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1、2020-2021学年中考英语语法专项讲解训练:宾语从句 1. 宾语从句的含义宾语从句就是在复合句中充当宾语的句子,常作动词、介词或某些形容词的宾语。例 I think that he will come here by train. 我认为他会坐火车来这儿的。 He asked me whether I know his new address. 他问我是否知道他的新地址。 I want to know when you got back home yesterday. 我想知道你昨天什么时候到家的。 从做题技巧来讲解宾语从句:语序、时态、连接词2.语序:从句是陈述语序例 Do you kn

2、ow when he will come back? I want to know who can answer my question.(who在从句中作主语)注意:语序指谓语动词一定要在主语后面。试比较:What time is it? Could you tell me what time it is? 练习:1.Excuse, can you tell me _?Sorry, I dont know. You can go to the information desk. A. that is there a train B. when the train leaves C. whic

3、h train can I take D. where does the train go.2. Could you tell me how much _ to fly to Shanghai? A. does it cost B. it costs C. does it cost D. costs it3. Could you tell me _ ? Im his old friend. A. where does Jim live B. when will Jim come back C. where Jim has gone D. how is Jim3. 时态1) 当主句是一般现在时时

4、,从句可根据实际情况采用任何一种时态;例 I dont know when he finished homework last night. She tells me that she will come by bus. 她说她将要坐公交车来。 2) 当主句是一般过去时时,从句也应该采用相应的过去的某种时态例 He asked when they would go to America. She was sorry that she hadnt finished her work on time. He asked his father how it happened注意:如果宾语从句所表示的

5、是客观事实、普遍真理、自然现象或习惯性动作等,不管主句用什么时态,从句时态都用一般现在时。如:例 The teacher said that the earth goes round the sun老师说地球绕着太阳转。 练习1. Please tell me_. I have some good news for him. A. where Robert lives B. where does Robert live C. where Robert lived D. where did Robert live 2.Come in, please. But could you please t

6、ell me _? A. why you are late again B. what were you doing then C. Where you bought the book? D. how do you came to school4. Could you tell me_? A. When will Mary come back B. When Mary comes back C. When Mary will come back (3)连接词连接词的类型所作句子成分从属连词that不作句子成分,只起连接作用ifwhether连接代词who(ever)主语、宾语、表语whom宾语

7、whose定语what(ever)主语、宾语、表语、定语which(ever)主语、宾语、表语、定语连接副词when时间状语where地点状语why原因状语how方式状语that无词义,不充当句子成分,在非正式文体中常被省略。例 I hope (that) you will like this color. 我希望你会喜欢这种颜色。if或whether表示选择,意为“是否”,在句中只起连接作用,不充当句子成分,通常情况下可互换,不可省略,口语中常用if。例 I am not sure if/whether my mother will come back tomorrow.注意:以下情况只能用

8、whether.与or not连用时。 I dont know whether he likes the book or not.我不知道他喜不喜欢这本书 作介词的宾语时。 It depends on whether it will rain tomorrow.这取决于每天是否会下雨后接不定式时。 He hasnt decided whether to go.他还没有决定去还是不去 练习1. You have not yet answered my question _ I can join in the party tonight or not. A. whether B. if C. th

9、at D. which 2. _ the 2008 Olympic will be held in Beijing is not known yet. A. Whether B. If C. Whenever D. That答案:1.A 2.A 请完成以下练习1.Excuse me, can you tell me _?At about 8 oclock.A.what time the plane arrive in BeijingB.what time the plane will arrive BeijingC.what time the plane will reach BeijingD

10、.what time will the plane get to Beijing参考答案:C2.Could you tell me _ the Dragon Boat Festival in China?Sure. People usually watch the dragon boat races and eat zongzi.A.when do people celebrateB.why people celebrateC.how people celebrate参考答案:C3.Do you know _?Yes. Its on your table. A. where my dictio

11、nary isB. where is my dictionaryC. when I bought my dictionary参考答案:A4.Do you know _?For a month. A. how long will she be awayB. how long she will be awayC. how often will she go thereD. how often she will go there参考答案:B5.I wonder _.Yes, of course.A.where we can buy the partsB.how often you hear form

12、 your sisterC.if I may have a word with youD.why he arrived late yesterday参考答案:C6. 一Excuse me, Miss Chen, could you tell me _?It is short for the Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st Century Maritime Silk Road.A.what the Belt and Road meantB.what does the Belt and Road meanC.what the Belt and Road means

13、参考答案:C7.Could you tell me _ a moment ago? A.what were they talking aboutB.what are they talking aboutC.what they were talking aboutD.what they are talking about参考答案:C8.Will Tony go skiing with us this Saturday?Sorry, I dont know if he _. But I know he _ interest in sports. A. will go; is B. goes; isC. goes; has no D. will go; has no参考答案:D9.Do you know _?Sorry, I dont know.A.how old is he B.how old he isC.how old does he参考答案:B10.Could you please tell me _?About twenty minutes ago. A.when did you see this kid B.where did you see this kidC.when you saw this kid D.where you saw t


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