人教版英语五年级上册《Unit 1 Part B 第一课时》课件

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1、,人教PEP版英语五年级上册,Unit 1 Whats he like?,Lets try and Lets talk,Part B,Lets chant: My teachers,What is Ms Wang like?,quiet friendly funny,Ms Wang is a new teacher here. Listen and tick.,Ms (用于女子的姓氏或姓名前,不指明婚否)女士,Man: Whos that woman? Woman: Thats Ms Wang. Shes a new teacher here. Man: Whats she like? Wom

2、an: Shes very friendly.,听力原文:,Chen Jie and John are talking about their new Chinese teacher.,Watch and answer.,1. Who is she?,2.Whats she like?,Ms Wang.,Shes kind. Sometimes shes strict.,sometimes 有时;间或,Chen Jie: Hey, Ms Wang will be our new Chinese teacher. John: Really? Whats she like? Chen Jie: S

3、hes kind. John: Is she strict? Chen Jie: Yes, sometimes. John: Do you know her? Chen Jie: Yes. Shes my mother! John: Haha. Cool!,Listen and read after it.,1. Whats she like? Shes kind.,【详解】这是询问某人体貌特征或性格特点及回答的句型。Whats 是what is 的缩写形式,like在这里作介词,意为“像”。 句型结构: What+be动词+名词/代词+like? 回答:名词/代词+be动词+表示体貌特征或性

4、格特点的形容词.,e.g. Whats he like? He is tall and strong.,【拓展】询问某人的体貌特征还可以用“What does/do look like?”。 e.g. What does Lisa look like? Shes short and thin.,2. Hey, Ms Wang will be our new Chinese teacher.,【详解】这是表达将要发生的事情的句型。will表示将来的动作或 状态,意为“将要”。be为is, am, are的原形。 句型结构:主语 + will + 动词原形 + 其他.,e.g. It will b

5、e rainy tomorrow. We will go to the park this weekend.,两者都可表示将要发生的事。但区别如下:,【辨析】will 和be going to,1. be going to表示近期、眼下就要发生的事情,而will 表示的将来时间则较远一些。,e.g. He is going to write a letter tonight. He will write a book one day.,3. be going to 含有“计划;准备”的意思,而will则没有这个意思。,2. be going to表示主观判断将要发生的事情,will表示客观上将

6、来势必发生的事情。,e.g. There are many dark clouds in the sky. Its going to rain. He will be twenty years old.,e.g. She is going to lend us her book. He will be here in half an hour.,Chen Jie: Hey, Ms Wang will be our new Chinese teacher. John: Really? Whats she like? Chen Jie: Shes kind. John: Is she strict

7、? Chen Jie: Yes, sometimes. John: Do you know her? Chen Jie: Yes. Shes my mother! John: Haha. Cool!,1. Read the text freely.,2. Role play the dialogue in groups.,Chen Jie: Hey, _ will be our new Chinese teacher. John: Really? _? Chen Jie: Shes _. John: Is she _? Chen Jie: Yes, _. John: Do you know h

8、er? Chen Jie: Yes. Shes my mother! John: Haha. Cool!,Fill in the blanks.,Ms Wang,Whats she like,kind,strict,sometimes,What are your teachers/friends like? Talk with your partner.,funny,kind,quiet,strict,nice,friendly,Whats Chen Jie like?,Shes quiet.,funny,young,kind,strict,friendly,quiet,A: What is

9、like?,Practice in pairs.,B: Shes/Hes ,Miss Liu,Mr Wu,A: Whats Li Yingjie like? B: Shes quiet. Whats Liu Yun like? A: Shes kind.,Say and act.,(二人一组,手指本班教室里在座的某位同学进行对话,最后评出优胜小组。),For example:,一、给句子选择图片。,( ) 1. Whats Ma Li like? Shes quiet. ( ) 2. Whats the clown(小丑) like? Hes funny. ( ) 3. Whats Mr Ch

10、en like? Hes strict.,A.,B.,C.,C,A,B,二、读问句,选答语。,( ) 1. Whats Miss Tian like? A. Yes, she is. ( ) 2. Whats Mr Sun like? B. Yes, hes my dad. ( ) 3. Is your mum kind? C. Shes quiet. ( ) 4. Is your brother funny? D. Hes strict. ( ) 5. Do you know him? E. No, he isnt. Hes nice.,C,D,A,E,B,三、情景选择。,( ) 1. 你想

11、了解王丽什么样,你可以问:_ A. Whats Wang Li like? B. How old is Wang Li? ( ) 2. 你想表达高先生将要成为我们的科学老师,你可以说: _ A. Mr Gao is our science teacher. B. Mr Gao will be our science teacher.,A,B,七彩课堂 伴你成长,1. 学习了下列单词:Ms, will, sometimes。 2. 学习了询问他人外貌及性格特点问答的句型: Whats she like? Shes . 3.学习了含有will be的句型及will和be going to的区别。,七彩课堂 伴你成长,听录音跟读Lets talk 部分对话。,one,two,完成同步练习。,



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