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1、 浙江省杭州市余杭区良渚二中2021届九年级下学期英语第一次月考试卷一、阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)1. (2020九下余杭月考)阅读理解 It should come as no surprise that kids are spending a lot of time in front of screens. According to a new study, teens from 8 to 12 years of age spend an average of fourandahalf hours each day watching TV or using a digi

2、taldevice(数码设备). For teens from 13 to 18, the average is sixandahalf hours. But those numbers hide a bigger, more complex picture. Common Sense Media conducted the study. Here are some truths and some myths (错误看法) that the study revealed(揭示): Truth 1: Some teens spend too much time looking at screen

3、s. Young people are still spending time watching television, especially tweens. One in five tweens uses screenmedia more than six hours each day, and 18% of teens are looking at their screens for more than 10 hours aday. Myth 1: This istheend of reading. While the average time young people spend rea

4、ding, either in print or on a screen, is only 30 minutes per day, kids who took the survey say reading is one of their favorite activities. Truth 2: Boys prefer video games; girls prefer social media. Among tween boys, 71% enjoy playing video games, twice as many as tween girls. Andwhile more than 2

5、5% of teen boys list playing video games as their favorite media activity, only 2% of teen girls do. Teen girls, meanwhile, spend about 40 minutes more each day on socialmedia than boys do. Myth 2: The Digital Revolution ismaking young people more creative than ever. Tweens spend an average(平均)of fi

6、ve minutes and teens nine minutes per day making something creative withalltheir digital tools, whether its art, music, or writing.(1)From the survey, we can conclude(推断)that .A . kids dont like reading any moreB . teen boys prefer sports to social mediaC . kids are becoming much more creativeD . mo

7、re tween girls like video games than teen girls(2)The text is mainly developed by .A . giving examplesB . listing figuresC . analyzing causesD . following time order(3)What is the text mainly about?A . The survey of social media.B . The facts about kids and sports.C . The truth about kids and techno

8、logy.D . The myth about teens and technology2. (2020九下余杭月考)阅读理解 I was excited as I was moving towards my new school. I wondered what questions the otherstudents would ask me and practiced all the answers on18 the way. However,no one took any notice of me while I was entering the school. I stood in t

9、he center of the playground, expecting someone to say hello,but no one spoke to me. There were forty other boys in Ms. Millers class, so I didnt stand out there, either, until the first lesson of that afternoon.Ms.Miller asked several boys if they knew who Isaac Newton is, but no one guessed right.

10、A boy called Giant, the biggest in the class, said: Heis a cook inour school. and Ms.Miller went red in the face. Then she turned to me. I said: A great scientistin the world and everyone stared at me because Ms. Miller said I was right. This didnt make me very popular, of course. I heard Giant say

11、She thinks he is clever. After that, we went out to the playground to play soccer. I was in Giants side, and he obviously had Newton in mind because he told me to go in goal. I was upset becausenoone wanted to be the goalkeeper. But I went and kept my place. Hes big enough and useless enough.Giant s

12、aid when someone asked him why he hadchosen me. As the boy kickedtheball hard along the ground to my right,I threw myself down quickly and saved it. Loud cheers rang out and I was crowdedround by my teammates. My knees werehurtand bleeding. Giant pulled me out of the ground and offered a towel to me

13、. Areyou willing to join my team?he asked. At that moment, I knew I was no longer astranger.(1)Who greeted the writer on his first day to school?A . Ms. Miller.B . Giant.C . Newton.D . Nobody.(2)The underlined part I didnt stand out in paragraph 2 means that the writer was not .A . cleverB . noticea

14、bleC . easygoingD . surprised(3)Why was the writer offered a towel?A . Because he was no longer a newcomer.B . Because he was on Giants team.C . Because he was beginning to be accepted.D . Because he won the soccer game.(4)What can we learn from the passage?A . Only the writer gave the right answer

15、to Ms. Millers question.B . Giant appreciated the writers cleverness.C . The writer missed the goal because he fell down.D . The writer was glad to be a goalkeeper.3. (2020九下余杭月考)阅读理解 In many British schools, the pupils usually wear their schooluniforms to schoolon weekdays. However, recently the students at LVS Ascot Junior School in England woresomething quite different. Whattheywore was what peoplewear when they goto bedpyjamas(睡衣). They did this not only for fun, but for a local charity called Christophers Smile. Christophers Smile was set up in 2008 by Karen Kevin Capel whose only son Ch


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