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1、1,Interview Preparation 面试准备工作,- The review of JD 审核职位描述 - The review and screening of resumes / CVs 筛选简历 - Appraisal and application forms 申请/评估表 - Arrange the interview 组织面试,2,JD Review 审核职位描述,- Title 职位名称 - Functional area 功能区域 - Reporting line 汇报关系 - Location 工作地点 - Responsibilities 职责 - Educati

2、on 教育背景 - Experiences 经历 - Personal attributes/Competencies 个人品质/能力,3,CV Screening 筛选简历,-Criteria for a professional CV - Clean, Clear, Concise, Consistent (reflective of personal traits) 专业化简历的标准4个C 整洁、清晰、简洁、前后一致 (个人特点的体现) - Personal information 个人信息 - Education/Training 教育/培训 - Experiences 经验 - Re

3、sponsibilities/Achievements 职责/业绩 - Professional affiliations 专业协会会籍 - References 推荐人,4,Interview Process & Skills 面试过程和技巧,- Telephone screening 电话筛选谈话 - Candidate reading 解读候选人 - Opening building rapport 开场-建立良好气氛 Gathering 收集信息 Questioning 提问 - Introducing the job 介绍职位 - Closing 结束,5,Tele Intervie

4、w 电话筛选,Read the candidate via voice 通过声音解读候选人 Can the candidate present himself /herself well 候选人能否很好地自我表述 - Confident level 自信程度 - People skill 人际技能 - Experience 经验 - Thinking process logic 思维方式-逻辑性 - Motivation 激励因素 - Salary expectation 期望薪资,6,Candidate Reading I解读候选人,Pay attention to candidates f

5、ollowing features: 注意候选人的以下特征: - Hair Style 发型 - Face 脸部 Eye contact, facial expression 目光交流,脸部表情 - Dressing 穿着 Color, style 颜色,款式 - Footwear & Walking Style 鞋具 & 行走风格 - Body Languages 肢体语言 - Appropriate Vs exaggerating 恰如其分Vs 举止夸张,7,Pay attention to candidates motivation fit 注意候选人的动力适合度 Job Fit: sa

6、tisfaction with job activities and responsibility 工作适合度 : 工作性质本身是否让员工满足 Organization Fit: satisfaction with the organizations values and method of operation 机构适合度: 机构的运作模式及价值观是否让员工满意 Location Fit: satisfaction with the geographic location of the job 地理位置的适合度: 工作或机构的地理位置和它的特点是否让员工感到满意或配合个 人需要,Candida

7、te Reading II解读候选人,8,Opening - Building Rapport 开 场 - 建立良好气氛,Try to create an harmonious and casual environment by talking about: 尽量创造一个和谐轻松的气氛,可以谈论: Relationships 关系 Experience 经历 Common interest 共同兴趣 Business 业务 Whether 天气 Talk about what you are going to discuss today 简单提及你们要谈论的方面 Introduction to

8、 company 介绍公司,9,Building Rapport 建立良好气氛,Two Key Skills 两大原则 Maintain or enhance self-esteem 维护自尊,增强自信 give the candidate sincere and specific compliments 给予应聘者真诚而具体的称赞 minimize negative information 尽量减少负面资料的影响 Listen and respond with empathy 仔细聆听,善意回应 when a candidate express strong negative feeling

9、s 当应聘者表现出不佳的情绪时 can empathize with positive feelings too 也可对应聘者正面的感受作善意回应,For basic fact-finding, you can ask the candidate to talk about 了解基本情况,你可以让候选人谈论: Qualification 资格 Exposure 经历 Achievements 业绩 Training 培训 His interest level in the current job 对现有工作的兴趣,Information Gathering 信息收集,For personali

10、ty fact-finding, you can ask the candidate to talk about 了解个人情况,你可以让候选人谈论: People skills 人际技能 Management style 管理风格 Motivation/Ambition 动力/雄心 Perception of money 金钱观 Self-evaluation 自我评估 Hobby 兴趣 Family 家庭 Old days 过去,Information Gathering 信息收集,Sales 销售 Selling experience 销售经验 Attitude about custome

11、r 有关客户的态度 Functional skills 专业技能 Finance 财务 Number 对数字的感觉 Perspective on business 对经营业务的看法 Functional skills 专业技能 Marketing/Business Development 市场/业务拓展 Sense of big picture 全局眼光 Drive 动力 Functional skills 专业技能,Information Gathering 信息收集 - 不同职位,HR/Admin 人事/行政 Understanding about company business 对公司

12、业务的理解 People skills 人际技能 Functional skills 专业技能,Operations 运营,Sense of system 对系统的感觉 Attention to details 对细节的注重 Logic 逻辑性 Functional skills 专业技能,Information Gathering 信息收集 - 不同职位,14,In Search of Behavior 行为事例搜索,Interests/desires 兴趣/期望,Specific Experiences 特别经验,Work/Education Certifications/Skills 工

13、作/教育背景/专业证书/技能,B,Behavior 行为事例,Decision Making 判断能力,Building Customer Loyalty 客户服务导向,Initiating Action 主动性,Job fit 工作动力,Technical/Professional Knowledge/skills 技术性/专业性知识/技能,Planning & Organizing 策划与组织能力,Communication 沟通能力,Tenacity 坚持的韧力,Types of candidate Information,Target competencies,15,Situation

14、/Task = Why 应聘者面临的情形/任务 Action = What done and how done 应聘者采取的行动 Result = Effect of Actions 应聘者的行动所带来的结果,16,Data and STARS 资料与行为事例,False STARs 假的行为事例 Vague statements 含糊的叙述 ( 时常,一般来说,我们,负责 ) Opinions主观意见 ( 认为, 相信 ) Theoretical or future-oriented statements 理论性或不切实际的叙述 ( 计划,下次,如果 ),17,Three Types of

15、Questions 三类问题 Behavioral: asks the candidate to provide specific information, describe “an experience youve had,” “a time when”, “a situation in which” 行为事例的问题:要求应聘者提供具体资料。应聘者要描述”一次曾有过的经验“、”一段时间“、”一个情况“。 Theoretical: asks candidates for theories, opinions, or general actions. 理论性的问题:询问应聘者的理论和意见,对一情况的看法或者他们怎么做。X Leading: prompt candidates to give the answer they think you want to hear. X 引导性问题:提示应聘者提供他认为你所期望的答案。 Only behavioral question can help you get complete STARs 只有行为事例的问题可助你获得所需资料:完整的行为事例,Questioning 提 问,Let the candidate to ask fact-


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