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1、4B Module 2 练习卷(满分:100分 完卷时间: 60分钟)Class _ Name _ No. _ ScorePart1 Listening Comprehension (40分)I. Listen and choose (听录音,选出你听到的内容) 10分( )1. A. boneB. phoneC. hole( )2. A. lightB. nightC. right( )3. A. watchB. washC. catch( )4. A. drawB. enjoyC. join( ) 5. A. shapeB. sharpC. shake( ) 6. A. postB. po

2、sterC. post office( )7. A. in the living room B. in the dining room C. in the kitchen( )8. A. a large bowl of foodB. a small bowl of fishC. a small bowl of rice( ) 9. A. Lets go and play basketball, Danny. B. Let go and join a basketball club, Danny. C. Lets go and play badminton with Danny.( ) 10.

3、A. What is Maggie doing? She is reading books in the bedroom. B. What are you doing, Maggie? Im washing my hair in the bathroom. C. What does Maggie do? She usually reads books before bedtime. II. Listen and choose (听录音,选出正确的应答句) 8分( )1. A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, he does. C. Yes, we do.( )2. A. It eats

4、corn.B. It eats meat.C. It eats bones.( )3. A. He is sad.B. He is angry.C. He is happy.( )4. A. Sure. Id love to.B. I like running.C. Yes, I like it. ( )5. A. Hes making a model plane. B. He makes a model plane. C. He likes making a model plane.( )6. A. Im reading and writing. B. Me, too.C. Im a stu

5、dent.( )7. A. What is Alice doing?B. How is Alice?C. Where is Alice?( )8. A. Thats right.B. All right. C. Thank you very much.III. Listen and choose (听录音,根据问题选择正确的答案) 10分( )1. A. Reading a book.B. Cooking lunch. C. Watching TV.( )2. A. Grass.B. Carrots.C. Grass and Carrots.( )3. A. Fred.B. Mike.C. A

6、ngle.( )4. A. The stars. B. Stories and fairy tales. C. The books.( ) 5. A. In the playground. B. At the swimming pool. C. In the classroom. IV. Listen and write (听录音,填空完成表格) 7分todayusuallyFatheris cleaning the roomssleeps in the _ Mother_ the fish in the _ booksIam _ my father_ my homework in the l

7、iving roomGrandparents_ shopping in the supermarketwatch TVV. Listen and judge (听录音,用T或F表示所听到的内容是否正确) 5分( ) 1. People like swimming in summer. ( ) 2. There are three clubs in our school. ( ) 3. Kitty and I like playing football. ( ) 4. Sports make people healthy, happy and tired. ( ) 5. We can skate

8、 in winter. Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar ( 共40分)I. Copy the sentences (正确抄写下列句子,注意大小写和标点符号) 5分 lets join the table tennis club then great its so fun II. Think and write (写出下列例词的同类词) 10分1. There is a living room, two _ and a _ in my house.2. In my family, my father likes playing football, my mother

9、likes _ and I like _.3. The dog likes eating bones, the cat eats _and the tortoise likes _.4. In my grandmothers spare time, she reads, _ and _. Theyre so much fun. 5. I like fruit juice. Watermelons, _ and _ can make juice. III. Choose the best answer (选出恰当的答案) 12分( ) 1. Its too hot. Let me take _

10、my coat.A. ofB. offC. for( ) 2. The Chens _ having a picnic in the park.A. is B. am C. are( ) 3. -Whats his mother _? -Shes reading. A. do B. does C. doing( ) 4. Im cooking in the _.A. living roomB. kitchen C. bathroom( ) 5. Put on _. Dont get water in your eyes. A. a swimsuit B. a swimming cap C. a

11、 pair of swimming goggles( ) 6. John usually _ books in the library. But today he is _ at home. A. read, reading B. reads, reading C. reading, reads( ) 7. Dad, _ are you? Lets go and play basketball. A. whereB. what C. who( ) 8. I like _ hot _. A. drink, drinks B. drinking, drink C. drinking, drinks

12、( ) 9. In autumn, the leaves _. A. fall down B. go down C. walk down( ) 10. -Does Kitty like _? - Of course she doesnt. She cant _ at all. A. swim, swimming B. swimming, swimC. swimming, swimming( ) 11. What can you do? I can do _.A. a puzzle B. a shadowC. a paper plane( ) 12. I like _ badminton. So Id like _ badminton with me?A. playing, playing B. to play, playing C. playing, to play


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