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1、人教PEP五年级上册 Unit Two My week Part C Story time,0,Lets sing,0,Whats this song about?,0,How many days are there in a week? What are they?,What do you have on Mondays/? Do you like PE/?,0,I need _ for my class.,What do you need?,0,Look and answer,Who are they?,What are they doing?,They are Zip and Zoom.

2、,They are shopping.,Watch and choose,They are shopping for _. A. playing B. classes,B,0,Read and fill in the table.,0,English,English,notebooks and pencils,notebooks and pencils,maths,English,ruler,notebooks and pencils,English,notebooks and pencils,0,maths,English,ruler,notebooks and pencils,Englis

3、h,notebooks and pencils,art,crayons,maths,English,ruler,notebooks and pencils,English,notebooks and pencils,art,crayons,PE,football,0,They have PE on Fridays. Zoom wants a new football. But they dont buy the football. Why?,Read and answer,Because they dont have enough money.,So they put back the foo

4、tball. How does Zoom feel?,Can you help him? What can you do for him?,0,Listen and imitate,Zoom: Its a new school year. I need to do some shopping.,Zip: Ill help.,Zip: We have English on Mondays and Wednesdays.,Zoom: I need some notebooks and pencils.,0,Zip: We have maths on Tuesdays.,Zoom: I need a

5、 ruler.,点击小喇叭或文本框都可以播放音频,Listen and imitate,Zip: On Thursdays, we have art.,Zoom: I need a box of crayons.,Zip: We have PE on Fridays.,Zoom: I want a new football, please. We can play with it on the weekend.,0,Zip: Im sorry, Zoom. We dont have enough money. Ill put back the football.,Zoom: Oh, no!,点

6、击小喇叭或文本框都可以播放音频,两人一组,练习故事并表演,其他同学评价。,B,A,C,0,Role play,0,maths,English,ruler,notebooks and pencils,English,notebooks and pencils,art,crayons,PE,football,new school year,go shopping,Retell,no enough money,put back,0,We know Zoom and Zip have many classes. Because _.,What do you have on Mondays/ this year?,its a new school year,0,Make a new story about your school days or weekend.,Group work,0,Homework,1. 完成本部分听读作业,进行口语测评。 2. 复述故事或与同伴进行角色扮演.,0,


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