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1、最新小学英语课堂教学精品资料设计 词汇专项复习卷二时间: 60 分钟 满分: 100 分题号得分十一十二十三总分一二三四五六七八九十考点一:形容词和副词一、【词性转换】按要求写出下列单词。(5 分)1. sun(形容词)_3. rain(形容词)_5. good(副词)_7. happy(副词)_9. quick(副词)_2. cloud(形容词)_4. snow(形容词)_6.friend(形容词)_8.careful(副词)_10. sad (副词)_二、【形容词比较级】写出下列形容词的比较级形式。(5 分)1. tall_ 2.young_ 3.thin_5. heavy_ 6.easy

2、_ 7.nice_9. good_ 10.bad_4. big_8.late_三、【词性辨析】读一读,选出每组词中不同类的一项。(5 分)()1.A. snowy)2. A. happy)3. A. better)4. A. quiet)5. A. biggerB. sunnyB. wellC. windC. niceC. coolC. shyB. coldB. slowlyB. thinnerC. beautiful四、【词义】选出与画线单词意思相对的一项。(5 分)()1. We like the same colour.A. busyB. interestingC. differentC

3、. tired)2. He is very weak. He needs to play sports.A. young B. strong)3. Its cold and rainy. We should stay at home.A. hot B. warmC. cool 第1页 ()4. My father is very thin.A. fatB. longC. short)5. I think your new schoolbag is expensive.A. important B. pretty五、【应用】读一读,选择正确的一项。(10 分)C. cheap()1.How_ar

4、e you?Im ten.A. old B. tall)2.How_are you?Im 1.65 metres.A. old B. tall)3. I can play football _.C. heavyC. heavyC. wellC. sunA. beautifulB. nice)4. I like _days.A. the rainB. rainy)5. Winter is coming. The weather is getting_.A. colder and colderC. hot and hotB. warmer and warmer()6. I want to buy_

5、for my son.A. blue somethingB. something blueC. nothing blue()7. Dont be _again. Please get up_.A. early; late B. late; late)8. I think you are the _.C. late; earlyC. goodA. bestB. better)9._food can make our body _.A. Health; healthB. Health; healthyC. Healthy; healthy()10.The film is _. We are all

6、 _.A. exciting; excitedC. exciting; excitingB. excited; exciting 第2页 考点二:代词六、【代词的类别】读一读,发现规律,完成下列表格。(17 分)Imeminehehisusourselvesherselfshehersyourthem theirs七、【代词的应用 1】读一读,选择正确的一项填空。(9 分)1. _(I My) have a pen._ (I My) pen is blue.2. _(He She) is a girl. _(His Her) name is Lucy.3. _(We Our) like blu

7、e. _(We Our) favourite colour is blue.4. My father is washing_(his her) car. Lets help_(her him).5. Is this Dannys pencil? No, its not _(my his) pencil.八、【代词的应用 2】读一读,选择正确的一项。(6 分)()1. Its not _bike._is blue.A. my; MyB. your; YourC. my; MineC. I; you)2. Let _ help _.A. me; youB. you; I)3._want to bu

8、y some flowers for _grandmother.A. We; youB. They; theirC. He; hisC. They)4. _likes playing football very much.A. SheB. We)5. _bag is this?A. WhoB. WhoseC. Whos)6. Look at the hat. Is that_, Lily?No, its not_.A. your; meB. yours; meC. yours; mine 第3页 考点三:介词九、【介词的应用 1】判断下列句子是否与图片内容相符, 相符写 T, 不相符写F。(5

9、 分)()1. The pen is on the desk.) 2. There are some trees behind the house.) 3. The cat is in the box.() 4. The children are in front of the tree.) 5. The picture is on the desk.十、【介词的应用 2】读一读, 选择正确的介词补全句子。(10 分)at on for of with in from after toby1. Would you like some milk _breakfast?2. I often do

10、my homework _dinner.3. Please get up _6:10 tomorrow.4. Whose birthday is _July?5. Is the new park far _the supermarket?6. We will go to Shanghai _ August 10th.7. Are you afraid _ the big dog?8. I like to play ping-pong_ my cousin.9. They usually go to school _bike.10. Danny is so excited. He runs _t

11、he bus quickly.考点四:动词十一、【动词的分类】将下列单词按要求归类。(10 分) 第4页 readisdance wascandodoesplayameatdidarelistenmakemay should shall watchwould seebe 动词: _情态动词: _助动词: _实义动词: _十二、【词义】看图, 选出与图片内容相符的选项。(写序号)(5 分)A. sleepF. playB. swimG. jumpC. flyH. cryD. runI. talkE. walkJ. sing()()()()()(十三、【应用】读一读, 选择正确的选项。(8 分)()1. These_ my shorts. They_white.A. is; are B. is; is)2. He_quiet before. Now he _ active.A. is; is B. was; isC. are; areC. was; was)3. _you have Chinese class on Tuesdays?No, I _.A. Do; dont)4. He _work hard to be a scientist.A. shouldnt B. doB. Are; arentC. Did; dontC. should()5. Li Hua _


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