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1、1 高考完形填空专练 (一)有答案详解 模拟试题一 I used to be ashamed of my grandma. I know thats a36thing to say, but it was true until today, so I have to37it. The38started when my friend Katy found Grandmas false teeth floating in a glass on the bathroom sink. I was so used to seeing them that I39took notice of them. B

2、ut Katy shouted, laughing and40to talk to them. I had to get down on my knees and41her to shut up so my grandma wouldnt42and get hurt. After that happened, I43there were a million things about Grandma that were embarrassing (令人窘迫) . Once she took Jill and me out to Burger King.44ordering our hamburg

3、ers well-done, she told the person behind the counter, Theyll have two Whoppers (巨无霸 ) well-to-do. Jill burst out laughing, but I almost45. After a while, I started wishing I could46Grandma in a closet. I even complained to my parents. Both my parents said I had to be careful not to make Grandma fee

4、l47in our home. Then last Wednesday, something happened that48everything completely. My teacher told us to help find interesting old people and49them about their50for a big Oral History project. I was trying to think of someone when Angie pushed me gently. Volunteer your grandmother, she whispered.

5、Shes51and rich in experience. That was the last thing I ever thought Angie would say about my grandma. This is how I ended up on52today interviewing my own grandmother before the whole school assembly (集合 ). All my friends and teachers were listening to her53she was a great heroine. I was54of my gra

6、ndma and hoped she would55know that I had been ashamed of her. 36. A. funnyB. commonC. terribleD. clear 37. A. admitB. receiveC. refuseD. show 38. A. quarrelB. accidentC. troubleD. adventure 39. A. alreadyB. alwaysC. simplyD. hardly 40. A. enjoyingB. pretendingC. imaginingD. continuing 41. A. warnB.

7、 demandC. adviseD. beg 42. A. mindB. hearC. seeD. fall 43. A. expectedB. declaredC. realizedD. doubted 44. A. Because ofB. Except for C. Such as D. Instead of 45. A. died B. cheered C. disappearedD. suffered 46. A. meet B. avoidC. arrange D. hide 47. A. independentB. inconvenientC. unwelcomeD. unfam

8、iliar 48. A. changed B. finishedC. stoppedD. Prepared 49. A. interview B. report C. tell D. write 50. A. news B. livesC. advantagesD. achievements 51. A. freeB. popularC. interestingD. embarrassing 52. A. show B. stageC. dutyD. time 53. A. and then B. even ifC. so thatD. as if 54. A. sureB. proudC.

9、ashamedD. afraid 2 55. A. neverB. evenC. stillD. once 模拟试题二 The party began shortly after Mr. Wood, who lived in the flat below, signed to himself as he heard excited voices and the noisy music. Luckily he had 36 some work home from the office, 37 he kept himself busy for a couple of hours, thus man

10、aging to pay no attention to the noise 38 . But by eleven o clock he felt 39 and was ready to go to bed, though from his earlier experience he knew it was 40 trying to get to sleep. He undressed and lay for a while on the bed, trying to read, but he 41 himself reading the same page over and over aga

11、in. He then turned off the light and 42 his head in the pillow. But 43 he could not shut 44 the noise, finally, after 45 seemed hours, his 46 was gone. He jumped out of bed, 47 some clothing, marched 48 up the st airs, and walked into his neighbor s flat. The owner of the flat, who 49 him in his dre

12、ssing gown, came 50 the room and, 51 Mr. Wood could say anything, cried, “ My dear fellow, come and 52. I know our parties 53 you. I meant to send you 54.” Mr. Wood s anger disappeared then and there. He said, “ I d better go and get 55.” Minutes later, he returned, properly dressed, only to find th

13、at the party was nearly over. 36 A. taken B. carried C. brought D. fetched 37 A. with which B. from which C. where D. when 38 A. outside B. overhead C. downstairs D. nearby 39 A. bad B. tired C. sick D. hopeless 40 A. useless B. necessary C. possible D. helpful 41 A. had B. found C. caught D. felt 4

14、2 A. buried B. rested C. shook D. turned 43 A. till then B. worse still C. strange enough D. even so 44 A. away B. off C. down D. up 45 A. it B. what C. that D. which 46 A. sleep B. strength C. patience D. anger 47 A. pulled on B. dressed up C. selected D. wore 48 A. sadly B. proudly C. quietly D. f

15、irmly 49 A. made fun of B. stared at C. was angry with D. caught sight of 50 A. across B. around C. towards D. by 51 A. as B. before C. though D. until 52 A. meet as B. sit here C. join us D. scold me 53 A. may trouble B. would trouble C. may bother D. must bother 54 A. a notice B. a message C. an i

16、nvitation D. an apology 55 A. washed B. changed C. dressed D. prepared 模拟试题三 One day in September we were doing repair work on my parents old house to get it ready for my youngest daughter s wedding. We had to 36 a great climbing plant that had grown 37 a roof beam(房梁),so that we could repair the roof and 38 the walls. When my husband was taking the plant away, he found a 39 of a blackbird that had made its home i


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