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1、选修六Units 12I .阅读理解Julianne Moore talks about why people are so touched by her film Still Alice. Its not just because its a disease movie, she says of the story of Dr.Alice Howland, a 50yearold university professor and a mother of three who is struck with Alzheimers disease (阿尔茨海默氏病).“Its a movie abo

2、ut mortality (生命的 有限)and being, ” she says. It makes us really think about our lives.Youre never closer to loving life than when youre closest to loss.”And Moore is loving her life right now.The actress, 54, lives in New York City with her husband, who shes been with for 19 years and married to for

3、lO.They have two kids, a son, Caleb, 17, and a daughter, Liv, 12.And home really is where her heart is. Theres nowhere else I want to be.I see a great amount of purpose there and have a real feeling of belonging, she says.Not only is she a mom with a family, shes also a fivetime Oscar nominee (被 提名人

4、). “The most difficult thing for me as an actor is dealing with accuracy, with specificity.When you havent actually experienced something, you have a responsibility to be as true as possible Moore says.Thafs why the first 由ing she told directors when she took the part of Alice was, “I dont want to r

5、epresent anything on screen that I dont have experience of.T dont think its fair.w She did four months of research for Still Alice, talking to real women with Alzheimers, doctors working with patients, and visiting a long-term care home.And the results have left viewers moved to tears.So far shes al

6、ready won a Golden Globe and a Critics Choice award.She may finally win an Academy Award, too.And yes, she wants to win. Thats the nomination from your peers (同龄人), she says. Its a very, very big deal. ”She hopes Still Alice affects viewers the same way it did her. Its uplifting she says. Its about

7、what you love, who you value and how much you love being alive. ”【语篇解读】本文是记叙文。文章主要介绍了美国女演员朱丽安摩尔以及她 主演的电影依然爱丽丝。1. What can we learn about Still Alice?A. It is encouraging.B. It makes people sad.C. It is based on a true story.D. It was written by Julianne Moore.答案 A 细节理解题。由第一段中的It makes us really thin

8、k about our lives以 及最后一段的Ifs uplifting可知,Still Alice是一部励志片。2. Julianne Moore9s words in Paragraph 2 show that .A. she has no sense of belongingB. she attaches great importance to her familyC. she thinks family is more important than a careerD. she has achieved a balance between family and career答案B

9、细节理解题。由第二段可知,Moore家庭幸福。对她来说,家便是她 心之所在,家赋予了她生活的意义及归属感。故选B项。3. We can infer from Paragraph 3 that .A. Moore shows great devotion to her careerB. the filming of Still Alice lasted four monthsC. Moore refused to play the part of Alice at firstD. the film Still Alice was badly received by critics答案 A 推理判

10、断题。由第三段中Julianne Moore说的话When you havent actually.as true as possible以及她为了出演Still Alice进行了为期四个月的调查研 究可以推断,她很敬业。4. Whafs Moores attitude towards winning an Academy Award?A. She doubts it.B. She cares about it.C. She is uncertain about it.D. She thinks it unimportant.答案 B 推理判断题。由第三段末的And yes, she want

11、s to win. Thats thenomination from your peers, she says. Its a very, very big deal.可知,Julianne Moore很在乎奥斯卡奖。 H.阅读七选五CancersCells in our bodies are always dividing, as new cells replace old ones. 1 Cancer cells divide rapidly and form growths called tumours (肿瘤).They can spread to take over a whole o

12、rgan and stop it working properly.If cells break away from the tumour, they can travel to other parts of the body and start new tumours.Wc do not know why some people get cancer while others dont.But faulty genes are certainly the cause of some cancers.Others are caused by chemicals in the environme

13、nt.Cancer is not a single disease. 2 The most common types affect the digestive system and lungs.In women, cancers of the breasts and cervix (子宫颈)are also common.Smoking is the cause of almost all cases of lung cancer.Tobacco smoke contains chemicals which can damage the lungs.The more cigarettes a

14、person smokes, the greater their risk of suffering from lung cancer. 3Cancers of the skin are also quite common.Many types of radiation, especially ultraviolet rays (紫夕卜线)from the Sun, can damage skin cells and cause cancer.Most cancers can be treated successfully if they are caught early enough.Som

15、e treatments involve surgery to remove the tumour.This is often followed by a course of strong drugs. 4 They kill healthy cells as well as cancer cells.In the most up-to-date treatments, drugs are delivered directly to the cancer cells using “magic bullets. These are special antibodies which only at

16、tach themselves to cancer cells.Similarly, radiotherapy (放射疗法)is a type of cancer treatment which uses radiation to kill cancer cells.A narrow beam (光线)of radiation is focused directly at a tumour. 5A. Most skin cancers are completely curable.B. And the healthy cells nearby are not damaged.C. Many of these drugs have unpleasant sideeffects.


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