无侧隙双滚子包络环面蜗杆传动的啮合性能分析 (1)

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无侧隙双滚子包络环面蜗杆传动的啮合性能分析 (1)_第1页
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《无侧隙双滚子包络环面蜗杆传动的啮合性能分析 (1)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《无侧隙双滚子包络环面蜗杆传动的啮合性能分析 (1)(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、cI|:1004- 2539(2009)06- 0012- 04#O0.Y?s(v1, null+null 610039) nullnull:nullnullBK1null 基于空间啮合原理,建立了无侧隙双滚子包络环面蜗杆传动的啮合方程a接触线方程以及蜗杆的齿面方程,推导了该传动的诱导法曲率a自转角a润滑角及相对卷吸速度公式b基于MATALB开发了传动的啮合性能分析系统,分析了无侧隙双滚子包络环面蜗杆传动的滚柱半径a蜗杆喉径系数a滚柱偏距和齿周角等参数对传动啮合性能参数的影响b1oMnull 无侧隙null 双滚子null 环面蜗杆null 啮合分析0null.Xa.1v#.+7.#zd 0.

2、 2,k19F,M9vbk1= 0. 1H,Y85null,9,NH9l,4.YMATLAB7M.:0,2006:25- 36.l:20081225:SE1S(50775190)Te:(1983- ),o,2g,V31533null6null null null null null null null null null null#O0.Y?snull null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null nullABSTRACTS & KEY WORDSJOURNAL OF MECHANICAL

3、TRANSMISSION Vol. 33. No. 6, 2009Research on Curvature of Tooth Flank of Gleason SpiralBevel Gears LiDawei, Su Zhijian(1)nullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullAbstract null According to spiral bevel gear machining process,thediscrete pointsnull three- dimensional coordinates of Gleasonspiral bevelgear

4、toothsurfaceis calculatedthrough themethodofcomputer simulation. A unified mathematical model is obtainedthrough the NURBS Parametric surface fitting to different toothsurfacesnull coordinatespoints. Onthisbasis,thecurvatureoftoothsurfaces of various types of Gleason spiral bevel gear is renullsearc

5、hed and the mean curvature diagram is drew. Meanwhilethelation between the adjustment of processing parameters andthechangeoftoothsurfacesnull mean curvatureisstudied. As arenullsult, thetheoretical foundation for the error- correction of toothflank basedontooth surfacenull s curvaturemap is establi

6、shed.Key words: null Spiral bevel gear null NURBS null Curvature diagramnull Error- correction of tooth flankStability Analysis of Flapping- wing Mechanism with Bearnulling ClearanceDaiYuanyuan, Wang Dayan, XieJin, ChenYong(5)nullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnu

7、llAbstract null Basedonthemerits and demeritsofmethods used inthestability analysis, Floquet- Lyapunov theory is employed toanalyze the stability oftheflapping- wingmechanismwith bearnulling clearance. The dynamic equation of motion for the mechanullnism is established by continuous contacting model

8、. The resultsshow that the periodic motion of the flapping- wing mechanismwill be unstable when the clearance is larger than a certainvalue.Key words: null Flapping- wing mechanism null Clearance null Flonullquet- Lyapunovtheorynull StabilityStudy on Fault - tolerant Reconfiguration Planning Apnullp

9、roach for Mechanical System Faults of Hybrid MachineTools Li Dengjing, Fan Shouwen, Ji Pengsheng(8)nullnullnullnullAbstract null A novel hybrid machinetool(HMT) with mechanicalsystem reconfigurableabilityispresent, fault- tolerant reconfignulluration strategies forHMTs are studied, a novel fault- to

10、lerantreconfiguration approach for mechanical system faults of hybridmachinetools is proposed based on mechanism type transformanulltion, implementation strategyfor spherical joints transforming innulltohuke joints is given. Inverse displacement analysis algorithmsarededuced for both fault andnon- f

11、ault statusofHMTs, simunulllation analysis and research are conducted based on ADAMSdesktop, self- rotation angle curveas wellas joint spacetrajecnulltory curvesforbeforeand afterreconfigurationareobtained, simnullulation results show that thesafetyand reliabilityofHMTscan beenhanced utilizing there

12、configuration characteristics of mechaninullcal system.Key words: null Fault- tolerant null Reconfiguration null Hybrid manullchinetoolnull ReliabilityMeshing Analysis of Non- backlash Double Roller Envelopnulling Hourglass Worm GearingWang Kai, Wang Jinge, Deng Xingqiao(12)nullnullnullnullnullnulln

13、ullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullAbstract null Based on the space engagement theory, themeshingfunction of thenon- backlash hourglassworm gearing, thetoothsurface equations of worm and the contacting line equation ofworm gearareestablished. Theformulas of induced normal curnullvature, lubricat

14、ion angle, relativeentrainment velocityand rotanulltion angle of thenon- backlash hourglass worm gearing are denullrived. Themeshing analysis system of thenon- backlash hournullglassworm gearing is developed based on MATLAB. Theradiusof the rollers, laryngeal quotient of worm and offset distance oft

15、he rollers to influence on the parameters of the transmissionmeshingperformanceareanalyzed.Key words: null Non- backlash null Doubleroller null Hourglass wormnull Meshing analysisResearch on the Technology of Constructing Unified BOMbased on the Process XueZhandong, Zhang Zhenming,nullnullTian Xitian, Geng Junhao, LiZhouyang(16)Abstract null Accordingto analyzing process ho



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