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1、年 级 八年级 课题 Unit 9 When was he born? 2/5 课 型 新 授知识技能1. key words : record hiccup sneeze2. Target Language: When was he born? He was born in 1895.How long did Charles smith hiccup?When did he start hiccupping?When did he stop hiccupping?过程方法According to designing some tasks, train students listening s

2、kill and communicative competence.教学目标情感态度 Keep on one goal and you will succeed at last.教学重点1. Key words: record hiccup sneeze 2. Target language3. Structure: When did he start doing ?How long did he stop doing?教学难点 When didHow long did教学用具 A tape recorder, CAI教 学 过 程 设 计教学内容及教师活动 学生活动 设 计 意 图Step

3、1:RevisionCheck the homeworkShow some pictures and ask students to ask and answer questions.Step 2: PresentationToday we are going to learn another kind of famous people.Lets learn the words about them and see what they are.Show the words on the screen.Teach students to learn them.record hiccup snee

4、zeStep 3 : Presentation1. This activity provides guided listening and writing practice using the target language.Call attention to the picture in 2a.Point to “Book of word records” and explain the meanings.Say their dialoguesAsk and answer Kook at the words and learnRead the three wordsLook at the p

5、icture of page 54 and understand the meaning.Listen carefully and understand the meaning通过复习,巩固上节课所学知识,同时拓宽学生的知识面。为听力作铺垫。理解大意,为听力2. Ask some students to read “record” it means someone is the best in the world.3. Point out the columns in the chart and read them to the class.Say: Mr. Smith has a world

6、 record for hiccupping and Ms Green has a world record for sneezing.Ask different students to read them.Step 4:2a Listening:Play the tape for the first timePlay the recording a second timeCheck the answers.Step 4:2b Listening:Point to the started and stopped columns in the chart and say listen again

7、 ,fill in the information that says when each person started and stopped .(This activity provides guided listening and writing practice using the target language )Check the answers Step 5: Reading Ask the students to read the materials of listening and understand the whole meaning.Step 6: Pair work:

8、1. Fill in the blacks with information from the chart in 2aA: How long did Charles Smith hiccup?B: He hiccupped for_.years and _months.A: When did he start hiccupping?He stopped in _.2. Check the answers.3. Ask some pairs to practice the conversation to the front.Students only listenWrite the words

9、“How long”Check the answersRead the dialogue according to the materials.Fill in the blacksAct out the dialogue.Make up dialogue.Act out the dialogue.Read the sentences扫清障碍。检测听力水平及单词的记忆能力。加深印象,巩固句型,培养阅读能力。培养合作精神,增强兴趣。巩固句型。4. Ask students to make the same kind of conversation about Donna Green.The tea

10、cher move around the classroom to give any necessary help as needed.5. Get several pairs to act in class.Step 7:Grammar Focus:Show the sentences on the screen ,ask students to read Step 8: Summary.How long did -?When did he start doing?When did he stop doing?Step 9:Homework完成对话:A:Who is Gina?B:_1_A:

11、When did she start writingMusic. B:_2_A:Is Jill a soccer player?B:Yes .He _at the age of ten.Name Achievement Age Job Gina Started writing music4 pianistJill Started playing sports10 Soccer player归纳整理,便于记忆。作业设计完成对话: A:Who is Gina?B:_1_A:When did she start writingMusic. B:_2_A:Is Jill a soccer player?B:Yes .He _at the age of ten.Name Achievement Age Job Gina Started writing music4 pianistJill Started playing sports10 Soccer player板书设计Unit 9 when was he born?When was he born?How dong did he hiccup?When did he start hiccupping?教学反思


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