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1、 福建省莆田市仙游县第三教学片区2021-2021学年八年级上学期英语A普通班期末考试试卷一、b 单选题/b1. (2016八上仙游期末)Does he like playing _soccer or playing _guitar?A . the, /B . /, /C . /, the2. (2016八上仙游期末)Look! There is a cat, two _ and four _ in the picture.A . cow; sheepB . sheep; hensC . gooses; snake3. (2016八上仙游期末)I was doing my homework _

2、 my father was reading newspapers.A . howB . whileC . if4. (2016八上仙游期末)There _ two football matches here tomorrow.A . are going to beB . areC . is going to be5. (2016八上仙游期末)May I _your bike?Yes ,but you cant _it to others.A . borrow ,lendB . borrow, borrowC . buy, borrow6. (2016八上仙游期末)You must stop

3、_. My father is sleeping.A . talkB . talkingC . to talk7. (2016八上仙游期末)Would you mind _ in the classroom?Sorry, I wont do that again.A . not runningB . dont runC . not to run8. (2016八上仙游期末)Must I go to see a doctor when we have a cold?No, you _.A . dontB . needntC . cant9. (2016八上仙游期末)_ bad the weath

4、er is!A . WhatB . How aC . How10. (2016八上仙游期末)Which is _, the sun, the moon or the earth?Of course the sun.A . smallerB . the smallestC . the biggest11. (2016八上仙游期末)_ do you have a sports meet at your school?Once a year.A . How soonB . How oftenC . How long12. (2016八上仙游期末)How many students are there

5、 in your school?_ students, I think.A . Thousand ofB . Three thousandsC . Three thousand13. (2016八上仙游期末) Do you often get online?Yes, I_ lots of time on it. Its a good way to kill(消磨) time.A . hadB . spendC . take14. (2016八上仙游期末)Which is _of the two girls?A . the tallestB . the tallerC . taller15. (

6、2016八上仙游期末)Do you have _ to say today?No, nothing.A . something importantB . important somethingC . anything important二、b 完型填空/b16. (2016八上仙游期末)阅读下面短文然后从各题所给的三个选项中选出最佳选项。 Helens favorite food is chocolate. Her parents and teacher often say that its_1_for her teeth to eat too much chocolate. But she

7、doesnt believe it. She often puts some chocolate in the milk for breakfast, the juice_2_lunch, even the soup for supper. Her mother has to_3_some chocolate in her bag before she goes to school. Sometimes when her mother goes shopping with her, Helen wont leave the shop_4_her mother buys some chocola

8、te for her. The little girl_5_back from school with a painful(痛苦的) look yesterday afternoon. A tooth hurt and she had nothing. Her mother made some soup for her. But she put some chocolate in it. Her father bought some_6_for her, but she put some chocolate in it, too. Of course it was useless._7_the

9、 next morning her mother took her to see the_8_.The dentist saw there was a cavity(洞) in her bad tooth .So he had to fill(填充)it with something. “Now, young girl,” said the dentist , “What kind of filling(填充物) would you like for that tooth ?” “_9_, please,” answered Helen. The dentist and Helens moth

10、er both laughed. The dentist asked Helen to eat fresh fruit and vegetables_10_chocolate. And its necessary for Helen to have healthy eating habits. (1)A . goodB . badC . well(2)A . forB . withC . at(3)A . getB . putC . buy(4)A . whenB . ifC . until(5)A . goB . cameC . returned(6)A . medicinesB . pil

11、lsC . medicine(7)A . ButB . SoC . And(8)A . doctorB . nurseC . dentist(9)A . ChocolateB . MilkC . Fruit(10)A . insteadB . butC . instead of三、b 阅读理解/b17. (2016八上仙游期末)阅读理解 New York, London, Paris and other big cities are exciting places to live in. There are many interesting things to see and to do in

12、 big cities. You can go to different kinds of theaters to see plays and films. You can also go shopping to buy things from all over the world. But there are more serious problems in big cities, too. The cost of living is high and there are too many people in big cities. Every year many people move t

13、o the cities because there are more chances to find work, to study at good schools and to receive good medical care(医疗). But sometimes these people cant find work or a good place to live in. Also too many people in such a small place make it hard to keep the cities safe and clean. Some people enjoy

14、living in big cities, but others dont. When people move to big cities, they should think about the problems of living there.阅读短文,根据短文内容判断下列句子的正误。(1)There are many interesting things to see and to do in big cities.(2)You can enjoy plays and films in different schools.(3)The cost of living isnt high and there are too many people in big cities.(4)People move to the cities because there are more chances to find work, to study at good schools and to receive good medical care.(5)All people enjoy living in big cities.18. (2016八上仙游期末)阅读理解 Li Ming is a twelve-year-old boy. H


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