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1、 广东省东莞市2021-2021学年高一下学期英语期末考试试卷一、阅读理解1. (2017高一下东莞期末)阅读理解 Australian Comedy-COSI(5th Round) Date: April 12-16-7:30 pm Venue: Beijing Poly Theatre Price: 800-1,500 yuan Cosi is a 1996 Australian comedy film directed by Mark Joffe. In the film, Lewis Riley wants to get a job as a director at a mental

2、(精神病的)hospital. He gets the job and finds himself directing a production of the Mozart opera Cosi fan tutte, an opera in Italian. And it is going to be performed by actors and actresses that he must select from among the patients, who only speak English. Twelfth Night By TNT Theatre Britain Date: Ap

3、ril 13-15-7:30 pm Venue: 9 Theatre Beijing Price: 60-380 yuan Twelfth Night, or What You Will is a comedy by William Shakespeare, believed to have been written around 1601-1602. The play focuses on the twins Viola and Sebastian, who are separated in a ship accident at sea. Viola(who pretends to be a

4、 boy) falls in love with Orsino. But Orsino in turn is in love with Olivia when meeting Viola falls in love with her, thinking she is a man. Jazz Weekend-Thomas Enhco Piano Recital Date: May 6-7:30 pm Venue: Beijing Concert Hall Price: 80-599 yuan Thomas Enhco was born in Paris, 1988. He starts play

5、ing the violin and piano at an early age, and studies classical music and jazz. At 12, Thomas works with a French jazz violinist Didier Lockwood. He is spotted by Peter Erskine, who offers to help with Thomas Enhcos first CD. In 2004-2005, Thomas creates and records his first album, Esquisse, which

6、is released in 2006. He receives the Young Talent Prize at the Montauban Jazz Festival in 2006. (1)Where can you enjoy Cosi in April?A . Beijing Poly TheatreB . TNT Theatre BritainC . 9 Theatre BeijingD . Beijing Concert Hall(2)Who in fact is a man in Twelfth Night?A . OliviaB . ViolaC . OrsinoD . W

7、illiam Shakespeare(3)Thomas Enhcos first album finally came out _.A . in 2000B . in 2004C . in 2005D . in 20062. (2017高一下东莞期末)阅读理解 The boss of a big company needed to call one of his employees about a serious problem with one of the main computers. He dialed the employees home phone number and was g

8、reeted with a childs whisper, “Hello?” The boss asked, “Is your daddy at home?” “Yes,” whispered the small voice. “May I talk with him?” The man asked. To the surprise of the boss, the small voice whispered, “No.” Wanting to talk with an adult, the boss asked, “Is your mommy there?” “Yes,” came the

9、answer. “May I talk with her?” Again the small voice whispered, “No.” Knowing that it was impossible that a young child would be left home alone, the boss decided he would just leave a message with the person who should be there watching over the child. “Is there anyone there besides you?” The boss

10、asked the child. “Yes,” whispered the child, “a policeman.” Wondering what a policeman would be doing at his employees home, the boss asked, “May I speak with the policeman?” “No, hes busy,” whispered the child. “Busy doing what?” asked the boss. “Talking to daddy and mommy and the fireman,” came th

11、e whispered answer. Growing concerned and even worried as he heard what sounded like a helicopter(直升机)through the earpiece on the phone, the boss asked, “What is the noise?” “A helicopter.” answered the whispered voice. “What is going on there?” asked the boss, now alarmed. In a serious whispering v

12、oice the child answered, “The search team just landed the helicopter.” Alarmed and concerned and more than just a little disappointed, the boss asked, “Why are they there?” Still whispering, the young voice replied along with an unclear giggly(窃笑), “They are looking for me.”(1)Why did the boss call

13、the employee?A . He wanted to talk to the childB . He wanted to join in the gameC . A main computer had broken downD . He always cared about his employees(2)Who was not in the employees home?A . The childB . The bossC . A policemanD . A fireman(3)Which of the following can replace the underlined wor

14、d “alarmed” in Paragraph?A . FrightenedB . InterestedC . Warm-heartedD . Inspired(4)According to the passage, what was happening in fact?A . The child was playing a trickB . The boss was offering helpC . The employee was in dangerD . The child was missing3. (2017高一下东莞期末)阅读理解 An Interview with Pascal

15、 De Sarthe French-born Pascal de Sarthe was self-taught and becoming more and more famous among the art businessmen in the 1980s. He became one of the most recognized gallery managers of the 21st century. He made Hong Kong his base in 2010. Today, with one gallery here and another in Beijing, hes cl

16、early fallen in love with art. By Philippe Dova What made you decide to based in Asia? I have been coming to Asia since 1981, doing business first in Japan and Korea, then in the early 90s in Taiwan, China and Southeast Asia. Half of my business was in Asia and I quickly started spending two weeks of every m



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