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1、2019版高考英语一轮完形填空和语法填空优练题(2)李仕才Part A:完形填空AThere was once a man who was shipwrecked and stranded(搁浅) on an island. Every day he prayed, asking God to send someone to rescue him, but to his _1_ no one ever came.Months passed and this man learned how to _2_ on the island. During this time, he _3_ things

2、 from the island and stored them in a _4_ that he constructed. One day after hunting for food and returning to his hut, _5_ to his dismay(沮丧) he saw that his hut was on fire along with everything else he owned!All of his possessions were _6_ in flames! The only thing he had _7_ were the clothes on h

3、is back. _8_ he was in shock, and then he was consumed with anger!In his _9_he threw a fist into the air and began _10_ at God and yelling, “God, how could you let this happen to me? Ive been praying every day for months about being _11_ and no one has come, and now everything that I have is on fire

4、! How could you do this to me! Why did you let this happen?”Later the man was on his hands and knees weeping _12_ when he happened to look up and _13_ sight of a ship coming in his direction. The man was rescued and as they were heading back to the _14_, the man asked the captain, “How were you _15_

5、 to find me?”The captain responded, “We were _16_across the ocean when we noticed on the horizon a column of _17_ going up. We decided to _18_it out and when we did, thats when we found you!”In life we are going to be _19_ with challenges, problems, and disasters. But keep it in mind that God can tr

6、ansform what the devil has _20_for bad into your good! What is a catastrophe can sometimes be a blessing in disguise.1. A. satisfactionB. disappointmentC. delight D. embarrassment2. A. survive B. entertainC. defend D. escape3. A. consumed B. operatedC. distinguished D. accumulated4. A. hut B. houseC

7、. tent D. shed5. A. little B. everC. much D. even6. A. going up B. going overC. going down D. going through7. A. deserted B. storedC. left D. dropped8. A. Apparently B. GraduallyC. Firstly D. Unusually9. A. anger B. joyC. regret D. excitement10. A. aiming B. throwingC. laughing D. swearing11. A. inq

8、uired B. rescuedC. fed D. cured12. A. heavily B. closelyC. irregularly D. cautiously13. A. form B. catchC. lose D. gain14. A. civilization B. northC. island D. world15. A. eager B. willingC. surprised D. able16. A. boating B. swimmingC. voyaging D. flying17. A. ash B. waterC. smoke D. thunder18. A.

9、check B. setC. rule D. hand19. A. charged B. delightedC. concerned D. faced20. A. pressed B. packedC. meant D. charged文章大意本文是一则小故事,描述了一个因船只失事困于海岛的人几经周折被营救的过程。故事告诉我们:有时会因祸得福。1. B。这个被困于小岛的人每天祷告求上帝派人去救他,但并没有人来,由此可知,他很失望。to ones disappointment“令人失望的是”符合语境。2. A。几个月过去了,这个人学会了如何在岛上生存。survive“活下来,幸存”符合语境。en

10、tertain“娱乐”,defend“防守”,escape“逃跑”,都不符合语境。3. D。在这期间,他积累(accumulate)从岛上得来的东西并存储在他建造的小屋里。consume“消耗”,operate“操作”,distinguish“区分”,都不符合语境。4. A。下文信息“One day after hunting for food and returning to his hut”是暗示。5. C。一天他寻找食物后回到自己的小屋时,沮丧地发现,小屋连同他的一切都着火了!much to ones dismay“让人十分沮丧的是”符合语境。6. A。句意:他所有的财产都在大火中化为乌

11、有!go up“被烧毁”,符合句意。7. C。他唯一剩下的就只有身上的衣服。leave“剩下”符合句意。8. C。firstly.and then.为常用搭配。句意:他首先惊呆了,继而满腔怒火!9. A。上文信息“then he was consumed with anger”是暗示。句意:愤怒之下,他在空中挥舞着拳头。10. D。句意:他开始诅咒上帝,大声喊道:“上帝,你怎么能让这种事发生在我身上”。swear at“诅咒,咒骂”符合句意。11. B。第一段中的“Every day he prayed, asking God to send someone to rescue him”有暗示

12、。他一直祈祷能获救,但没人来,现在自己的一切都被火烧毁了!12. A。后来他跪在地上大哭起来,却在不经意间抬头看见一艘船朝他的方向驶来。heavily“剧烈地,猛烈地”符合语境。closely“仔细地,紧跟地,密切地”,irregularly“不规则地”,cautiously“谨慎地”,都不符合语境。13. B。catch sight of“看见,发现”,符合语境。14. A。那人获救后肯定是回到了文明社会中。civilization“文明的环境”,符合语境。15. D。这个人问船长,“你是如何能找到我的?”be able to do sth.“能够做某事”。16. C。根据常识可知,船长肯定

13、是驾驶船只在跨越大西洋航行(voyage)。17. C。船长回答说,“我们注意到在地平线上有炊烟袅袅升起。”18. A。船长他们决定去看看,于是找到了那个人。check out“检查,核实”符合语境。19. D。在生活中我们要面对各种挑战、问题和灾难。be faced with sth.“面对”符合语境。20. C。但是要记住,魔鬼意欲使坏时,上帝能将坏事变成好事。有时会因祸得福。mean“打算,意欲”,符合语境。B(2015长春调研考试)After graduation from college,I was offered a whitecollar job in an office in

14、Manhattan.We had large _1_ overlooking a busy street.I stood by one of them one day,when a young lady walking on sideway _2_ and made eye contactnaturally,I _3_.That was the beginning of making others happy.When things were _4_,I stood in the window and waved at the passengers who looked up and this

15、 made me smilework _5_ was washed away.Late afternoon was the _6_ time.Rushhour traffic filled the street with cars and buses.After waving became _7_,I tried to improve my act.I made signs,“Hi!”,“Hello!”,and “Be Happy!”I _8_ them in the window and waved._9_ Day was drawing near.Job cuts were announced.Several coworkers would _10_ their jobs.Stress reached a high point.Everyone felt _11_.We needed to do something to break the tension.While working one night,a red jacket _12_ my attention.I used my _13_



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