中考英语总复习八年级(下)Units 3-4 教材知识梳理

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1、八年级八年级(下下)Units 3-4 安徽中考真题精选 .单项填空 1.(2018安徽第 40 题)The speaker showed someexamples to make the science report easy to understand.(C) A.awfulB.stupidC.properD.thick 2.(2018安徽第 45 题)Its said that shopping online is safe. .Youd better be careful.(B) A.I agreeB.That depends C.I think soD.No problem 3.(2

2、016安徽第 33 题)Helen has got two brothers.of them likes chocolate,but she loves it.(A) A.NeitherB.NoneC.EachD.Any 4.(2014安徽第 34 题)Rick has learned a lot about Chinese culturehe came to China.(D) A.beforeB.whenC.untilD.since 5.(2013安徽第 43 题)It is helpful toa good habit of reading in language learning.(C

3、) A.takeB.showC.developD.match 6.(2012安徽第 35 题)To protect the environment,supermarkets dontfree plastic bags to shoppers.(C) A.takeB.showC.provideD.carry 7.(2012安徽第 44 题)We have red and yellow Tshirts.Which color do you like? Im afraid.I think blue will be OK.(C) A.bothB.eitherC.neitherD.none 8.(201

4、2安徽第 47 题)Whats your plan for the summer holidays? Ill go to Beijingthe school term ends.(C) A.in order thatB.so that C.as soon asD.even though 9.(2011安徽第 38 题)My father was preparing for his speechmy mother was doing some washing last night.(B) A.ifB.whileC.unlessD.until 10.(2011安徽第 45 题)What a nic

5、e day!We should go sightseeingwatching TV in the hotel.(B) A.because ofB.instead of C.together withD.out of .单词拼写 1.(2015安徽第 94 题)Could you please lend(借) me your dictionary? 2.(2012安徽第 99 题)Reading and writing are two basic learning skills(技能). 熟词生义 1.pass 熟义:v.给;递;走过;通过 生义:v.(时间)流逝 n.通行证;及格 (1)All

6、 visitors must show their passes before entering the building.通行证 (2)Several hours passed,I thought the boy would not return my shoes.(2020贵州黔南)(时 间)流逝 (3)One day he passed by a lake and wanted to let the swan drink some water.(2020广东东莞) 走过;经过 2.develop 熟义:v.发展;壮大 生义:v.开发;研制;制定;形成;培养 (1)It normally

7、takes seven or more years to develop a safe vaccine(疫苗) that works well.(2020湖北荆门)研制 (2)We should develop a team spirit wherever we are as long as we are together with others. 培养 (3)Develop a recycling policy for the whole community.(2020山东聊城)制定 3.drop 熟义:v.(使)落下;掉下 生义:v.放弃;使减少;滴下;(价格、温度等)下降 n.滴;水珠;

8、下降 (1)As I took the brush away,I dropped some paint onto the paper.(2020甘肃武威)滴下 (2)The bowl with rice dropped and broke into pieces.(2020湖北随州)掉下 (3)The coming drop in temperature of your body will naturally make you feel sleepy.(2015安 徽)n.(温度)下降 4.deal 熟义:v.对付;对待;处理 n.协议;交易 生义:n.大量;很多 (1)About 75% o

9、f the worlds population will live in cities by 2050,so cities will need to be more modern to deal with the coming problems.(2018安徽)处理 (2)So far,the hospitals have received a great deal of encouragement from the public.(2020广 东)很多 (3)Business people shake hands when they make a deal.交易 5.offer 熟义:v.主

10、动提出;自愿给予 生义:n.出价;主动提议;建议;录取通知书;特价 v.供应;提供 (1)Thank you for your kind offer of help.主动提议 (2)Id like to take a vacation before getting my offer from my future high school.(2020辽宁 营口)录取通知书 (3)I like these books because they offer me a lot of useful knowledge.(2020贵州黔东南)提 供 6.copy 熟义:v.抄袭;模仿;复制;复印 生义:n.

11、副本;复制品;一本;一册;一份 (1)If you cant afford a new copy of the book,perhaps you can find a secondhand one. 一本 (2)Some lazy students just copy the answers from the Internet without thinking on their own.(2020四川眉山)抄袭 7.cause 熟义:v.造成;引起 生义:n.原因;理由 (1)Waste pollutes the environment,harms peoples health and cau

12、ses animals to die.(2020重 庆 B 卷)造成;引起 (2)Zhong Nanshan spent days and nights to find the cause of the disease.原因 名师考点精讲 考点 1neither 的用法 【教材原句】 For one week,she did not do any housework and neither did I.一周内,她没做任何家务, 我也没有。(P19) 1.neither 作代词时,意为“两者都不”。作主语时,谓语动词一般用单数形式。常用于“neither of+名词/代词宾格”结构,其中名词之前

13、必须有限定词,如 my,the,any,these 等。例如: Neither of my parents enjoys music.我的父母都不喜欢音乐。 2.neither 作副词时,意为“也不”,置于句首,句子用倒装语序。neither 也可用 nor 替换。主 要用法如下: (1)“neither/nor+助动词/be 动词/情态动词+主语”表示前面所表述的否定情况也适用于后 者。例如: They dont agree with you.Neither do I.他们不赞同你的意见。我也不赞同。 (2)“neither/nor+主语+助动词/be 动词/情态动词”表示后者赞同前面的否定

14、观点。例如: I couldnt do anything for her.我帮不了她。 Nor you could,but you might have got somebody to help her.你是不能帮她,但你本可以找 人帮她的。 3.neither 作限定词时,意为“(两者)都不”,置于可数名词单数之前。例如: Neither chair is comfortable.两把椅子坐起来都不舒服。 4.neither 可构成 neither.nor.结构,意为 “既不也不”,与 both.and.意思相反。 当 neither.nor.连接两个并列的主语时,谓语动词遵循“就近原则”。

15、例如: Neither he nor I am able to understand the meaning of the words.我和他都无法明白那些话 的意思。 活学活用 1.(2020辽宁丹东)What would you like,milk or coffee? .Id like some orange juice. A.NoneB.Neither C.EachD.Either 【解析】 考查不定代词。 none“没有任何东西”;neither“(两者)都不”;each“每个”;either“(两 者)任何一个”。根据“Id like some orange juice.”可知,后

16、者是牛奶和咖啡两者都不要,应用 neither。 【答案】 B 2.(2020黑龙江绥化改编)Will you go to the movies tomorrow? If you dont go,. A.neither do IB.neither wont I C.neither will ID.neither dont I 【解析】考查倒装句和 if 引导的条件状语从句。句意:你明天会去看电影吗?如 果你不去,我也不去。if 引导的条件状语从句,遵循“主将从现”的规则,因此主句用一般将 来时。根据句意及选项可知,此处应用 neither 表示否定意义,will 不需要用否定形式。 【答案】 C 考点 2辨析 borrow,lend 和 keep 【教材原句】 Could I borrow that book?我可以借那本书吗?(P20) 1.borrow 表示“借入”,不能和一段时间连用。常见用法:borrow sth.from sb.“向某人借用某 物;从某人处


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