that sound reasonable. Mozart was undoubtedly a genius himself; his music is complex (复杂的)and there is a hope that if we listen to enou

4、gh of it, we ll become more intelligent. The idea got across to the public , with thousands of parents playing Mozart to their children, and in 1998 Zell Miller, the Governor of the state of Georgia in the US, even asked for money to be set aside in the state budget so that every newborn baby could

5、be sent a CD of classical music. It was not just babies and children who were exposed to Mozart s music on purpose, even an Italian farmer proudly explained that the cows were played Mozart three times a day to help them to produce better milk. Ill leave the debate on the impact on milk yield to far

6、mers, but what about the evidence that listening to Mozart makes people more intelligent? More research was carried out but an analysis of sixteen different studies confirmed that listening to music does lead to a temporary improvement in the ability to handle shapes mentally, but the benefits are s

7、hort-lived and it doesn t make us more intelligent. 1. What can we learn from paragraph 1? A. Mozart composed many musical pieces for children. B. Children listening to Mozart will be more intelligent. C. There are few products on the Internet about Mozar t s music. D. There is little scientific evi

8、dence to support Mozart effect . 2. The underlined sentence in paragraph 3 suggests that _ . A. the idea was accepted by many people B. people were strongly against the idea C. Mozart played an important part in peopl e s life D. the US government helped promote the idea 3. What is the author s atti

9、tude towards the Mozart effect? A. Favorable . B. Objective . C. Positive . D. Doubtful . 4. What would be the best title for the passage? A. Listening to Mozart, necessary? B. What music is beneficial? C. What is the Mozart effect? D. To accept Mozart or not to? 2. Researchers at Stanford U niversi

10、ty have developed a new material that can move heat out of buildings and into space. The researchers say the material can cool buildings even on hot days. The cooling material is a very thin sheet with many layers that could be placed on a roof like solar panels(板) . However, instead of turning sunl

11、ight into energy as solar panels do, the material turns heat into radiation. Shanhui Fan is an electrical engineering professor at Stanford University. He says that the panels have a layer of material that is like sand. The panels act like a mirror. They take heat out of buildings and reflect the li

12、ght from the sun. And he says both the heat and sunlight are sent 100 kilometers into outer space. Its a structure(构造) that cools itself without electricity input, even under the sun. So, what it does is basically radiate heat to outer space and also reflect the sunlight so it doesnt get heated up b

13、y the sun. Mr. Fan says it is like having a window into space. The heat is sent directly into space without warming the air.” He says buildings in developing countries that do not have electricity or air conditioning could use the panels. In areas where electricity is out of reach for many people ,

14、there is a potential (潜在的) benefit for storing medicine or even food. In many of these situations, being able to reduce the temperature is important. And this would provide a way to do it.” The researchers say the main problem is creating actual cooling systems using the high-tech panels. They say i

15、t may be possible to develop a cooling spray(喷涂) that could be used on present solid structures. They believe the cooling spray technology could be developed in the next three to five years. They say as much as 15 percent of the energy used in the United States is spent providing power to air conditioning systems. 1. The first paragraph mainly tells us _ . A. l iving on hot days is no longer a big problem now B. a new material is created to cool the buildings C. r esearchers are developing new solar panels on roofs D. t he new material is a very thin sheet with many lay



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