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1、试卷第 1 页,总 8 页 广东省湛江市实验学校九年级4 月月考英语试题 语法填空 “ I m going shopping in the village,” George s mother said to George on Saturday morning. “ So be a good boy and don t get into trouble. And don t forget 1 good care of Grandma.” Then she went out. Grandma was sleeping in the chair by the window when she ope

2、ned one little eye and said, “ Now you heard 2 your mother said, George.” “ Yes, Grandma,” George said. George was bored to tears. He didn t have a brother or a sister. His father was a farmer, and the farm they lived on was miles away from anywhere, 3 there were never any children to play with. He

3、was tired of staring at 4 pigs, hens, cows and sheep. He was especially tired of living in the house with his grandma. Looking after her all by himself was hardly 5 way to spend a Saturday morning. “ Go and make me a cup of tea for a start, 6 sugar and milk,” Grandma said. Most grandmothers are love

4、ly, kind and helpful old ladies, but not this one. George s grandma was a woman 7 was always complaining about something or other. She spent all day sitting on her chair by the window. George 8 that Grandma used to be a gentle lady, but as she grew older, she was not able to look after herself and e

5、ven worse, she was easy to get angry. “ We should be nice to the old, George,” his mother always told him. Thinking of this, George 9 into the kitchen and made Grandma a cup of tea with a teabag. He put one spoon of sugar and some milk in it. He stirred( 搅动 ) the tea well and carried it into the liv

6、ing room 10 . 1Atake Btaking Cto take Dtakes 2Athat Bwhat Cwhere Dwhich 3Abut Bif Cor Dso 4Ahundred Bhundreds Chundred of Dhundreds of 5Aan exciting Ba more exciting Ca most exciting Dthe most exciting 6Ain Bwith Cof Dfor 试卷第 2 页,总 8 页 7Awho Bwhich Cwhere Dwhen 8Atell Btold Cwas told Dhas told 9Agoe

7、s Bwent Cwill go Dhas gone 10A care Bcareful Ccarefully Dcareless Emmeline Pankhurst was born in England, in 1858.Back then British women couldn t vote(投票 )in elections( 选举 ), but men could. As Emmeline 11 she became interested in politics.She wanted to create a 12 equal(平等的 )society for women.She w

8、anted women to have the same 13 as men, such as the rights to get an education, to have a good job and, perhaps most importantly, the right to vote. In 1888, the girls who worked at a factory in London stopped 14 .They asked the owner of the factory to 15 their terrible working conditions.Many of th

9、e girls were ill because they worked with 16 chemicals. Emmeline 17 The Women s Social and Political Union in 1903.The Union was a group which fought for women s rights,18 the right to vote. In 1918, the British government gave women aged over 30 the right to vote, 19 men could vote when they were 2

10、1.Women were finally 20 to vote at the same age as men on June 14,1928.Emmeline Pankhurst is sometimes described as one of the most important people of the 20th century. 11Ahurried up Bgrew up Cgot up Dstood up 12A worse Bbetter Cmore Dless 13A ideas Bthings Crights Dreasons 14A studying Blearning C

11、playing Dworking 15A improve Bsupport Ctake Daccept 16A delicious Bnormal Cdangerous Dpatient 17A sent up Bset up Clooked up Dturned up 18A only Bhardly Cespecially Dnormally 19A so Balthough Cif Dunless 20A allowed Basked Crefused Dadvised 试卷第 3 页,总 8 页 Confucius Institute is a popular institute ab

12、road to promote(促进 )Chinese culture and language.Recently, some students have done a survey among the foreign learners.It s about their three favorite Chinese festivals.Here are the results. Spring Festival Date:January 1st in Chinese lunar calendar Activities: They make dumplings in their teachers

13、home.They write Chinese couplets(对联 ) and stick them on the sides of the door.They also get hongbao from their teachers.Hongbao means health, wealth and happiness in the coming year. Comment: Jeff: I like it because I have eaten the dumpling with the lucky coin three times. Dragon Boat Day Date: May

14、 5th in Chinese lunar calendar Activities: They make traditional foodzongzi.They watch dragon boat races.It is a day to remember a Chinese poet Qu Yuan.So, some students even make poems with their teachers on this day. Comment: Cathy: Last Dragon Boat Day, I made my first poem by the river with my c

15、lassmates.I got the first prize in a poem competition.That was amazing. Mid-Autumn Day Date: August 15th in Chinese lunar calendar Activities: They learn to make DIY mooncakes.They admire the full moon, chatting and sharing food.They also discuss different versions of Chang e stories. Comment: Kate:

16、 We played the drama Chang e and Houyi last month.I acted as Chang e.I wore traditional Chinese costume.My classmates said I was like a fairy( 仙女 ). 21Some students have done a survey among about their three favorite Chinese 试卷第 4 页,总 8 页 festivals. AChinese students Bforeign children Cforeign learners DAmerican students 22Hongbao means . Awealth, care and happiness Bfuture, health and wealth Chealth, wealth


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