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1、医药代表职务面试用到的英语句子 下面是的关于医药代表职务用到的英语句子大全,欢迎阅读参考! .Having worked as a paediatrician in the OPD for two years,I want to apply for this position for a change. 在门诊部当了两年儿科医生,我想换个工作。 .Well, I enjoy working in different places and meeting new people. That will widen my experience in the work. 嗯,我喜欢在不同的地方工作,与不

2、同的人打交道,这会扩增我的工作。 .What kind of antipyretic do you usually prescribe to chil-dren who have got high fever? 你们一般给发高烧的孩子开什么药? .Can you _ me why you would like to work as a medical representative with us? 能否请你告诉我你为什么要到我们这儿来当医药代表? .Asprin, Anti-Phen Syrup, Snalets-FR as well as some mixture fixed by our

3、own hospital. 阿斯匹林、安佳热、斯耐普以及我们医院自己配制的合剂。 .What kind of antibiotics do you usually prescribe to chil-dren? 你们一般给孩子开什么抗菌素? .We usually use Amoxicillin Syrup and Amoxicillin Oral Sus-pension BP. They have less side-effect than Tabellae Ery-thromycini Ethylsuinatis. 我们一般用再林和阿莫西林。它们的副作用比利君沙要小。 .What coul

4、d you do for our pany if I hire you? 如果我们雇用你,对我们公司有什么益处? 医药代表职务面试英语句子 医药代表职务面试英语句子: . I like this kind of work, and your pany is one of the most famous pharmaceutical corporations in the world. 我喜欢这项工作。而且,贵公司是世界上最著名的医药公司之一。 .Having worked in the Childrens Hospital for two years. I know thoroughly th

5、e pharmacology and dosage of various kinds of medicine. I am also familiar with the organizations of hospitals in our country.Could I get the position,it would not be very difficult for me to put forward a plan to promote selling of your medicine. 我在儿童医院工作了两年之后,对各种药品的药理、剂量有了全面的了解。我对我们国家的医疗机构也很熟悉。如果我

6、被雇用,提出对贵公司的药品的促销方案对我而言是不难的。 .Do you mind going on business trip? 你是否介意出差? .Definitely not.I enjoy travelling. 当然不会,我很喜欢出差。 Dialogue A (I=Interviewer 主试人 A=Applicant 申请人) I:Good morning. Have your seat please.Was it difficult getting here? A:Not really.I have prepared for that. I:May I have your name

7、,please? A: My name is Ming Liu. I:Are you married? A:No, sir.Im still single. I: Do you live with your family? A:No, I rent a flat with one friend. I: What university did you graduate from? A:I graduated from Shanghai Medical University. I:Well,Mr Liu, can you _ me why you would like to work as a m

8、edical representative with us? A:I like this kind of work,and your pany is one of the most famous pharmaceutical corporations in the world. Having worked as a paediatrician in the OPD for two years, I want to apply for this position for a change. I: What kind of antipyretic do you usually prescribe

9、to children who have got high fever? A:Asprin,Anti-Phen Syrup,Snaplets-FR as well as some mixture fixed by our own hospital. I:What about antibiotics? A: We usually use Amoxycillin Syrup and Amoxicillin Oral Sus-pension BP.They have less sideeffect than Tabellae Ery-thromycini Ethylsuinatis. I:What

10、could you do for our pany if I hire you? A: Having worked in the Childrens Hospital for two years, I know thoroughly the pharmacology and dosage of various kinds of medicine.I am also familiar with the organizations of hospitals in our country.Could I get the position, it would not be very difficult

11、 for me to put forward a plan to promote selling of your medicine. I:Dont you think it a pity for you to leave your present hospital? A:It is a pity to some extent. I have learned much in this hospital.But I would like to try a different kind of life.I prefer to be on the ball. By the way, could you

12、 _ me something about insurance and things like that? I:Every incumbent in our pany enjoys life insurance, unemployment insurance and a decent pension after serving for years here. Our employees also enjoy free medical service. A:I see. I:Do you mind going on business trip? A:Definitely not.I enjoy

13、travelling. I:Well,the next thing I must do is to take up your reference. A:Take up my references? I:Yes,its a rule of the firm.What I mean is this:we always ask your present employer for a report on your work. A:Do all firm do that? I: Oh,yes,its normal business practice. Now I see from your application form that Mr. He is your present leader. A:Yes,he is. I:Then Ill ask him to give you a reference. Ill write to you within a day or two. A:I shall look forward to hearing from you.Good-bye. I:Good-bye. 模板,内容仅供参考



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