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1、非谓语形式find/leave sb/sth +状态(介词词组,形容词,现在分词,过去分词,名词)框内成分都可进一步说明、补充sb/sth,从术语的角度讲是(宾语)补足语这一规则不要在推广至其他的动词,但可用在句子中,作为复杂、高级的结构。基本框架结构框,句子; 句,框,子;句子,框1,adj 形容词厌倦了睡在地上,年轻人存钱多年,买了一张真正的床Tired of sleeping on the floor, the young man saved up for years to buy a real bed.为这个消息大大震撼,我愣住了几分钟,动都没有动Greatly shocked at

2、the news , I froze for minutes without moving为这个奸邪的世道所伤,他丢下了一切,成了一个和尚Terribly hurt by this wicked world, he left everything behind and became a monk对这个邪恶的世道已经失望,她纵身跳入河内Greatly disappointed at the wicked world, she drowned herself in the river/jumped into the river.=in despair and in pain, both women

3、 killed themselves.她经常坐在楼梯上,陷入思考She often sits on the stairs, lost in thinking(Be lost in sth/doing sth Be lost in fantasy 陷入幻想,遐想)他们盯着大门,陷入遐想they stared at the door, lost in fantasy.生来就感染了艾滋病,他的一生是战斗的一生,是越来越艰难的一生He was born infected with HIV. And his whole life is an uphill struggle against AIDS2,v

4、ing(以经偏离了find sb doing 中的确进行的概念,需重新定义)环顾四周,我震惊地意识到我是车上剩下的唯一的乘客Looking around, I realized with a shock that I was the only passenger left on the bus=As I looked around, I realized with a shock that I was the only passenger left on the bus.ving做形容词1,表示的确地进行,做定语体现出名词的动态状况2,表示长期的习惯性的主动。 3,leave/find sb

5、doing中表示的是实实在在的进行。新型句子结构中的ving要从新定义:如下面4句话。1)he is reading in his study 他在书房看书2)he is in his study reading3)he is in his study, reading1)he often sits in his study, reading他坐在书房看书2) he often sits in his study reading3) he often sits reading in the study他坐在书房看书be reading, sit reading V(a)+V(b) ing重新定

6、义:次要动作(Vb)与主要动作V(a) 相比较,不超前不落后,同时发生,叫作进行表述上,如果两个动词都比较简单,则主次动词连用;如果两个动词均复杂,则ving放在主要句子结构之外(句首或者句尾),用“,”标志出他站在那里怒气冲冲的看着我he stood glaring at me.她一路小跑过来了 she came running to me他坐在那里,思考着自己的未来he often sits there, thinking about his future.位置关系按照中文的行文逻辑走。be只是动词的一种, - be+ving狭义进行,v+ving广义进行, 两者统称进行:表示主要动词与次

7、要动词相比教,不超前,不落后,同时发生。我与其他同学一起走着,同时我在思考我的语法I walked along with other students, thinking hard about grammar /deeply lost in thinking我去温州的时候,一心想发财I went to Wenzhou , hoping to make quick money.我们城市中心有一个湖泊,边上有很多咖啡馆和茶馆。我喜欢坐在其中,听着音乐,喝着龙井茶There in the city center lies a lovely lake, along which you will fin

8、d many cafes and tea-houses. I love to sit in one of them, listening to my music and drinking my Longjin tea鲁宾逊沿着沙滩一边走一边不时地往后看,害怕被被人跟踪he walked along the beach, looking back from time to time , fearing being flowed by others.有时一个动作和另一个动作不是同时发生,但照顾到两个动作连贯,一气呵成;这类现象也作同样处理。他冲了出去,嘭得关上了门,叫着:狗娘养的He rushed

9、 out, slamming the door behind him, yelling: son of bitch.一脚踹开门,冲了进去,脸色通红Smashing the door open, he rushed in , with his face red.果真两个动词有明显的先后关系, 也可借助该结构;借助have done 在时间上的超前性-(have done)ing, 句子- Having done sth, 句子。我做完工作后回家了After I had finished the work, I went back home.Having finished the work, I

10、went home.After finishing the work, I went back homeAfter having finished the work, I went back home已经失败了好多次了,我又鼓起勇气试了一次Having failed many times, I picked up my courage and tried once more.送走老板之后,我匆匆忙忙的回家了,一路上很是伤感很失落,很希望能够早日在北京见到她。Having said good bye to my boss at the railway station, I hurried hom

11、e, sad and lost, hoping to see her at an early date in Beijing名词你是一个受过良好教育的人,应该知道抢劫乞丐是非常可耻的A man of good education, you should know that it is a big shame to rob a beggar除了茂密的森林,荒芜的沙漠,巍峨的山脉和深邃的峡谷外,美国还有诸多河流湖泊。A land of heavy forests and barren deserts, of high-peaked mountains and deep canyons, Ameri

12、ca also enjoys great rivers and lakes.尽管只有五岁,他能明辨是非Though a child of five, he knows right from wrong.Child as he is, he knows right from wrong.(being )A child of 5, he really doesnt know what is good and what is not加上being 是为了补充名词词组淡薄的劣势,让它更为丰满。As a student, study should take much of his time.是错的改正:

13、 As a student, he should put much time on study用see的形式填空-from the top of Purple Mountain, Nanjing is just like a picture.-from the top of Purple Mountain, we have a good view of the beautiful city lying below.分词的否定: 在ving前直接加上not我不知道怎么做出这道题目,我去问了老师not knowing how to work out the problem, I went to t

14、he teacher for help.unable to solve the problem, I went to the teacher for help.相信努力总有回报,所以我努力的学习I am willing to labor and toil, believing that hard work pays.我沿着马路轻快的走着,一边唱着小曲,一边心里盘算着今天挣了多少。I walked along the street merrily, singing and calculating how much I made today.过去分词 vedBuilt in 1885, it wa

15、s the oldest car at the race 建于1885年,这是赛场上最老的车毁于1900年, 去年得以重建,立刻便使得世界其他园林相形见绌。Burnt down in 1900, the Yuanmingyuan palace was reconstructed last year, leaving all world famous palaces in shade/putting to shame all world famous palaces (put to shame)在车祸中受了重伤, 夫妻两死在了手术台上,留下一个孩子,只有5岁,无依无靠, 没有未来Seriously injured in the accident, the couple died on the operation table, leaving behind a child of 5, helpless and futureless.教授坐在那里,被一群学生围着,笑得很灿烂Surrounded by a group of students, the professor sat there, smiling merrily注意当要用到having done 的时候,通常在原句中有完成时的形式,且这样的句式结构十分强


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