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1、,Culture, Management Style, and Business Systems,Chapter 5,McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2005 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.,Introduction,Recognize business culture, management values, and business methods and behaviors as important for success in international market,Thus, management sty

2、le has to be adapted in international marketing,Importance of developing friendship, human relations, and attaining a level of trust before beginning business negotiations,Knowledge of foreign business practices and successful business relations,Need to recognize that patterns of thinking, local bus

3、iness tempo, religious practices, political structure, and family loyalty, are different and impact business transactions,Culture, Management style, and Business systems,Cultural adaptation 1) Cultural imperatives 2) Cultural electives 3) Cultural exclusives,Required Adaptation,Adaptation is a key c

4、oncept in international marketing To successfully deal with individuals, firms, or authorities in foreign countries, managers should exhibit:,open tolerance, flexibility, humility, justice/fairness, ability to adjust to varying tempos, curiosity/interest, knowledge of the country, liking for others,

5、 ability to command respect, and ability to integrate oneself into the environment,Cultural Imperatives, Electives and Exclusives,Cultural imperatives are the business customs and expectations that must be met, conformed, recognized and accommodated if relationships are to be successful,Cultural ele

6、ctives relate to areas of behavior or to customs that cultural aliens may wish to conform to or participate in but that are not required,Cultural exclusives are those customs or behavior patterns reserved exclusively for the locals and from which the foreigner is barred and must not participate,Cult

7、ure, Management style, and Business systems,Methods of doing business Because of the diverse structures, management attitudes, and behaviors encountered n international business, there is considerable latitude in the ways business is conducted. No matter how thoroughly prepared a marketer may be whe

8、n approaching a foreign market, a certain amount of cultural shock occurs when differences in the contact level, communication emphasis, tempo, and formality of foreign business are encountered. See Chap. 5 PPT 9,Culture, Management style, and Business system,More explanation for management style,Di

9、fferences in Management Styles Around the World,Three typical patterns exist: top-level management decisions, decentralized decisions, and committee or group decisions,Security especially of lifetime employment Affiliation and Social Acceptance by neighbors and fellow workers Power and Achievement O

10、rientation sought by managers Importance of personal/family life over work and profit,Differences in Management Styles Around the World,According to Edward T. Hall, the symbolic meanings of time, space, things, friendships, and agreements, vary across cultures “In some cultures, messages are explici

11、t; the words carry most of the information. In other cultures . less information is contained in the verbal part of the message since more is in the context” Communication in a high-context culture depends heavily on the contextual (who says it, when it is said, how it is said) or nonverbal aspects

12、of communication Communication in a low-context culture depends more on explicit, verbally expressed communications Hall places eleven cultures along a high-context/low-context continuum,Differences in Management Styles Around the World,Level of formality in addressing business clients by first name

13、 Level of formality in addressing your boss by first name Tempo or speed in getting “down to business” Perception of time varies in many cultures,Differences in Management Styles Around the World,M-time, or monochronic time, typifies most North Americans, Swiss, Germans, and Scandinavians Most low-c

14、ontext cultures operate on M-time concentrating on one thing at a time P-time, or polychronic time, is more dominant in high-context cultures P-time is characterized by multi-tasking and by “a great involvement with people”,Comparison of M-time and P-time,P- time M- time Do one thing at a time do ma

15、ny thing at once concentrate on the job are easily distracted and subject to interruption take time commitments consider time commitment (deadline, schedules) seriously as an objective to be achieved, if possible Are low context and need information are high context,Are committed to the job are committed to the people and human relations Adhere to plans Change plans often and easily Are accustomed to short termed relationship have a strong tendency to built life time relationship Are concerned about not disturbing are more concerned with Others with people close to them,Gender Bias in Interna



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