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1、关于励志学习的英语句子 学习是人生存所必须的,学习不仅是一种需要,更是一种信仰。下面一起来看看第一为大家精心推荐的,希望对您有所帮助。 1、真正的失败是不去拼搏。 The real failure is not to fight. 2、书籍是人全人类的营养品。 Books are the nourishment of all mankind. 3、书犹药也,善读之能够医愚。 Book of medicine also, good reading can cure a fool. 4、青春,不只是拿书握笔的力量。 Youth, not just books hold the power of t

2、he pen. 5、坚信你做得到,你必须会做到。 Believe you can do it, you will have to do it. 6、应该相信,自己是生活的战胜者。 Should believe that he is the victor of life. 7、大直若屈,大巧若拙,大辩若讷。 If big straight if Tracy, qiao, big apology if nerd. 8、发奋识遍天下字,立志读尽人间书。 Vigorous knowledge all over the world, to read all books in the world. 9、平

3、凡的脚步也可以走完伟大的行程。 Ordinary steps can also through the great trip. 10、可以使生命变的更有价值。 Cherish the time can make life more valuable. 11、说大话的人像爆竹,响一声就完了。 Boast like fireworks, ring 1 is finished. 12、美好的生命应该充满期待惊喜和感激。 The happy life should fill the anticipation pleasantly surprise and grateful. 13、发光并非太阳的专利,

4、你也能够发光。 Shining is not the patent of the sun, you also can shine. 14、劳动是知识的源泉;知识是生活的指南。 Labor is the source of knowledge. Knowledge is the guide of life. 15、把自我当傻瓜,不懂就问,你会学的更多。 Make a fool of yourself, dont understand asked, you will learn more. 16、茂盛的禾苗需要水分;成长的少需要学习。 The lush movie need water; Grow

5、th of less to learn. 17、世上没有绝望的处境,只有对处境绝望的人。 There is no desperate situation, only people with a slough of despond. 18、只有从小刻苦勤奋,长大才能接受种种挑战。 Only grew up work hard, ability to aept challenges. 19、有压力,但不会被压垮;迷茫,但永不绝望。 Have pressure, but will not be overwhelmed; Lost, but never despair. 20、不听指点,多绕弯弯。不懂

6、装懂,永世饭桶。 Dont listen to your advice, much around each bend. He who knows nothing but pretends to know, a good-for-nothing. 21、美丽的蓝图,落在懒汉手里,也不过是一页废纸。 Beautiful blueprint, fall at the hand of idlers, but also is a sheet of paper. 22、山涧的泉水经过一路曲折,才唱出一支美妙的歌。 Mountain stream of spring water through all th

7、e twists and turns, just sing a wonderful song. 23、时间是一笔贷款,即使再守信用的借贷也还不起。 Time is a loan, even if the credit lending again also cant afford to. 24、事业的大厦如缺乏毅力的支柱,只能是空中楼阁。 The pillar of the business building, such as lack of perseverance, is only a castle in the air. 25、咱们每个人手里都有一把自学成才的钥匙,这就是:理想勤奋毅力虚心

8、和科学方法。 We each have a self-taught key in his hand, that is: the ideal hard work perseverance modesty and scientific method. 26、时间是一笔贷款,即使是一个诚实的还贷者也无法还清。 Time is a loan, even an honest payment cant pay off. 27、我拼我搏,付出定有回报;为复兴中华,誓读名牌大学。 I spell I beat, pay will have return. For the revival of Chinese,

9、 shi read a famous university. 28、想得好是聪明,计划得好更聪明,做得好是最聪明又最好。 Thinking well is wise, good plan more in _igent, well done is the most in _igent and best. 29、只要有坚强的意志力,就自然而然地会有能耐机灵和知识。 As long as there is a strong willpower, will naturally there will be a clever and knowledge. 30、人的生命或许是一个不间断的领悟过程,但无需在

10、学校完成。 A mans life may be a perception of the continuous process, but theres no need to be done in the school. 31、你能够选取这样的“三心二意”:信心恒心决心;创意乐意。 Can you take this half-hearted : confidence perseverance determination; Creative love to. 32、奋斗者在汗水汇集的江河里,将事业之舟驶到了理想的彼岸。 Striver in sweat river, will cause the

11、 boat sailed to the other side of the ideal. 33、每一个者都有一个开始。勇于开始,才能找到成功的路。 Every suessful person has a start. Start bravely to find a suessful way. 34、斧头虽小,但经历多次劈砍,终能将一棵最坚硬的橡树砍刀。 Axes are small, but experience many chopping, eventually the hardest oak tree can be a machete. 35、当你还不能对自己说今天学到了什幺东西时,你就不

12、要去睡觉。 When you cant say to yourself today learned what, you dont go to sleep. 36、贫穷和富贵就是一念之间,观念决定贫与富,心态决定苦与乐! Concept of poverty and riches and honour is a nidea, decided to the poor and the rich, the mentality decision suffering and joy! 37、平坦的道路是坎坷走过的成因,优秀的成绩是努力学习的见证。 Flat road is bumpy through or

13、igin, outstanding achievement is witnessing a study hard. 38、立下人生志向,活出人生精彩;铺好今天沙石,走出明天大道。 Set ambition in life, living a wonderful life. Shop good sand today, out of the road tomorrow. 39、那些即使遇到了相会,还不敢必能成功的人,只能得到失败。 Even those who had a meeting, also dare not confident people can sueed, only get fai

14、lure. 40、如果脆弱的心灵创伤太多,朋友,追求才是愈合你伤口最好的良药。 If too many vulnerable trauma, friends, pursuit is heal your wound is the best medicine. 41、人天天都学到一点东西,而往往所学到的是发现昨日学到的是错的。 People learn a little days, and often learned learned yesterday was found to be wrong. 42、成功需要成本,时刻也是一种成本,对时刻的珍惜就是对成本的节约。 Suess requires cost, and is also a kind of cost all the time, cherish the moment is to save costs. 43、人是不可能十全十美的,只有不断取长补短,改正缺点,才能越来越完美。 Man is cant be perfect, only by constantly plement each other, to correct shortings, to bee more and more perfect. 44、忍别人所不能忍的痛,吃别人所不能吃的苦,


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