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1、高考英语的作文10种类型,1,精品教学课件PPT,高考作文分为实用文和应用文。实用文包括:1.提纲作文;2.图表作文; 3.图画作文; 4.开放作文;应用文包括:5.书信; 6.通知; 7简历; 8.日记; 9.便条; 10.电子邮件。,2,精品教学课件PPT,书信,商业信函(business letters)和私人书信(personal letters)两种, 而书面表达一般都是要求写私人书信。它包括五部分,即信头、称呼、正文、结束语和签名,具体如下: 1信头:june 8,2009/ 8 june2009。 2称呼:自成一行,顶格写。称呼语常用:dear sir/madam/manager

2、/editor/friends/bob,称呼之后一般用逗号。 3正文:信件的主体部分即为信的正文。正文写在称呼的下一行,与dear后第一个单词对齐。正文通常包括三部分,即开头、目的和结尾。正文的开头语常用:thank you for your last letter asking about.;Im glad to.。正文的结尾语是正文的一部分,常常另起一行,常用的结尾语有:im looking forward to your reply;thanks and all the best;best wishes;wishing you a pleasant journey。 4结束语:结束语与正

3、文的结尾语不一样,它要写在结尾语的下一行,位于书信的右下角,后面用逗号。常用的结束语有:yours sincerely/faithfully/truly;sincerely/truly yours;yours等。,3,精品教学课件PPT,假设你是李华。上月你从某国外网店订购了一件毛衣、一件夹克和一双鞋。收到货后你发现毛衣有个洞,夹克不是你要的尺码而且少了一粒纽扣,鞋子不是你要的款式。请给该网店客服写封投诉信,并说明理由并要求退货。 注意:1.词数100左右 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。,投诉信,4,精品教学课件PPT,Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to co

4、mplain about a sweater, a jacket and a pair of shoes which I bought from your online shop last month. Unfortunately, when the order arrived I realized that the sweater had a hole in it. Also when I tried on the jacket I noticed that it had a button missing and was not the size I had ordered. And the

5、 style of the shoes was not what I had asked for either.,5,精品教学课件PPT,I am returning the clothing and I would appreciate a full refund. I am looking forward to your reply. Yours faithfully, Li Hua,6,精品教学课件PPT,通知:书面通知和口头通知,共同点:1.通知时态,一般将来时为主。 2. 内容:虽用词不同,但一般都会有要求听者不要迟到,欢迎某人参加活动等 区别: 1.格式:书面通知有标题, (通常为

6、Notice或Announcement),标题下面是正文,正文后通常还应有发通知的单位(通常写在右下角)和写发通知的日期(通常写在左下角)等。 口头通知没有标题,7,精品教学课件PPT,区别:2.称呼和开头,口头通知一般有开头称呼语(Ladies and gentlemen, Boys and girls等),而书面通知通常不用这些开头称呼语;口头通知用来吸引听众注意力的句子(如May I have your attention, please? / Attention please, everyone. I have an announcement to make. / Be quite.

7、There is something important I haveto tell you.等)在书面通知中通常不可以用;口头通知的结束套语(Thats all. Thank you very much.)在书面通知中也不会使用。,8,精品教学课件PPT,熟记套语:,尽管书面通知与口头通知有很多表达套语不一样,但有些表达(如叫听者不要迟到、欢迎某人参加某活动等方面的套语)是可以通用的,不过有时可能在措辞方面会有所不同(书面通知措辞可能会略正式些)。如:口头通知:Everyone should be there on time. Be sure not to be late. Please b

8、e present on time.书面通知:Everyone is required to be present on time.口头通知:Be sure to attend it on time.书面通知:Everybody is expected to attend it on time.另外,书面通知的以下套语也需注意:All teachers and students are required to(全体师生务必要)Notice is here by given that(兹通知)Our school / The Student Union will / is going to ho

9、ldA lecture will be given at 7:00 this evening in,9,精品教学课件PPT,通知:假设你们将于5月10日去体检。请根据下列内容和提示,写一篇口头通知,词数80左右。 1体检地点:人民医院,离我们学校不远,步行大约15分钟的路程。 2体检日期:5月10日上午8点,星期六。 注意: 17:45在医院门口集合,可以骑车或步行前往。 2体检前空腹。 3在医院保持安静,听从医生和护士的安排。,10,精品教学课件PPT,范文:,Attention please, everyone, Our class will go to have a physical e

10、xamination in Peoples Hospital on Saturday, 10th May. It is not far from our school. Its about fifteen minutes walk. You may either walk there or go there by bicycle. The examination will begin at 8:00.We are not allowed to eat or drink anything before the examination. Keep quiet there and listen to the doctors and nurses. After the examination you may go home.,11,精品教学课件PPT,空白演示,单击输入您的封面副标题,



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