英语高考语法专题复习 数词【精品】

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1、基数词表示数目的大小,序数词表示先后顺序。涉及数词的考题不多,但在2017年全国卷的短文改错中却考了两道题。,英语高考语法专题复习 数词,短文改错,1. (2017全国卷) I still remember how hard first day was.,2. (2017全国卷)In the summer holiday following my eighteen birthday, I took driving lessons.,英语高考语法专题复习 数词,考点是序数词前用the,十八岁生日是指出生后的第十八个生日,应当改用序数词。由基数词改为序数词这道题之所以成为全省全卷最难题,其原因是练

2、得太少了,凡是考纲内容,我们必须全面系统地复习好。,英语高考语法专题复习 数词,熟读并牢记以下表格。,英语高考语法专题复习 数词,英语高考语法专题复习 数词,英语高考语法专题复习 数词,英语高考语法专题复习 数词,英语高考语法专题复习 数词,变化规律:序数词一般由基数词加-th变化 而来,特殊变化如下: 1. one first; two second; three third; five fifth; eight eighth; nine ninth; twelve twelfth。 2. 以-ty结尾的适十的基数词,改y为i,再加-eth。如: twenty twentieth; thir

3、ty thirtieth; forty fortieth; ninety ninetieth等。,英语高考语法专题复习 数词,3. 以one, two, three,nine结尾的多位数的序数词,只需将结尾的这个词改为序数词即可。如: thirty-two thirty-second; three hundred and sixty five three hundred and sixty fifth等。,英语高考语法专题复习 数词,He was the eighth to break the record. 他是打破该纪录的第八人。,英语高考语法专题复习 数词,注: 在比赛中获得名次,如:

4、first prize/ place,come first等表达中,常省略the。如:,Mike won first prize in the speech contest. 迈克在演讲比赛中得了一等奖。 He took second place in the long jump. 他在跳远比赛中得了第二名。,英语高考语法专题复习 数词,序数词前可用ones,这时不用the。如:,on my sixteenth birthday在我16岁生日那天,英语高考语法专题复习 数词,The rich man has bought two cars. But he wants to buy a thir

5、d one this week. 这个有 钱人已有两辆汽车了,他想本周再买一辆。,序数词不表顺序,而是表示原基础上增加,相当于“再一,又一”时用a/an, 不用the。如:,英语高考语法专题复习 数词,a week or two =one or two weeks一两周,the Twelfth Lesson = Lesson Twelve第十二课,英语高考语法专题复习 数词,one /an hour and a half=one and a half hours一个半小时,英语高考语法专题复习 数词,1/5读作one fifth; 3/5读作three fifths;1/4可读作a quart

6、er。 注意:表示几分之几或百分之几的人或物时,要加of。如: About three-fifths of the students in our class are boys. 我们班大约五分之三的学生是男生。,英语高考语法专题复习 数词,an eight-year-old boy 一个八岁的男孩 a five-minute walk 步行5分钟的路程 比较:a five minutes walk步行5分钟的路程,英语高考语法专题复习 数词,in the 1990s 或 in the 1990s在20世纪 90年代 注:前加the,后加s,但“”可有可无。,英语高考语法专题复习 数词,in

7、+ ones + 整十的基数词复数 in her thirties在她三十多岁时,英语高考语法专题复习 数词,Those recently employed will be the first to be dismissed. 那些最近被雇佣的人将会先被解雇。,英语高考语法专题复习 数词,Shanghai is the first largest city in China. 上海是中国的第一大城市。,英语高考语法专题复习 数词,This is the second time I have been let down by that person; I shall never trust hi

8、m again. 这是那个人第二次使我失望了,我再也不相信他了。 It was the first time he had been out with her alone. 这是他第一次单独和她出去。,英语高考语法专题复习 数词,一、单句填空,1. (2018福建福州) However, in the urban district of Beijing houses along hutongs still occupy one _ (three) of the total area, providing housing for half of the population.,指三分之一,故用序

9、数词。,third,英语高考语法专题复习 数词,2. (2018山西孝义)What they learnt helped them make _ first airplane flight in 1903. 序数词表顺序时,其前要加定冠词the。 3. He is the _ (five) person to ask me the same question. 指第五个问同一问题的人。,the,fifth,英语高考语法专题复习 数词,4. I have read the tenth chapter but not the _ (twelve). 指第十二章。 5. It was the thi

10、rd time one of his cars _ (go) up in flames. 由该句型中的It was可知,用过去完成时。,twelfth,had gone,英语高考语法专题复习 数词,6. Osaka is the _ (two) largest city in Japan. 表示“第二大”要用序数词。 7. Yuri Gagarin became the first man _ (fly) in space. 在序数词后或受序数词修饰的名词之后,通常用不定式作定语。,second,to fly,英语高考语法专题复习 数词,二、单句改错,1. He died within a f

11、ew days of his ninety birthday. 2. The station is a ten-minutes walk from my house.,3. Three fifth of the students are women.,英语高考语法专题复习 数词,4. At the first, he seemed surprised by my questions. 5. I just want to give these kids the second chance. 6. Billy is fourteen years old and in ninth grade.,英语高考语法专题复习 数词,Thank you !,此课件下载可自行编辑修改,供参考! 感谢你的支持,我们会努力做得更好!,


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