人教PEP版小学英语六年级上册Unit 3A.Let's talk说课稿

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1、小学英语 六年级上册 PEP版Unit 3 My weekend planA Lets talk说课稿一、说学情在教单词的时候,把以前所学的动词词组复习了,还有这节课的重点句型也操练过,基本没有难的,重点是培养学生的朗读技巧和运用能力。二、说教学目标1能够在情景中运用What are/isgoing to do? Im,He/She is going to谈论周末活动计划。2. 在小组合作中了解be going to表示将来计划的用法。3. 能够树立需要在活动前做好合理计划的意识。三、说重难点重点:能够在情景中运用What are/isgoing to do? Im,He/She is goi

2、ng to谈论周末活动计划。难点:了解be going to表示将来计划的用法。四、说教法创设情景,小组合作五、说教学过程Step1 warm-up1. Lets sing. What are you going to do?学生拍手齐唱。2. 复习单词。图片: take a trip see a filmgo to the supermarketvisit grandparents this morning 3. Free talk.T: Tomorrow is Saturday. Lets make a weekend plan. Im going to wash my clothes t

3、his Saturday morning. What are you going to do, XXX? Step2 Presentation1.接着学生的话说;You have a busy/happy day.课件呈现A Lets talk的插图,介绍对话背景:Its Saturday morning. Sarah is on the phone with Mike, They are talking about their plan for tomorrow.What is Mike going to do tomorrow?What is Sarah going to do tomor

4、row?Look at the picture, can you guess?2.Read the talk by yourself (完成表格)see a film go fishing have an art lesson go swimming 师提问:What is he going to do tomorrow?He is going toWhat is she going to do tomorrow?She is going to(板书句子并解释:be going to的用法) 放动画,隐藏句子,让学生感知。 再放一次,出示句子,听 听并跟读俩次。 同桌分角色朗读。解释句子:So

5、unds great! I have to do my homework now!(合理安排自己的周末计划) 汇报表演。出示评价标准,师生评价,能得几颗星呢?3.Work in pairsTalk about your friends weekend plan.What is going to do this weekend?What are going to do?He/she isgoing to They are going to4出示Sarah图片:Im going to clean my room on Saturday.出示Mike图片:Im going to read some

6、books on Saturday.5. Work in group小组合作谈论周六计划。 6. Homework:1)朗读并表演对话。2)跟同伴谈论周末计划。4 小学英语 六年级上册 PEP版PEP小学英语六年级上册重点单词和句型练习一、重点单词Unit 1: by ( ) foot( ) bike( ) bus( ) train( ) how( ) go to school( ) traffic( )traffic light( ) traffic rule( )stop( )wait( ) get to( )Unit 2 library( ) post office( ) hospita

7、l( ) cinema( ) turn( ) bookstore( ) where( ) please( ) next to( ) right ( ) left( ) straight( ) then ( )Unit 3 next week( ) this morning( ) this afternoon( ) this evening ( ) comic book( ) post card( ) newspaper( ) buy( ) Unit 4 hobby( ) ride a bike-riding a bike( ) dive-diving( ) play the violinpla

8、ying the violin( ) make kitesmaking kites( ) collect stampscollecting stamps( ) live lives( ) teach-teaches( ) go-goes( ) watch-watches( ) read-reads( ) does doesnt=does not Unit 5 singer( ) writer( ) actor( ) actress( ) artist( ) TV reporter( ) engineer( ) accountant( ) policeman( ) salesperson( )

9、cleaner( ) where( ) work( ) Unit 6rain( ) cloud ( ) sun( ) stream( ) come from( ) seed( ) soil( ) sprout ( ) plant( ) should ( ) then( )Unit 1: (经,乘) (脚) (自行车) (公共汽车) (火车) (怎样) (上学) (交通)(交通灯) (交通规则) (停,停车站)(等待) (到达)Unit 2 (图书馆) (邮局) (医院) (电影院) (转弯) (书店) (在哪里,到哪里) (请) (与相邻) (右边) (左边) (成直线地) (然后)Unit

10、3 (下周) (今天上午) (今天下午) (今天晚上) (漫画书) (明信片) (报纸) (购买) Unit 4(爱好) -(骑自行车) -(跳水) (拉小提琴) (制作风筝) (集邮) (居住) -(教) -(去) -(看) -(读,看) does doesnt= Unit 5(歌唱家,歌手) (作家) (男演员) (女演员) (画家) (电视台记者) (工程师) (会计) (男警察) (销售员) (工作)(清洁工) (在哪里,到哪里) Unit 6(雨) (云) (太阳) (河,溪) (来自,从来) (种子) (土壤) (苗,芽) (植物,种植) (应该) (然后)二、单词分类1)交通方式

11、:by bus, by train, by subway, by ship, by plane, by car, on foot2)文具书籍:dictionary, newspaper, comic book, post card 3)职 业:singer, writer, TV reporter, actor, actress, engineer, accountant, salesperson, policeman, policewoman,artist, cleaner4)V-ing形式:riding a bike, collecting stamps, diving, making k

12、ites, playing the violin5)第三人称单数形式:lives,teaches, watches, goes, does, doesnt 6)公共场所:library,post office, cinema, hospital, science museum, bookstore7)方位:east, west, south, north, turn left, turn right, go straight8)交通灯; red light, yellow light, green light9)自然: sun, cloud, rain, vapour, stream 六年级上册四会句子1.你是怎样去上学的?2.通常我走路去上学。3.有时候我骑自行车去。4.我怎样能到达中山公园?5.你可以乘十五路车去。6 电影院在哪里?7 它在医院隔壁。8 邮局在哪里?13 我打算去书店。9 在电影院往左弯,然后直走。它就在左边。10 周末你打算去干什么?11 这周末我打算去拜访我的祖父母。


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