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1、Unit 5课时跟踪练(二) Warming Up & Reading Language Points一、全练语言点,基稳才能楼高.单词拼写1He has no alternative (可能的选择) but to try hard to finish it on time.2To our sadness, the homeless died of starvation (饿死)3In this accident, there were five deaths with accuracy (精确性)拼十年寒窗挑灯苦读不畏难;携双亲期盼背水勇战定夺魁。如果你希望成功,以恒心为良友,以经验为参谋,

2、以小心为兄弟,以希望为哨兵。4Weve drawn up a tentative (试探性的)program for the next two weeks.5I dont like being interrupted (打断;打扰) while working.6We all assume (假定) that she is innocent.7He cant even sharpen (削) a pencil properly. 8He has given an serious analysis (分析) of the situation.9We are waiting for the fir

3、st crops to ripen (成熟) .10He is too busy to clean his room, so it is very messy (凌乱的).单句改错1You have no alternative but go on. go前加to2Will you stop interrupt me when Im talking? interruptinterrupting3It is assumed mental health is related to physical health.assumed后加that4Everyone has the right to goo

4、d medical care regardless their ability to pay.regardless后加of5He starved ways that help him solve the problem.starved后加for6Tentative they tried to put the new plan into practice.TentativeTentatively7She doesnt know how to tidy up the mess room.messmessy8He suffered from the loss of his pupils respec

5、t.去掉from.选词填空care about, suffer from, look like, show around, compare . with ., keep out, at most, cut up, regardless of, on the assumption that .1Studies have shown that vegetarians seldom suffer_from heart diseases.2From your appearance, you look more like your mother.3I will continue to pursue my

6、 dream regardless_of a lot of failures. 4She is cutting_up an apple with a knife.5We are working on_the_assumption_that the conference will take place as planned.6The night was too cold outside, and the poor man tried to keep the cold out by closing the door hard. 7The dog owners usually care much a

7、bout their pets.8There are ten guests at_most who will attend this party.9Having compared the program with that one, he decided to have the former one carried out.10Those tourists were being shown_around the Revolutionary Resort.课文语法填空A group of students from England has come to the Zhoukoudian cave

8、s for a visit. An archaeologist is showing them 1.around/round. The archaeologists 2.have_been_excavating (excavate) here for many years. After 3.finding (find) human and animal bones in those caves higher up the hill as well as tools and other objects, they think it is reasonable 4.to_assume (assum

9、e) some of the earliest people lived in these caves, regardless 5.of the cold. They also discovered fireplaces in the center of the caves 6.where they made fires.Some evidence suggests that our ancestors 7.did wear clothes made from animal skins. The archaeologist also shows the students a primitive

10、 necklace 8.preserved (preserve) quite well. Indeed, as the botanical analysis has been 9.specially (special) showing us, all the fields around here used to be part of a large shallow lake. Perhaps there was trade between early peoples 10.or they traveled to the seaside on their journeys.串点成篇微表达一件重要

11、的事情突然发生了,尽管我不是一个敏锐的(acute)人,但我意识(aware)到它对于我们公司来说十分重要。由于经理已经睡着,我认为最好不要打断(interrupt)他。但是无论(regardless of)发生什么都要让他及时知道(keep宾语宾补结构)是十分重要的。作为秘书,我别无选择(alternative)只好叫醒他。Something_important_happened_and_although_Im_not_an_acute_person,_I_was_aware_that_it_would_be_vital_to_our_company._Since_the_manager_w

12、as_asleep,_I_thought_I_had_better_not_interrupt_him,_but_it_is_important_to_keep_him_informed_regardless_of_what_has_happened._As_a_secretary,_I_had_no_alternative_but_to_wake_him_up.二、勤练高考题型,多练自能生巧.完形填空When my kids were young, we bought them two pet parrots. These beautiful _1_ whistled all through

13、 the day. We had a big _2_ for them with toys and a mirror, plus food and water dishes. We couldnt let them loose in the house _3_ our dogs and cats, but they didnt seem to be _4_ in their cage.One day in the springtime when the sun was awakening the earth and the air had turned _5_, I opened the wi

14、ndow to let in the wind. The songs of dozens of different birds _6_ the air and our two parrots whistled with _7_. I went over to their cage to replace their water, but as soon as I opened the door one of them _8_ and headed for the window. It bumped against the _9_, fell over onto the couch, and th

15、en started to fly around the living room. The cats chased after it, hoping for a delicious _10_. The kids screamed and I rushed to _11_ it. It took several minutes to stop the cats from _12_ the bird and get it _13_ back in its cage. After that day, however, I always felt a bit _14_ for the parrots.

16、 I knew that no matter how _15_ their cage was, they still wanted to fly.Many of us in this life live in cages of our own making. We _16_ our minds, lock away our hearts and _17_ our lives. We refuse to see the _18_ in our life and the greatness that lies within us. We sit in our cells day after day and _


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