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1、1,核酸的降解和核苷酸代谢,(Degradation of nucleic acid and nucleotides metabolism),一、核酸和核苷酸的分解代谢 二、核苷酸的生物合成 三、辅酶核苷酸的生物合成,2,Nitrogenous Bases,Planar, aromatic, and heterocyclic Derived from purine or pyrimidine,3,Structure of Nucleotide Bases,4,Sugars,D-Ribose and 2-Deoxyribose,*Lacks a 2-OH group,5,Nucleosides,

2、Result from linking one of the sugars with a purine or pyrimidine base through an N-glycosidic linkage Purines bond to the C1 carbon of the sugar at their N9 atoms Pyrimidines bond to the C1 carbon of the sugar at their N1 atoms,6,Phosphate Groups,Mono-, di- or triphosphates,7,Phosphates can be bond

3、ed to either C3 or C5 atoms of the sugar,8,Nucleotides,Result from linking one or more phosphates with a nucleoside onto the 5 end of the molecule through esterification,9,Nucleotides,DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is a polymer of deoxyribonucleotides Both deoxy- and ribonucleotides contain Adenine, Gu

4、anine and Cytosine Ribonucleotides contain Uracil Deoxyribonucleotides contain Thymine,Monomers for nucleic acid polymers Nucleoside Triphosphates are important energy carriers (ATP, GTP) Important components of coenzymes FAD, NAD+ and Coenzyme A,10,Naming Conventions,Nucleosides: Purine nucleosides

5、 end in “-sine” Adenosine, Guanosine Pyrimidine nucleosides end in “-dine” Thymidine, Cytidine, Uridine Nucleotides: Start with the nucleoside name from above and add “mono-”, “di-”, or “triphosphate” Adenosine Monophosphate, Cytidine Triphosphate, Deoxythymidine Diphosphate,11,体外实验资料:,1909-1934年,美国

6、生物化学家Owen证明,核酸的分解单位是核苷酸。,1961年,美国生化学家Juan Oro模拟大气放电,在有氰化氢参加的反应体系中发现有氨基酸和腺嘌呤生成。,1963年,Ponnamperuma在类似的实验中也得到了腺嘌呤。后来,他又与Ruth Mariner、Carl Sagan将腺嘌呤与核糖连接成为腺苷;再连接磷酸,得到了腺苷三磷酸(ATP)。,12,体内实验资料:,早在演绎核苷酸生物合成前,生物化学家就已经发现动物会排泄3种不同的含氮废物,即NH3、尿素和尿酸。尿酸就是嘌呤化合物的代谢产物。,在1950年间,John M.Buchanan和G.Robert Greenberg采用同位素示

7、踪结合嘌呤核苷酸降解物尿酸分析证明,嘌呤分子的原子N1来自门冬氨酸,N3和N9来自谷氨酰胺等,完成了嘌呤生物合成过程的演绎。更为重要的是,他们还发现嘌呤不是以游离含氮碱,而是以核苷酸形式在体内合成的。,13,1964年,科学家确定Lesch-Nyhan综合征与次黄嘌呤-鸟嘌呤磷酸核糖转移酶(HGPRT)缺陷有关。至今已发现,核苷酸的合成和分解代谢障碍与很多遗传性、代谢性疾病有关。 模拟核苷酸组成成分,如取代碱基、核苷和核苷酸的类似物已发展为在临床上常用、有效的抗代谢药物。,14,核苷酸的功能,核苷酸是核酸生物合成的前体 核苷酸衍生物是许多生物合成的活性中间物,例如:UDP-葡萄糖和CDP-二酯

8、酰甘油分别是糖原和磷酸甘油酯合成的中间物 ATP是生物能量代谢中通用的高能化合物 腺苷酸是三种重要辅酶的组分 某些核苷酸是代谢的调节物质。如:cAMP和cGMP是许多激素引起的胞内信使,15,1 核酸的酶促降解 核糖核酸酶、脱氧核糖核酸酶、限制性内切酶 2 核苷酸的降解 3 核苷酸的合成代谢 (1)核糖核苷酸的生物合成 嘌呤核苷酸的合成:从头合成和补救途径 嘧啶核苷酸的合成:从头合成和补救途径 (2)脱氧核苷酸的生物合成 核糖核苷酸的还原 脱氧胸腺嘧啶核苷酸的合成,核酸的降解和核苷酸代谢,16,一、核酸和核苷酸的分解代谢,动物和异养型微生物可以分泌消化酶类来分解核蛋白和核酸类物质,以获得各种核

9、苷酸。,17,核酸的酶促降解,核酸,核酸酶,单核苷酸,磷酸单脂酶,核苷,嘧啶/嘌呤,核糖/脱氧核糖,核苷酶,核苷磷酸化酶,嘧啶(嘌呤),核糖-1-磷酸,脱氧核糖-1-磷酸,核糖-5-磷酸,磷酸戊糖途径,醛缩酶,乙醛,甘油醛-3-磷酸,18,核 酸 酶,1、核酸酶的分类,(1)根据对底物的 专一性分为,(2)根据切割位点分为,19,核酸外切酶:作用于核酸链的末端(3端或5端),逐个水解下核苷酸。 脱氧核糖核酸外切酶:只作用DNA 核糖核酸外切酶:只作用于RNA 核酸内切酶:从核酸分子内部切断3,5-磷酸二酯键。 限制性内切酶:在细菌细胞内存在的一类能识别并水解外源双链DNA的核酸内切酶,可用于特

10、异切割DNA,常作为工具酶。,核酸酶:作用于核酸的磷酸二酯酶,20,外切核酸酶对核酸的水解位点,5,OH,B,3,B,B,B,B,B,B,B,牛脾磷酸二酯酶 ( 5端外切得3核苷酸),蛇毒磷酸二酯酶 ( 3端外切得5核苷酸),2、核酸酶的作用特点,21,限制性内切酶, 类型 命名 意义,原核生物中存在着一类能识别外源DNA双螺旋中4-8个碱基对所组成的特异的具有二重旋转对称性的回文序列,并在此序列的某位点水解DNA双螺旋链,产生粘性末端或平末端,这类酶称为限制性内切酶(ristriction endonuclease)。,22,23,限制性内切酶名称的第一个字母取自获得此内切酶的细菌属名的第一

11、个字母,用大写 名称的第二、三个字母取自该细菌种名的头二个字母,用小写字母 如果该细菌还有不同的株系,则另加第四个代表株系的字母或数字;最后是用罗马字大写的数字,代表同一菌株中不同限制性内切酶的编号。,24,限制性内切酶的命名和意义,例:Eco R I,这是从大肠杆菌(Ecoli)R菌珠中分离出的一种限制性内切酶,如Hind 代表从流感噬血杆菌d株(haemophilus influenzae)中分离到的第三种内切酶。,25,二. 核苷酸的降解,26,嘌呤碱的分解Purine Catabolism,不同动物嘌呤代谢的产物 灵长类、鸟类: 尿酸 其他哺乳动物、软体动物: 尿囊素 硬骨鱼: 尿囊酸

12、 软骨鱼和两栖类: 尿素 大多数海洋无脊椎动物: 氨和CO2 (如甲壳类动物) All purine degradation leads to uric acid (but it might not stop there),27,嘌呤碱的分解首先是在各种脱氨酶的作用下水解脱去氨基。 脱氨反应也可以在核苷或核苷酸的水平上进行,在动物组织中腺嘌呤脱氨酶的含量极少,而腺嘌呤核苷脱氨酶和腺嘌呤核苷酸脱氨酶的活性极高。,28,嘌呤碱基的脱氨,29,嘌呤的降解,腺嘌呤 鸟嘌呤 H2O H2O NH3 NH3 次黄嘌呤 黄嘌呤 H2O+O2 H2O2 H2O+O2 H2O2 尿囊素 尿酸 H2O CO2+H

13、2O2 2H2O+O2 尿囊酸 尿素 + 乙醛酸 H2O 4NH3 + 2CO2,腺嘌呤脱氨酶,鸟嘌呤脱氨酶,黄嘌呤氧化酶,黄嘌呤氧化酶,尿酸氧化酶,尿囊 素酶,尿囊酸酶,脲酶,30,嘌呤的分解代谢,31,尿酸的进一步分解,32,Adenosine Degradation,33,34,35,A CASE STUDY : GOUT,A 45-year-old man awoke from sleep with a painful and swollen right great toe. On the previous night he had eaten a meal of fried live

14、r and onions, after which he met with his poker group and drank a number of beers. He saw his doctor that morning, “gouty arthritis” was diagnosed, and some tests were ordered. His serum uric acid level was elevated at 8.0 mg/L (NL7.0 mg/L) The man recalled that his father and his grandfather, both

15、of whom were alcoholics, often complained of joint pain and swelling in their feet.,36,A CASE STUDY : GOUT,The doctor recommended that the man use NSAIDs for pain and swelling, increase his fluid intake (but not with alcohol) and rest and elevate his foot. He also prescribed allopurinol (别嘌呤醇) A few

16、 days later the condition had resolved and allopurinol had been stopped. A repeat uric acid level was obtained (7.1 mg/L). The doctor gave the man some advice regarding life style changes.,37,Gout,Impaired excretion or overproduction of uric acid Uric acid crystals precipitate into joints (Gouty Arthritis), kidneys, ureters (stones) Xanthine



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