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1、翻译硕士(MTI)英语 学好领导人讲话也很重要下面是翻译硕士(MTI)有关国家领导人讲话的汉英内容,这是温家宝总理在第八届东盟商务与投资峰会上的讲话的全部原文来供大家阅览。深化合作 共同繁荣在第八届中国-东盟商务与投资峰会上的讲话中华人民共和国国务院总理 温家宝2011年10月21日,南宁Strive to Deepen Cooperation for Common Prosperity-Address by H.E. Wen JiabaoPremier of the State Council of the Peoples Republic of ChinaAt the 8th China-

2、ASEAN Business and Investment SummitNanning, 21 October 2011尊敬的纳吉布总理,尊敬的洪森首相,女士们,先生们:The Honorable Prime Minister Dato Sri Najib,The Honorable Prime Minister Hun Sen,Ladies and Gentlemen,今年是中国-东盟友好交流年,也是中国-东盟建立对话关系20周年。这次峰会以“深化区域合作,实现共同繁荣”为主题,很有意义。我代表中国政府,对会议的召开表示热烈祝贺,对各位嘉宾的莅临表示诚挚欢迎。This year is the

3、 China-ASEAN Friendship and Exchange Year and the 20th anniversary of China-ASEAN dialogue relations. It is therefore highly relevant for the summit to take deepen regional cooperation for common prosperity as its theme. On behalf of the Chinese government, I wish to extend warm congratulations on t

4、he opening of the summit and sincere welcome to all the distinguished guests present.中国与东盟国家或山水相连,或隔海相望。自古以来,我们的祖先就共同生息、繁衍在亚洲这片热土上。“远亲不如近邻”。地缘这根纽带把我们紧密联系在一起,无论在中国,还是在东盟国家,随处都可以看到双方文化交流、影响、融合的印记,至今传诵着郑和下西洋、文莱渤泥王来华、万隆会议这样脍炙人口的历史佳话。中国和东盟各国人民之间的传统友谊源远流长、历久弥新。China and ASEAN countries are linked by the s

5、ame mountains and rivers or face each other across the sea. Our forefathers have, since ancient times, lived and multiplied in Asia, the homeland for us all. As the Chinese saying goes, Its better to have a neighbor close by than a relative far away. Geographic proximity has brought us close to each

6、 other. One can easily find vestiges of interaction and integration of our cultures whether in China or ASEAN countries. Stories of Admiral Zheng Hes many voyages to the Western Seas, travel to China by Boni King of Brunei, and the Bandung Conference have been told from generation to generation. Ind

7、eed, the traditional friendship between the Chinese people and the people of ASEAN countries has run a long course and is poised to become even stronger.上世纪八、九十年代以来,随着中国改革开放的深入推进,中国和东盟关系进入一个新的历史时期。我们本着加强沟通、增进互信、密切合作、互利共赢的宗旨,建立了中国-东盟对话关系,开启了双方关系的新篇章。20年来,双方关系经历了从全面对话伙伴、睦邻互信伙伴到战略伙伴的历史性跨越,中国-东盟全方位、宽领域、

8、多层面的合作格局逐步形成。Since the 1980s and 90s, China-ASEAN relations have entered a new historical period with the deepening of Chinas reform and opening-up. Firmly committed to closer communication, stronger mutual trust, enhanced cooperation and mutual benefit, we launched China-ASEAN dialogue relations an

9、d turned a new chapter in the annals of bilateral relationship. Over the past two decades, our relations have witnessed historic progress from all-round dialogue partners to partners of good-neighborliness and mutual trust, to strategic partners. A framework of all-dimensional, wide-ranging and mult

10、i-tiered China-ASEAN cooperation has gradually taken shape.中国真心诚意地发展同东盟的关系。作为区域外大国,中国第一个加入东南亚友好合作条约,第一个同东盟建立战略伙伴关系,第一个与东盟建设自由贸易区,率先承诺签署东南亚无核武器区条约议定书,坚定支持东盟在东亚合作中发挥主导作用。China has every sincerity in advancing its relations with ASEAN. Among big countries outside the region, China is the first to acced

11、e to the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia, the first to establish strategic partnership with ASEAN, the first to build free trade area with ASEAN, and the first to commit to signing the Protocol to the Treaty on the Southeast Asian Nuclear Weapon-Free Zone. What is more, China firml

12、y supports ASEAN in playing the leading role in East Asian cooperation.中国致力于深化与东盟双方务实合作。在双方政府和工商界的共同努力下,20年来双边贸易额年均增长20%以上,目前已接近3000亿美元。中国成为东盟第一大贸易伙伴,东盟也成为中国的第三大贸易伙伴。我们创建了中国-东盟博览会、商务与投资峰会等经贸交流平台,设立了中国-东盟合作基金、中国-东盟公共卫生合作基金和中国-东盟投资合作基金,为东盟国家进行了数万人的能力建设培训。中国-东盟经贸合作正处于历史上最活跃、最富有成效的时期。China is committed

13、to deepening practical cooperation with ASEAN. Thanks to joint efforts of governments and business communities on both sides, our two-way trade has registered an average annual growth rate of more than 20% in the past two decades, reaching nearly US$300 billion a year. China has become the largest t

14、rading partner of ASEAN, and ASEAN the third largest trading partner of China. We have launched such business and trade platforms as the China-ASEAN Expo and China-ASEAN Business and Investment Summit, established the China-ASEAN Cooperation Fund, China-ASEAN Public Health Cooperation Fund and China

15、-ASEAN Investment Cooperation Fund. China has provided training programs on capacity building for tens of thousands of people from ASEAN countries. China-ASEAN economic cooperation has never been more dynamic and more fruitful.中国始终与东盟国家同舟共济。越是在困难和挑战面前,我们越是坚定地站在一起。1997年亚洲金融危机席卷东南亚时,中国坚持人民币不贬值。2008年国际

16、金融危机最严峻的时期,中国出台了一系列应对金融危机的有力措施,促进了中国与东盟国家贸易与投资稳定增长。我们还共同抗击非典、禽流感、甲型H1N1流感等跨境传染病,共同应对历史罕见的印度洋海啸、缅甸风灾等自然灾害。中国-东盟的友好关系经受住了时间和困难的考验。China has always stood by ASEAN countries rain or shine. The more difficult and challenging the times are, the more resolutely we have stood together. When a financial crisis swept across



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