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1、Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum?,R八年级下册,Section B 3a-Self Check,Review,度假 四分之三 在夜晚 全年 数以千计的 不管还是,take a holiday three quarters at night all year round thousands of whether or ,on the one hand on the other hand ,一方面另一方面,一方面,这份工作报酬不高,另一方面我又找 不到其他工作。 _ _ 2. 不管你喜欢还是不喜欢,你都必须做这件事。 _,On the one hand,

2、 this job doesnt pay very much. On the other hand, I can t get another one.,Whether you like it or not, youll have to do it.,Size and location:_ Population:_ Weather:_ History:_ Places to visit:_ Things to eat:_,Make a list of facts about your hometown or a place you have been to. Think about these

3、topics.,Location:_ History: _ _ Places of interest:_ _ _ _,in Shanxi Province, China,the capital(首都)of 13 dynasties,the eastern start of the ancient Silk Road,the Bell Tower and the Drum Tower,the Emperor Qinshihuangs Mausoleum Site Museum,Shanxi History Museum ( the culture and history of China ),W

4、rite an article to advertise your hometown or a place you have been to.,Have you ever tried / seen / been .? If you ., you will / can . You should . One great thing about . is .,eg: Have you ever been to Beijing? Its the capital of China. Its also a modern city in China. It is in the north of China.

5、 And Beijing has a large population. Its about 20 million. The weather in Beijing is a little hot in summer and a bit cold in winter.,But you can choose spring or autumn to come to Beijing. Beijing is an old city with long history. There are many places of interest, such as the Palace Museum, the Su

6、mmer Palace and so on. They are all very wonderful.,There are many different kinds of snacks, too. You can taste everything that you like. One great thing about Beijing is that there are many overpasses there. Its very easy for you to get lost if you come to the city for the first time. Please come

7、to Beijing on vacation. Im sure you will fall in love with it.,写作指导,话题概述,本单元的话题是“有趣的地方”,主要是追忆曾经去过的难忘的地方,以及在该地发生的事对现在造成的影响。故这类话题的写作大多要用现在完成时进行描述,写作时要注意正确运用时态,灵活表达。,典题回放,上周末你们班组织了一次野营活动,请根据图片提示,用英语讲述活动经过。,思路点拨,本文要求介绍一次野外活动经历,时态要用一般过去式,可用第一人称来写。材料是以图片的形式出现的,写作前应仔细观察图片,读懂图意,理清故事发展的脉络。写作时,可以分三步:首先用一两个句子引

8、出话题,然后介绍野营的经过,最后可用一句话概括这次野营的感受。,写作模板,描述经历,We started . Unluckily, I feel down . My classmates helped me . After having a picnic .,引出话题,We had time off last weekend, so we decided to .,概述感受,What a wonderful experience we had!,Wehadtimeofflastweekend,sowedecide toclimbthemountainalittlefarfromourtown.

9、 Westartedearlyinthemorning.Unluckily I felldownandhurtmylegsbyabigrockatthe footof themountain.Myclassmateshelpedme climbto the top.Wereallyenjoyedthebeautiful,范文欣赏,引出话题,描述经历,view. Then wesatonthegrassandfinishedour dinnerhappily. Asitwasgettingdark,weputup thetentandmade afire. Wespentthewhole nig

10、htsafely.Whenwewoke upthenextmorning, wefoundeverythingwassofresh.Whatawonderfulexperiencewehad!,概述感受,描述经历,Self check,1. One thing that you have collected before: _,shells,stamps,1. Think about the things below and write an answer for each one.,2. One invention that you have found to be very useful:

11、 _,3. One unbelievable or unusual thing that youve seen or heard recently: _,Ive found the TV to be very useful.,Ive seen houses that are built in the sea.,4. One way that youve used to encourage a friend in the past: _,5. One peaceful and quiet place that youve been to recently: _,Ive told my frien

12、d that he must believe in himself.,Ive been to a forest.,A: Hey, John. are you doing this weekend? B: Not much, Mark, I dont really have any plans yet. A: you ever been to the space museum? B: , I have. I there last month. A: Oh, how it?,What,Have,Yes,went,was,2. Complete the conversation.,B: It was

13、 great. I been there many times. A: I see. I never there. B: Well, lets go this weekend then. I dont going again. I think theres something new there. I _ not see it last time. A: Perfect.,have,have,been,mind,did,Have you ever been to a/an,How many times?,What did you see/do there?,home for old people?,farm?,amusement park?,3. Complete the chart.,Summary,句型荟萃: 1. Have you ever been (to)? 2



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