【最新范文】Unit1 What is the matter周练试题

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1、最新范文Unit1 What is the matter? 周练试题主备:郝春利审核:八年级英语组时间:I.选择填空。(10分)1.We cant get off the bus until the bus_.A. stopB. will stopC. stoppedD. stops2.-Whats the matter? -_.A. I have got a coldB. I have a penC. I dont think soD. It looks well3. Her face_ white at last.A. turnB. turnedC. likeD. get4. We_ th

2、at he _ come.A.believe ,wontB.not believe ,willC.dont believe, willD.believe, not5. The library_ until seven oclock in the evening.A. stays openB. stays openingC. keeps openingD. keeps opened6. He has a lot of money, but he never helps_.A. otherB. the otherC. the othersD. others7. Do you enjoy _ Eng

3、lish?A. readB. to readC. readingD. reads8. My watch _ repairing.A. NeedB. needsC. needingD. to need9. Liu Yuan cant find his ruler. Look! Hes_ it here and there.A. looking forB. looking afterC. looking atD. looking up10. -_I watch TV now?-No, you _ finish your work first.A.Must, needntB.Can, mayC.Ma

4、y, mustD.May, mustntII.完形填空。通读短文选出最佳答案完成各题。(20分)Now, more and more people like watching TV. Watching TV 1 one of the most important activities of a day. TV brings the outside world closer the peoples houses. Some people 2 the world today is 3 than before because of TV.Whats going on in other countri

5、es? How 4 people live in far await places? 5 there good sports games somewhere? If you want to 6 these and other kind of things, just turn on the TV and 7 it. Of course, people can also learn things through reading or listening 8 the radio. But TV can help people learn 9 and more easily. Why? Becaus

6、e they can hear and watch at the same time. TV can give 10 new ideas. Its a wonderful thing.1. A. is B. are C. was D. Were2. A. tell B. speak C. talk D. say3. A. small B. smaller C. big D. Bigger4. A. do B. does C. is D. are5. A. Is B. Are C. Was D. Were6. A. see B. get C. know D. make7. A. see B. h

7、ear C. watch D. Look8. A. on B. in C. at D. to9. A. good B. better C. best D. the best 10. A. we B. our C. ours D. us III.补全对话,每空一词。(20分)A: Whats 1 with you, young man? B: I dont feel 2 .A: Im 3 to hear that. Please take 4 your shirt and_5_ down on the bed. B: Yes, doctor.A: WeI1, theres 6 much wron

8、g with you. Do you take much exercise?B: No, doctor. I never have 7 time for exercise. A: How do you sleep?B: Very badly, doctor. Can you give me 8 medicine to help me sleep?A: Yes, I can, but Im not going to. You dont need medicine. Just take more exercise.B: You are right, doctor. Its important fo

9、r me to 9 healthy. Thank you for your advice.A: Youre welcome. I 10 you will be better soon.IV.阅读理解。(30分)(A)One night there was a heavy snowstorm(暴风雪),and in the morning Mr. Smiths garden was full of snow. Mr. Smith wanted to take his car out, so he asked a man to clean the road from his garage to h

10、is gate, he said to the man, Dont throw any snow on that side, because it will damage (破坏) the shrubs in my garden and dont throw any on the other side, because it will break my fence; and dont throw any into the street, or the police will not be pleased. Then Mr. Smith went out.When he came back, t

11、he road was clean and there was no snow on the shrubs, or the street. Mr. Smith was pleased until he opened the garage to get his car out. There was full of snow from the road, and his car was somewhere under it all.1 Mr. Smith found his garden full of snow_.A.in the morningB.at nightC.before he got

12、 upD.after he went to bed2 He asked a man to move away the snow so that_.A. he didnt have to walk on the snowB. his garden would look beautifulC. he could drive his car out of the garageD. his children could play in the garden3 The man put the snow in the garage _.A. because Mr. Smith told him to do

13、 soB. because he was not afraid of Mr. SmithC. because he didnt know where to put the snowD. because he was afraid of the police4 When Mr. Smith came back into his garden he was _.A. very happyB. not happyC. sadD. afraid5 After you read this, youd think_.A. the man would get his moneyB. Mr. Smith wo

14、uld give the man the moneyC. Mr. Smith would clean the snow himselfD. the man had to do the work again to get the money(B)Three FishThree fish lived in a pond. One was Plan Ahead, another was Think tit And See. One day they heard a fisherman say that he was going fishing the next day.Plan Ahead was

15、said, Im swimming down the river tonight!Think Fast said, Im sure Ill come up with a plan. Wait And See lazily said, I just cant think about it now!When the fisherman cast his nets, Plan Ahead was long gone. But Think Fast and Wait And See were caught!Think Fast quickly rolled his belly up and pretended to be dead. Oh, this fish is not good! ”said the fisherman, and threw him into the wat


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