外研版小学英语《English Letters》精品课件(三起点)

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《外研版小学英语《English Letters》精品课件(三起点)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外研版小学英语《English Letters》精品课件(三起点)(26页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、精选课件ppt,1,Module 9,English Letters,精选课件ppt,2,laugh laughed do a play did a play play football played football tell jokes told jokes drink water drank water eat hamburgers ate hamburgers send e-mails sent e-mails read books read books wear a dress wore a dress,精选课件ppt,3,精选课件ppt,4,精选课件ppt,5,精选课件ppt,6,

2、精选课件ppt,7,A.In the library. B.In a childrens theatre. C.At school.,last week,精选课件ppt,8,精选课件ppt,9,A. In the library. B. In a childrens theatre. C. At school.,last week,精选课件ppt,10,精选课件ppt,11,精选课件ppt,12,The men wore womens clothes.,精选课件ppt,13,The women wore mens clothes.,精选课件ppt,14,actor(s),The actors

3、told lots of jokes.,精选课件ppt,15,精选课件ppt,16,精选课件ppt,17,Last week the children to the childrens theatre . The men womens clothes. The women mens clothes. The actors lots of jokes. It very funny. The children a lot. After the show, they to a restaurant. They all hamburgers and chips. They very happy.,Fi

4、ll in the blanks,wore,went,wore,told,went,ate,were,laughed,was,精选课件ppt,18,精选课件ppt,19,精选课件ppt,20,精选课件ppt,21,Homework,1. Listen and repeat the letter on P34.,精选课件ppt,22,Homework,2. Write a letter to Lingling to say something about your Childrens Day .,We had a party on Childrens Day. The girls wore,精选课件ppt,23,Thank you.,精选课件ppt,24,精选课件ppt,25,此课件下载可自行编辑修改,供参考! 感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!,


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