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1、一)各册教材中的主要句型总汇三年级上(第一册)句型总汇Whats your name?你叫什么名字?My names Chen Jie。我的名字叫陈洁。Good morning。早上好。Lets go to school。让我们一起去上学吧。This is John。这是 John. Nice to meet you。认识你很高兴。Good afternoon. 下午好。How are you? 你好吗?Fine, thank you. 很好。谢谢你。 Im fine. 我很好。Lets paint.让我们一起画画吧。I have a rabbit. 我有一只兔子。 Really? 真的吗?M

2、ay I have a look? 我可以看一看吗? Sure. Here you are. 当然可以。给你。I like hamburgers. 我喜欢吃汉堡包。 Have some French fries. 请吃一引起薯条。Youre welcome. 不客气(不用谢。)Can I have some chicken? 我可以吃一些鸡肉吗?Happy birthday!生日快乐!How old are you? 你多大了?(你几岁了?)三年级下(第二册)句型总汇We have a new friend today. 今天我们有一位新朋友。Im from America. 我来自美国。Wh

3、ere are you from? 你从哪里来?Whos that woman? 那个女人是谁?Shes my mother.她是我的妈妈。Whos that man? 那个男人是谁?Hes my father.她是我爸爸。Lets watch TV. 让我们一起看电视吧。What a big fish! 好大的一条鱼呀!Lets fly it! 让我们一起放(风筝)吧!Its beautiful. 它很美丽。Look at my new crayons! 看看我的新蜡笔。Open it and see.打开它看看。Do you like peaches? 你喜欢吃桃子吗?Yes, I do.

4、 是的,我喜欢 No, I dont.。/不,我不喜欢。What about pears?你呢?I dont like bananas. 我不喜欢香蕉。Can I have an apple, please? 我可以吃一个苹果吗?Where is my car? 我的小汽车在哪里?Its under the chair. 它在椅子下面。Can I use your pencil? 我可以用你的铅笔吗?No problem. 没问题。It has a long nose.它有一个长鼻子。Its so funny! 它太可笑了。The giraffe is tall 那个长颈鹿很高。Lets ea

5、t the birthday cake. 让我们一起吃蛋糕吧。How many balloons? 有多少气球?This is for you. 这是给你的。PEP四年级上册各单元句型总汇第一单元Whats in the classroom? 教室里面有什么?This is Zhang Peng, our new classmate. 这是张朋。我们的新同学。We have a new classroom,. 我们有一个新教室。Lets go and have a look. 让我们一起去看看吧。Its so big. 它很大。Wheres my seat? 我的座位在哪里?Its near

6、the door. 它在门的附近。The wall is white.墙是白色的。Lets clean the classroom. 让我们一起打扫教室吧。Good idea. 好主意。Let me clean the window. 让我来擦窗户。Look at the picture. 看那幅图画。Good job! 做得好!第二单元How many books do you have? I have 6. 你有几本书? 我有 6本。I have a new schoolbag. 我有一个新书包。What colour is it? 它是什么颜色的。Its black and white.

7、 它是黑色和白色的。I have many books. 我有许多书。May I have a look? 我可以看看吗?Sure. Here you are.当然可以。给你。How many English books can you see? 你可以看见多少本英语书?I can see .Sorry, too many. 我可以看到.对不起,太多了。My schoolbag is heavy. 我的书包太重了。Whats in it? 它里面有什么?第三单元My friend is strong. 我的朋友很强壮。He has short hair. 他有短头发。Who is he? 他是

8、谁? A Chinese friend? 一个中国朋友?What his name ? 他的名字叫什么?His name is Zhang Peng. 他的名字叫张朋。This is his photo. 这是他的照片。My friend likes music. 我的朋友喜欢音乐。Shes quiet. 她很文静。Whats her name? 她的名字叫什么?Her name is Amy. 她的名字叫 Amy. Youre right! 你说对了。第四单元You can see a bedroom. 你可以看见一个卧室。Is this your bedroom? 这是你的卧室吗?Yes,

9、 it is. 是的,它是。Is she in the living room? 她在起居室里吗?No, she isnt. 不, 她不是。Shes here. 她在这儿。Shes in the kitchen. 她在厨房里。Open the door, please. 请打开门。Where are the keys? 钥匙在哪里?Are they on the table? 它们在桌子上吗?No, they arent. 不,它们不是。Theyre in the door. 它们在门里。第五单元Can I have some noodles, please? 我可以吃一些面条吗?Im hun

10、gry. 我饿了。Whats for dinner? 晚饭吃什么?Wait and see. 等等看吧。What would you like? 你喜欢吃什么?Id like some rice and soup. 我想吃些米饭和汤,Everythings ready. 一切都准备好了。Can I help you? 我能帮助你吗?Pass me a plate, please. 请把盘子递给我。Dinners ready. 晚饭准备好了。I can use chopsticks. 我会用筷子。Let me show you. 让我展示给你看。Help yourself. 请随便吃。I lik

11、e Chinese food. 我喜欢中国食物。We had a good time. 我们度过了一段美好时光。See you tomorrow. 明天见!第六单元Come and meet family! 来见见我的家庭。How many people are there in your family?你家里有多少人?Who are they? 他们是谁?My family has seven members. 我家有七口人。Whats your father? 你爸爸是干什么的?My father is a doctor. 他是一名医生。Whos this man? 这个男人是谁?PEP四

12、年级下册句型总汇第一单元Where is the canteen? 餐厅在哪里?Its on the first floor.它在一楼。Welcome to our school! 欢迎来到我们的学校。How many students are there in your class? 你们班里有多少学生?Do you have a library? 你们有图书馆吗?Do you have lunch at school? 你在学校吃午饭吗?The canteen is on the first floor. 餐厅在一楼。This way, please. 请往这边走。Your school

13、is beautiful. 你们的学校真漂亮。We have a new computer room. 我们有一个新电脑教室。Lets go there. 让我们一起去那里吧。I like this one. 这喜欢这个。Is this the library? 这是图书馆吗?Yes, it is. 是的,它是。Is that the art room? 那是绘画教室吗?No, it isnt. 不,它不是。Whats on it? 它上面是什么?Lets go and have a look. 让我们去看看吧。四会句型:This is my computer. 这是我的计算机。That is

14、 your computer. 那是你的计算机。Is this a teachers desk? 这是讲台吗?Yes, it is.是的,它是。第二单元Its time for English class. 现在是英语课时间。School is over. 放学了。Lets go to the . 让我们去.Lets go home. 让我们一起回家吧。Just a minute. 等一会儿。Lets run. 让我们跑吧。That one is correct. 这只是正确的。Its time to go to school. 是上学的时间了。Breakfast is ready! 早饭准备

15、好了。Im ready! 我准备好了。Look at my clock. 看我的表。Its nice. 它很好。Can I have a try? 我可以试试吗?四会句型:What time is it? 现在是什么时间?(几点了?)Its two oclock. 两点了。Its 9:45. 9点 45分。Its time for math class. 是该上数学课的时间了。第三单元I like the white sweater with the green skirt. 我喜欢白色的毛衣配绿色的裙子。Where is my skirt? 我的衬衣在哪里?Whose is it? 它是谁的?Its my T-shirt. 它是我的 T-恤衫。Whose is this? 这是谁的?Its your baby brothers! 它是你的小弟弟的。So many colours! 好多的颜色。Please pass me my T-shirt. 请把我的 T-恤衫递给我。My T-shirt is red. 我的 T-恤衫是红的。This small one? 这个小的吗?Where are my socks? 我的袜子在哪里?Look at these. 看这些!What are they? 它们是什么?These are your



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