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1、课文词句话题集(北师大版)Unit 1 Lifestyles生活方式 No. 1 Warm-up 短文填空,做到看汉语用英语叙述“各爱各行”这一话题,并且默写。最近我完成了一份关于生活方式的调查问卷。我认为,你做什么工作(就)不重要。牧羊人喜欢动物|和大自然,他的工作平静而放松, |而商业经理的生活既忙碌又有压力,|但他觉得它确实令人兴奋。【Recently I have completed a questionnaire about lifestyles. I suppose it doesnt matter 2._ work you do .】【A shepherd 3._ (love)

2、the animals and nature,4._ life is peaceful and relaxing, | 5._ a business managers life is busy and stressful, | 6._ he finds it really exciting.】No. 2 Lesson 1 短文填空,做到看汉语用英语叙述“完美日子”这一话题,并且默写。【Brian是个“沙发土豆” 因为他看电视连续剧、卡通片和访谈节目。】【他(就)用遥控器打开电视,转换,(才)关电视。他带着手提电视。】【Bob是个工作狂,| 他(就)起床。】 【会议和通电话占去大部分日子,| 但

3、他回复私人电子邮件。他的时间充满紧急事件,通常处理文书工作。】 【他的家人抱怨(还)查看公文。他上床睡觉,|,他就变得烦躁。】【Brian is a couch potato 1._ he often watches TV series, cartoons | 2._ talk shows . 】【, he uses the remote control 3._ (switch) on the TV, switch over | and switch 5._ the TV . He takes his portable TV .】【Bob is a workaholic | and he 7.

4、_ (wake) up . 】 【Meetings and phone calls take up 9._ large part of the day | but he answers 10._ personal emails . His time 11._ (fill) with urgent matters | and he usually does his paperwork.】【His family complains 12._ he looks at some documents . He 13._ (not) go to bed | and 14._ there is nothin

5、g to do, he 15._ (get) bored.】No. 3 Lesson 2 短文填空,做到看汉语用英语叙述“学会放松”这一话题,并且默写。【今天我们请来了一位专家,。】【,每个人都遭受(心理)压力,| 也有社会因素。例如,一些人喜欢像晚会这样的社交场合,| 而另外一些人不能忍受交谈。】【实际上我们能 减轻(心理)压力、| 变得放松。吃恰当的饮食、| 有规律地做放松运动也有帮助。】【Today we have 1._ expert .】【Probably every one suffers 3._ stress . , some people prefer social occas

6、ions 5._ parties | while others even cant stand 6._ (talk) . 】【Actually, we can reduce stress | and get 7._ (relax) . It can also help 8._ (have) a good diet | and doing relaxation exercises 9._ (regular).】No. 4 Lesson 3 短文填空,做到看汉语用英语叙述“志愿者教师”这一话题,并且默写。【王舒已从大学毕业,她做出决定去贫困地区做志愿者教师。】【晚上会冷,| 她只有一个(脸)盆用来

7、洗涮,| 但她实在喜欢迎接新的挑战。她拨通了父母的(电话)号码赢得了他们的支持。】【她的学生要学会怎样设计网页和广告。他们也要自己解决所有的问题 | 并做出展示。】【Wang Shu has graduated from a college | and she 1._ (make) a decision to be a volunteer teacher . 】 【 it can get | and she will have only a basin , | but she really enjoys 5._ (meet) new challenges. She has dialed her

8、 parents number | and 6._ (win) their support.】 【Her students 7._ (learn) how to design websites and ads (advertisements). They also have to solve all the problems 8._ (they) | and give a presentation.】No. 5 Lesson 4 短文填空,做到看汉语用英语叙述“城市和乡村”这一话题,并且默写。【Debbie是一家大公司的会计师。她旅行上班。】【她的中餐总是很简单,| 常常买点三明治。她去健身房

9、。】【,她将去远离喧闹人群的乡村。】【Paul是个农民,| 他得确保他的牲畜远离疾病。】【他正在 学汉语,| 梦想有一天去看看万里长城。他喜欢伦敦的人群和喧闹声,| 也喜欢在那儿买几支雪茄。】【Debbie is 1._ accountant in a large company . She travels to work . 】【Her lunch is always simple | 3._ she often gets a sandwich . she goes to the gym . 】【If the weather forecast is good, she 6._ (go) to

10、 the country far away from the noisy crowds 7._ that fresh air is so good for her lungs.】【Paul is a farmer | and he 8._ (have) to make sure his farm animals are free of 9._ (sick). 】【He is studying Chinese | and it is his dream 11._ (see) the Great Wall one day. He likes all the crowds and noise in

11、London | and also 12. _ (like) to buy a few cigars there.】No. 6 CW 短文填空,做到看汉语用英语叙述“成长变化”这一话题,并且默写。【目前我正在做一个调查。我认为我们这几年有很大的变化。】【现在男孩们喜欢骑自行车、| (学)功夫,| 但不喜欢古典音乐。】【女孩们打扮时尚,| 不喜欢拘谨的服装,| 但很少穿超短裙。】【At the moment I 1._ (make) a survey . I think we have changed a great deal 3._ the years.】 【Now the boys like cycling and kun fu | but dont like 4._ (class)



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