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1、1國中 英語科 考試卷 _年 _班 座號:_ 姓名:_一、完成句子1. Have / Gina / cut the apples / yet答案Has Gina cut the apples yet?詳解:第三人稱完成式助動詞用 Has,後面的動詞要用過去分詞表示完成式,cut 的過去分詞為 cut。2. Kate / has / stay / Italy / six days答案Kate has stayed in Italy for six days.詳解:has 為助動詞,後面的動詞要用過去分詞表示完成式,stay 的過去分詞為 stayed。for一段時間常與完成式連用。3. They

2、 / have / beat the eggs / add some flour答案They have beaten the eggs and added some flour.詳解:have 為助動詞,後面的動詞要用過去分詞表示完成式,beat 的過去分詞為 beaten,add 的過去分詞為 added。4. My friends / like / share / their stories / me答案My friends like to share their stories with me.詳解:share物with 人表示與分享 。5. Have / you / ever / he

3、ar of / his name?答案Have you ever heard of his name?詳解:Have 為助動詞,後面的動詞要用過去分詞表示完成式,hear 的過去分詞為 heard。ever 表示曾經,用於疑問句。6. the taste / the century egg / surprising / Jamie答案The taste of the century egg is surprising to Jamie.詳解:事物be 動詞現在分詞 to人。7. play / drums / interest / to / Greg isinterested in playin

4、g the drums .答案Playing the drums is interesting to Greg.詳解:事物be 動詞現在分詞 to人。8. How long / have / Rick / bake / the dough?答案How long has Rick baked the dough?詳解:主詞為第三人稱,現在完成式的助動詞用 has。bake 的過去分詞為 baked。9. Mr. Li / have / go through / worst part / his life答案Mr. Li has gone through the worst part of his

5、 life.詳解:主詞為第三人稱,現在完成式的助動詞用 has。go 的過去分詞為 gone。10. My classmates / have / be / Taichung答案My classmates have been to Taichung.詳解:have 為助動詞,後面的動詞要用過去分詞表示完成式,be 的過去分詞為 been。have been to地方表示曾經去過。11. the trip / the USA / exciting / Becky2答案The trip to the USA is exciting to Becky.詳解:事物be 動詞現在分詞 to人。12. M

6、ark / be / scare / spiders / before答案Mark was scared of spiders before.詳解:人be 動詞過去分詞介系詞事物。13. those boys / feel / interest / play / soccer答案Those boys felt interested in playing soccer.詳解:人be 動詞過去分詞介系詞事物。14. Mrs. Hu / said / that / she / a cheerleader / before答案Mrs. Hu said that she was a cheerleade

7、r before.詳解:that 用來引導名詞子句。15. Andy / think / that / the / movie / interest答案Andy thinks that the movie is interesting.詳解:that 用來引導名詞子句。16. David / never / be / museum / has / he答案David has never been to a museum, has he?詳解:直述句為否定,用肯定附加問句。17. Terry / not / catch / cold / did / he答案Terry didnt catch a

8、 cold, did he? 詳解:直述句為否定,用肯定附加問句。18. Paul / Doris / husband / wife / not / they答案Paul and Doris are husband and wife, arent they?詳解:直述句為肯定,用否定附加問句。19. Vivian / not / study / yesterday / did / she答案Vivian didnt study yesterday, did she?詳解:直述句為否定,用肯定附加問句。20. George / will / clean / his / room / not /

9、he答案George will clean his room, wont he?詳解:直述句為肯定,用否定附加問句。21. Oliver / believe / that / Popeye / can / save / her答案Oliver believes that Popeye can save her.詳解:that 用來引導名詞子句。22. peel / lemons / will / you答案Peel the lemons, will you?詳解:祈使句的附加問句應為 will you。23. lets / join / beach cleanup / shall / we3答

10、案Lets join the beach cleanup, shall we?詳解:Lets 為首的祈使句,附加問句應為 shall we。24. Andy / like / not only / swim / but also / jog答案Andy likes not only swimming but also jogging.詳解:not only but also 連接兩個詞性相同的詞組。25. not / touch / dog / its / head答案Dont touch the dog on its head.詳解:touch on摸的某部位。26. animals / p

11、art of / nature / just / like / we答案Animals are part of nature just like us.詳解:like 為介系詞,之後的受詞須用受格,故 we 須改為 us。27. businessman / start / care / his / health答案The businessman started to care about his health.詳解:start toV,表示開始做;care about 表示關心。28. our / ocean / be / face / greatest / dangers / history

12、答案Our oceans are facing the greatest dangers in history.詳解:面臨危機的海洋不只一個,須用複數,所以 be 動詞用 are。歷史上的片語用 in history。29. overfishing / have / cause / much / lower / number / sea animals答案Overfishing has caused a much lower number of sea animals.詳解:動名詞當主詞視為單數,所以助動詞 have 須改為 has。has 為助動詞,所以 cause 須用過去分詞 cause

13、d。30. there / used to / a lot / rain / here答案There used to be a lot of rain here.詳解:used to 之後須接原形動詞,a lot of rain 為名詞,故須用 be 動詞的原形 be。二、整句式翻譯1. 這間餐廳已經受歡迎很多年了。答案This restaurant has been popular for many years.詳解:have beenfor一段時間表示已經有(一段時間)。2. Jimmy 已經經歷過許多恐怖的事情。答案Jimmy has gone though many terrible things.詳解:go though 表示經歷。3. 我的父母曾經去過美國一次。答案My parents have been to the USA once.詳解:have been to地方表示曾經去過某地方。4. Jason 將一張紙對摺。4答案Jason folded a piece of paper.詳解:fold(對摺);paper 為不可數名詞,須用數量計量詞 piece。5. 我媽媽已經烤麵糰烤了三十分鐘。答案My mom has (already) baked the dough for thir



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