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1、保护环境的小学英语作文 我们的地球只有一个,别让它毁在我们的手中,我们每个人都可以选择绿色生活方式来参加环保。下面是为大家收集关于读书,欢迎借鉴参考。 Remember last years summer vacation, my father and I went for a walk EHu edge, a way, Im kind of shouted thirsty, so my father on the side of the road store bought me a Popsicle. I ate and go, soon finished eating, carelessl

2、y threw the ice sticks into EHu. Dad saw, reminded me immediately; Coco, cant litter oh! If everyone like you to throw garbage in the lake, the beautiful EHu lake bees waste. Im ashamed of say: know, next time I must not litter. Dad smiled and stroked my head and said: the earth is our home, we shou

3、ld protect it, cherish it, let the sky bluer, the water cleaner, the grass is greener. I naughty to say: oh, that is, everybody has said, the city is my home, clean environment depends on everybody. I understand. From then on, I no longer throw garbage. I want to take care of the environment is clos

4、ely related to everyone, so lets start from everyone! 今天,我们读了很多关于保护环境的小短文。我想起曾经在我身边发生的事情。 记得是去年的暑假,我和爸爸一起去鹅湖边散步,走了一段路,我就一个劲的喊口渴,于是,爸爸就在路边的小店给我买了根冰棍。我边吃边走,一会儿就吃完了,随手把冰棍棒往鹅湖里一扔。爸爸看见了,马上提醒我说;“可可,不能乱扔垃圾噢!如果每个人都像你一样往湖里扔垃圾,这美丽的鹅湖不就变成了垃圾湖了。”我羞愧的说:“知道了,我下次一定不乱扔垃圾。”爸爸微笑着抚摸我的头说:“地球也是我们的家,我们应该保护它,爱护它,让天更蓝,水更清,

5、草更绿。”我调皮的说:“噢,那就是大家一直说的,城市是我家,环境清洁靠大家。我明白了。”让从那以后,我再也不乱扔垃圾了。 我想爱护环境与每个人息息相关,所以要从每个人做起! With the improvement of our living standard, more and more people can afford a car. As a result, our roads are more often than not crammed with cars. However, with more and more waste gas being discharged by the c

6、ars, the problem of air pollution bees even more serious. So nowadays we advocate to lead a low-carbon life. My suggestion is we should ride bikes more often instead of driving cars.By riding a bike, we can not only exercise our body but also protect our environment. Why not have a try, my dear frie

7、nds? 与我们的生活水平的提高,越来越多的人都买得起汽车的。因此,道路往往没有堆满了汽车。然而,随着越来越多的废气排放是汽车、空气污染问题变得更加严重。所以现在我们提倡过低碳的生活。 我的建议是我们应该更经常骑自行车而不是开车骑一辆自行车,我们不仅能锻炼身体,也能保护我们的环境。为什么不试试,我亲爱的朋友? Now, our side of the car constant more up, the environment also increasingly worse! That the air around us there are many harmful substances. Th

8、erefore, we want to Sue around things start to do. For example, we can go to school by bike or walk, it can exercise. If you have time can use less elevator, many climb stairs. We can not only physical exercise, but also to protect our environment. 现在,我们身边的汽车不断的多了起来,环境也越来越糟糕!以至于我们周围的空气有很多有害物质。所以,我们要

9、苏身边的小事做起。比如,我们可以骑自行车上学或者步行,这样还可以锻炼身体。有时间的话可以少用电梯,多爬楼梯。我们不仅能锻炼身体,也能保护我们的环境。 How to be a greener person Its our duty to protect the inviyonment around us. When we go to school, we should ride a bike or take a bus. When we go out for activities, we shouldnt step on the grass. We cant draw everywhere. W

10、hen we go shopping, wed better use a cloth bag. At home we can save water and electricity. When we leave a room, we should turn off the ligts. At school we can collect wast paper and recycle things, such as bottles, cans and plastic bags. We shoudnt listen to pop music or spit in pulic. Lets do some

11、thing to protect our environment. Through the ages, the earth mother with sweet milk feeding countless generations. The original she was decorated lovely young players. But, now human to its own interests, tortured her. Humans have only one earth; And the earth is facing serious environmental crisis

12、. Save the earth has bee the strongest voice people all over the world. I feel heartache for the deterioration of the environment, I think: as the future suessors of teenagers, if dont understand the gravity of the position of the human environment and environmental problems, ignoring the laws and r

13、egulations on environmental protection, not to strengthen environmental protection consciousness, consciously fulfill their obligation to protect the environment, our life will be destroyed in his hands, god will make a severe punishment for us. Therefore I was determined to start from me good care

14、environment, protect our survival home, be a guard to protect the environment. 古往今来,地球妈妈用甘甜的乳汁哺育了无数代子孙。原来的她被小辈们装饰得楚楚动人。可是,现在人类为了自身的利益,将她折磨得天昏地暗。人类只有一个地球;而地球正面临着严峻的环境危机。“救救地球”已成为世界各国人民最强烈的呼声。 我为周围环境的恶化而感到心痛,我想:作为未来接班人的青少年,如果不了解人类环境的构成和环境问题的严重性,无视有关环境保护的法律法规,不去增强环境保护意识,自觉履行保护环境的义务的话,我们的生命将毁在自己的手中,老天将对我们作出严厉的惩罚。为此我下定决心要从我做起爱护环境,保护我们这个赖以生存的家园,做一个保护环境的卫士。 模板,内容仅供参考



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