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1、清华大学英语系测试:为中小学生英语量身定做.官方网站:http:/ 清华大学英语教授50年研究成果4B Unit1 A new student一、 单词及词组1. a student(学生)2. a teacher(教师)3. a doctor(医生)4. a nurse(护士)5. a boy(男孩)6. a girl(女孩) 7. a man(男人) 8. a woman(女人)9. new(新的) 10. our(我们的)11. school(学生) 12. welcome(欢迎)13. tree(树)14. climb(攀登)15. again(再;又)16. sir(先生)17. r

2、ight(正确的)18. come down(下来)19. excuse me(对不起,打扰一下)二、缩写词1. whos = who is2. youre = you are3. hes = he is4. shes = she is5. Im = I am6. dont = do not三、句型1. Whos that boy/?(那个男孩/是谁?)Hes/Shes . (他/她是。)Hes/Shes a(他/她是一位)2. Are you a student/?(你是一位学生/吗?) Yes, I am.(是,我是的。) No, Im not. Im a(不,我不是的。我是一位)3. W

3、elcome to our school.(欢迎到我们学校来。) Thank you.(谢谢。)Unit2 At a party一、 单词及词组1. grandfather(祖父;外祖父)2. grandmother(祖母;外祖母)3. father(父亲)4. mother(母亲)5. brother(兄;弟)6. sister(姐;妹)7. hair(头发)8. a head(头)9. a nose(鼻子)10. a mouth(嘴;口) 11. an eye(眼睛)12. an ear(耳朵)13. white(白色的)14. a friend(朋友)15. a skirt(短裙)16.

4、 a party(宴会)17. with(有)18. which(哪一个)19. big(大的)20. small(小的)21. long(长的)22. short(短的)23. we(我们)24. hurry(赶快)25. wrong(错误的)26. be late for(迟到)二、缩写词1. were = we are 2. isnt = is not 3. its = it is 4. lets = let us 5. wheres = where is三、句型1. Whos the man/ with ?(那个(身体部位)的(男人/)是谁?)Hes/Shes /my(他/她是/我的)

5、2. Is that man/ your father/? (那个男人/是你爸爸/吗?)Which one?(哪一个?)The one in the (那个穿着的。Yes, he/she is.(是,他/她是的。)/No, he/she isnt.(不,他/她不是的。)Unit3 Whats your job?一、单词及词组1. a policeman (policemen)(警察)2. a policewoman (policewomen)(女警察)3. a waiter (waiters)(男服务员)4. a waitress (waitresses)(女服务员)5. a driver (

6、drivers)(司机)6. a worker (workers)(工人)7. a cook (cooks)(厨师)8. a farmer (farmers)(农民)9. job(职业)10. name(名字)11. their(他(她/它)们的)12. today(今天)13. old(老的)14. about(大约)15. want(想要)16. cold(冷的)17. how old(几岁)18. how many(多少)19. look at(看)二、缩写词1. arent = are not 2. whats = what is 3. theyre = they are三、句型1.

7、Whats your job?(你的职业是什么?) Im a(我是一位)Whats his job?(他的职业是什么?) Hes a(他是一位)Whats her job?(她的职业是什么?) Shes a(她是一位)2. What are their jobs?(他/她们的职业是什么?) Theyre(他/她们是)3. Are they?(他/她们是吗?) Yes, they are.(是,他/她们是的。)No, they arent. Theyre(不,他/她们不是的。他/她们是)4. How old are you?(你几岁了?) Im(我)How old is he?(他几岁了?) H

8、es(他)How old is she?(她几岁了?) Shes(她)5. Whats your/his/her name?(你/他/她叫什么名字?)Im/Hes/Shes .(我/他/她是。)Unit4 Buying fruit一、单词及词组1. an apple (apples)(苹果)2. an orange (oranges)(桔子)3. a banana (bananas)(香蕉)4. a peach (peaches)(桃子)5. a grape (grapes)(葡萄)6. a pineapple (pineapples)(菠萝)7. a watermelon (watermel

9、ons)(西瓜)8. a pear (pears)(梨子)9. buy(买)10. some(一些)11. fruit(水果)12. kilo(公斤)13. or(或者)14. yuan(元)15.great(好二、缩写词 Id = I would三、句型1. What are these?(这些是什么?) Theyre(它们是)What are those?(那些是什么?) Theyre(它们是)2. Id like some, please.(我想要一些)How many kilos?(多少公斤?)kilo(s), please.(请来公斤。) Here are you.(给你。)4B U

10、nit6 Lets go by taxi一、单词及词组1. a station(车站)2. a supermarket(超级市场)3. a library(图书馆)4. a theatre(剧场)5. a hospital(医院)6. an airport(机场)7. by train(乘火车)8. by plane(乘飞机)9. by minibus(乘中客车)10. on foot(步行)11. by taxi(乘公共汽车)12. how(怎么)13. there(在那里)14. for(往;向)15. free(空闲的)16. park(公园)17. play(玩;参加)18. foot

11、ball(足球)19. ball(球)20. Good idea.(好主意。)二、句型1. Lets go to the(让我们一起去)Good.(好的。)/Great.(太棒了。)How do we go there?(我们怎么去那里啊?)Shall we go to (the) (地点)by (交通工具)?OK/All right.(好的)2. Is this (交通工具)for (地点)?(这辆是去的吗?)Yes, it is.(是,它是的。)/No, it isnt.(不,它不是的。)Unit7 At a snack bar一、单词及词组1. a pie (pies)(馅饼)2. a

12、hamburger (hamburgers)(汉堡包)3. a sweet (sweets)(糖果)4. a biscuit (biscuits)(饼干)5. noodles(面条)6. a bar of chocolate(一块巧克力)7. a cup of tea(一杯茶)8. a cup of coffee(一杯咖啡)9. a glass of juice(一杯果汁)10. a carton of milk(一盒牛奶)11. a snack bar(快餐部)12. a basketball(篮球)13. move(移动) 14. dear(亲爱的)15. then(那么)16. an i

13、ce-cream(冰淇淋)17. a cake(蛋糕)18. water(水)19. hungry(饿的)19. thirsty(渴的)20. how much(多少(钱)21. see the doctor(看医生)22. What would you like?(你要什么?)23. How about you?(你怎么样?)24. Something to drink?(要喝些什么吗?)25. Anything else?(还要别的东西吗?)二、句型1. What would you like?(你要什么?)Id like /A/Some, please.(我想要 /请来一个/一些)2.

14、How much is it?(它多少钱?)Itsyuan. /yuan, please.(它)元。)How much are they?它们多少钱? Theyreyuan. /yuan, please.(它们)元。)Unit8 Open Day一、单词及词组1. a chair(椅子)2. a blackboard(黑板)3. a picture(图画)4. a computer(计算机)5. a bookcase(书橱)6. a music room(音乐室)7. an office(办公室)8. a playground(操场)9. our(我们的)10. classroom(教室)11. open day(接待日)12. bright(明亮的) 13. TV(电视)14. sometimes(有时)15. watch(观看)16. piano(钢



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